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Basic OWL Restrictions. An owl:Restriction is an owl:Class defined by describing conditions on the individuals it contains This is the basis for extension of models If we can describe a set of individuals in terms of known classes, we can use that description to define a new class
Basic OWLRestrictions • An owl:Restriction is an owl:Class defined by describing conditions on the individuals it contains • This is the basis for extension of models • If we can describe a set of individuals in terms of known classes, we can use that description to define a new class • The new class in turn can be used to describe individuals in a yet newer class • And so on
Example: Questions and Answers • Running example: managing questions, as for a questionnaire or (when correct answers provided) a quiz • Questions and answers both include string data • Selection of an answer to a question may preclude posing certain following questions • Use namespace q: for elements relating to questionnaires in general • Use d: for elements of the particular example questionnaire
The basic schema for the questionnaire @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix q: <http://www.aboutq.org/vocabulary#> . q:Answer a owl:Class . q:Question a owl:Class . q:optionOf a owl:ObjectProperty; rdfs:domain q:Answer; rdfs:range q:Question; owl:inverseOf q:hasOption . q:hasOption a owl:ObjectProperty . q:answerText a owl:DatatypeProperty; rdfs:domain q:Answer; rdfs:range xsd:string . q:questionText a owl:FunctionalProperty, owl:DatatypeProperty; rdfs:domain q:Question; rdfs:range xsd:string .
Consider a questionnaire that’s part of the screening for the helpdesk of a cable TV and Internet provider Question: What system are you having trouble with? • Possible answers (3): Cable TV, High-Speed Internet, Both Question: What TV symptom(s) are you seeing? • Possible answers (4): No Picture, No Sound, Tiling, Bad Reception
@prefix d: <http://www.fredservice.org/helpdesk#> . d:WhatProblem a q:Question; q:hasOption d:STV, d:SInternet, d:SBoth; q:questionText "What system are you having trouble with?" . d:STV a q:Answer; q:answerText "Cable TV" . d:SInternet a q:Answer; q:answerText "High-speed Internet" . d:SBoth a q:Answer; q:answerText "Both" . d:TVsymptom a q:Question; q:questionText "What TV symptoms are you having?"; q:hasOption d:TVSnothing, d:TVSnosound, d:TVStiling, d:TVSreception . d:TVSnothing a q:Answer; q:answerText "No Picture" . d:TVSnosound a q:Answer ; q:answerText "No Sound" . d:TVStiling a q:Answer; q:answerText "Tiling" .
Consider how we’d record answers to the questions • Define subproperty q:hasSelectedOption of q:hasOption q:hasSelectedOption a owl:ObjectProperty; rdfs:subPropertyOf q:hasOption . • When the user answers a question, a triple is entered to indicate the option selected • E.g., if the user selects “Cable TV” for question d:WhatProblem, we add to the store d:WhatProblem q:hasSelectedOption d:STV . • No need to remove any triple from the store • The original q:hasOption relationship between d:whatProblem and d:STV still holds
Adding Restrictions • The OWL construct for creating class descriptions based on descriptions of prospective class members is owl:Restriction • A subclass of owl:Class • Defined by a description of its members in terms of existing properties and classes • The class of all things, owl:Thing is unrestricted—see the AAA slogan • Define a owl:Restriction with a description restricting the kinds of things that can be said about class members • E.g., given property :orbitsAround, can say anything :orbitsAround anything else • Restricting the value of :orbitsAround by saying its object must be :TheSun defines the class of all things orbiting around the sun
Three of the restrictions are owl:allValuesFrom, owl:someValuesFrom, owl:hasValue • Keyword owl:onProperty specifies the property used in the definition of the restriction class • E.g., for the restriction defining the objects orbiting around the sun, use owl:onProperty orbitsAround • Membership in a restriction class must satisfy the conditions given by the kind of restriction and the owl:onProperty specification
owl:someValuesFrom • owl:someValuesFrom produces a restriction of the form “All individuals for which at least 1 value of property P comes from class C” • E.g., define a class for all-star players as “All individuals for which at least 1 value of property :playsFor comes from class :AllStarTeam” [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :playsFor; owl:someValuesFrom :AllStarTeam] • The subject of all 3 triples here is a bnode—something is a restriction class defined on property :playsFor requiring … • There’s no name for the restriction class (yet)—it’s an “unnamed class” • If an individual actually has some value from class :AllStarTeam for property :playsFor, then it’s in this restriction class
Example: Answered Questions • Recall • property q:hasOption (relating a question to an answer option) and • its subproperty q:hasSelectedOption (those answers selected) • Now address the problem of selecting which question to ask • Usually don’t ask a question for which we already have an answer • An answered question is one with some value from class q:Answer for property q:hasSelectedOption q:AnweredQuestion owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty q:hasSelectedOption; owl:someValueFrom q:Anwer] .
Given the asserted triples d:WhatProblem q:hasSelectedOption d:STV . d:STV a Answer . individual d:WhatProblem satisfies the conditions of the restriction class so is a member of class q:AnsweredQuestion • The inference is: Given d:WhatProblem a [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty q:hasSeelctedOption; owl:someValueFrom q:Anwer] . • by the semantics of owl:equivalentClass infer d:WhatProblem a AnsweredQuestion
owl:allValuesFrom • owl:allValuesFrom produces a restriction class of the form “the individuals for which all values of property P come from class C” [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty P; owl:allValuesFrom C] • If individual x is a member of this restriction, then every value of property P for x is inferred to be in class C
E.g., suppose :myFavoriteAllStarTeam (a member of class :BaseballTeam) is a member of [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :hasPlayer; owl:allValuesFrom :StarPlayer] • Then every player on :MyFavoriteAllStarTeam is a :StarPlayer • E.g., suppose further that we have the triples :MyFavoriteAllStarTeam :hasPlayer :Gonzales . :MyFavoriteAllStarTeam :hasPlayer :Kaneda . • Then both :Kaneda and :Gonzales are of type :StarPlayer
owl:someValueFrom is defined as a restriction class such that there’s at least 1 member of a class with a given property • So it implies there is such a member • owl:allValuesFrom technically means “if there are any members of the class, then they all must have the property” • This doesn’t imply that there are any members
Example: Question Dependencies • For our questionnaire, we ask certain questions only after particular answers are given • First define the class of all selected answers based on the q:hasSelectedOption property • Define a class for the selected answers and ensure that any option that’s been selected appears in the class q:SelectedAnswer a owl:Class; rdfs:subClassOf q:Answer . q:hasSelectedOption rdfs:range q:SelectedAnswer . • Introduce class q:EnabledQuestion of questions that can be asked (after selected answers have been given) q:EnabledQuestion a owl:Class .
An answer enables a question (property q:enablesCandidate) if selecting that answer causes the system to consider that question as a candidate for the next question asked q:enablesCandidate a owl:ObjectProperty; rdfs:domain q:Answer; rdfs:range q:Question . • E.g., ask a question about TV problems only if the answer to the 1st question indicates such a problem d:STV q:enablesCandidate d:TVsymptom . d:SBoth q:enablesCandidate d:TVsymptom .
An answer in the following restriction class has all the questions it enables enabled [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty q:enablesCandidate; owl:allValuesFrom q:EnabledQuestion] • Any member of q:SelectedAnswer should also be a member of this restriction class q:SelectedAnswer rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty q:enablesCandidate; owl:allValuesFrom q:EnabledQuestion]
Follow out an example • When the user selects answer “Cable TV” for the first question, we assert d:STV a q:SlectedAnswer . • Because of the subclass relation, d:STV is also in the restriction class d:STV a [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty q:enablesCandidate; owl:allValuesFrom q:EnabledQuestion] • For any answer x that’s a member of this restriction, any question related to x by q:enablesCandidate must be a member of q:EnabledQuestion • Since d:STV q:enablesCandidate d:TVsymptom . we infer d:TVsymptom a q:EnabledQuestion . • Note that we also have d:SBoth q:enablesCandidate d:TVsymptom .
Summarizes a restriction using keywords all, some, and hasValue to indicate restriction types • The restriction property appears before the keyword • The target class (or, for owl:hasValue, individual) appears after the keyword • See Figure 4 • Restrictions are shown here using the Manchester syntax q:enablesCabdidate all q:EnabledQuestion
If we extend the example with another question about Internet symptoms d:InternetSymptoms, we express all dependencies as d:STV q:enablesCandidate d:TVsymptom . d:SBoth q:enablesCandidate d:TVsymptom . d:SBoth q:enablesCandidate d:Internetsymptom . d:SInternet q:enablesCandidate d:Internetsymptom .
Example: Prerequisites • We’ve supposed that answering one question makes all dependent questions eligible • Questions are also related as prerequisites • All a question’s prerequisites must be answered appropriately for it to be eligible • Triples defining part of a questionnaire d:NeighborsToo a q:Question; q:hasOption d:NTY, d:NTN, d:NTDK; q:QuestionText "Are other customers in your building also experiencing problems?" . d:NTY a q:Answer; q:answerText "Yes, my neighbors are experiencing the same problem." . d:NTN a q:Answer; q:answerText "No, my neighbors are not experiencing the same problem." . d:NTDK a q:Answer; q:answerText "I don’t know." .
Asking this question depends on the answers to the following • Answer to the 1st (d:othersinbuilding) should be d:OYes and to the 2nd (d:whatissue) should be d:PTech d:othersinbuilding a q:Question; q:hasOption d:ONo, d:OYes; q:questionText "Do you live in a multi-unit dwelling with other customers?" . d:OYes a q:Answer; q:answerText "Yes." . d:ONo a q:Answer; q:answerText "No." . Continued
d:whatIssue a q:Question; q:hasOption d:PBilling, d:Pnew, d:PCancel, d:PTech; q:questionText "What can customer service help you with today?" . d:PBilling a q:Answer; q:answerText "Billing question" . d:PNew a q:Answer; q:answerText "New account" . d:PCancel a q:Answer; q:answerText "Cancel account" . d:PTech a q:Answer; q:answerText "Technical difficulty" . • See Fig. 6 for a graphical version
Challenge 22 • Model the relationship between d:NeighborsToo, d:whatIssue, d:othersinbuilding So we ask d:NeighborsToo only when we have appropriate answers to the other 2 • Introduce a property to relate a question to its prerequisites q:hasPrerequisite a rdf:Property; rdfs:domain q:Question; rdfs:range q:Answer . • Indicate the relationship between questions using this d:NeighborsToo q:hasPrerequisite d:PTech, d:OYes . • See Figure 7
Now say that we infer something is a d:EnabledQuestion if all its prerequisite answers are selected • First assert [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty q:hasPrerequisite; owl:allValuesFrom q:SelectedAnswer] rdfs:subClassOf q:EnabledQuestion . • For individual x to satisfy this restriction, every time there’s a triple x q:hasPrerequisite y . y must be a member of d:SelectedAnswer
But, by the Open World Assumption, we don’t know whether there’s another triple of this form where y isn’t in d:SelectedAnswer • The rest of this challenge must wait until we discuss the ways we can (partially) close the world in OWL • Basic idea: If we can say how many prereqs a question has, then we’ll know when all have been selected
owl:hasValue • The 3rd kind of restriction is owl:hasValue • Produces a restriction of the form “All individuals having value A for property P” [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty P; owl:hasValue A] • A special case of the owl:someValuesFrom restriction where class C is singleton set {A} • Distinguished since it’s a common and useful modeling form • Turns a description of a specific instance into a class description • E.g., can define • “The set of all planets orbiting the sun” • “The set of all baseball teams in Japan”
Example: Priority Questions • We assign priority levels to our questions • First define a class of priority levels and the individual levels q:PriorityLevel a owl:Class . q:High a q:PrioirtyLevel . q:Medium a q:PrioirtyLevel . q:Low a q:PrioirtyLevel . • Then define a property for the priority level (e.g., of a question) q:hasPriority a rdf:Property; rdfs:range q:PriorityLevel . • Don’t give a domain—things other than questions have priorities
Now define the class of high-priority items q:HighPriorityItem owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty q:hasPriority; owl:hasValue q:High] . • Since we’ve used owl:equivalentClass, we’ve effectively named this restriction class
Do the same with medium and low priority classes q:MediumPriorityItem owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty q:hasPriority; owl:hasValue q:Medium] . q:LowPriorityItem owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty q:hasPriority; owl:hasValue q:Low] .
Suppose we assert the priority levels of some questions d:WhatProblem q:hasPritority q:High . d:InternetSymptom q:hasPriority q:Low . Can infer d:whatProblem a q:HighPriorityItem . d:InternetSymptom a q:LowPriorityItem . • Can draw inferences in the other direction too • E.g., suppose we assert d:TVsymptom a q:HighPriorityItem . • By the semantics of owl:equivalentClass, infer that d:TVsymptom is a member of the restriction class and bound by its stipulations • So infer d:TVsymptom q:hasPriority q:High .
Challenge ProblemsChallenge: Local Restriction of Ranges • Saw rdfs:domain and rdfs:range to classify data according to use • In more elaborate modeling situations, finer granularity of domain and range inferences are needed • E.g., describing a vegetarian diet :Person a owl:Class . :Food a owl:Class . :eats rdfs:domain :Person . :eats rdfs:range :Food . • Instance data :Maverick :eats :Steak .
From this schema and instance, infer :Maverick a :Person . :Steak a :Food . • Define a variety of diets in more detail • E.g., a kind of person, :Vegetarian, who eats a particular kind of food, :Vegetarian food :Vegetarian a owl:Class; rdfs:subClassOf :Person . :VegetarianFood a owl:Class; rdfs:subClassOf :Food .
Suppose also :Jen a :Vegetarian; :eats :Marzipan . • We’d like to be able to infer :Marzipan a :VegetarianFood . but not make the corresponding inference for Maverick’s steak
Challenge 23 • If we assert :eats rdfs:domain :Vegetarian . :eats rdfs:range :VegetarianFood . could make the unwanted inferences to :Maverick a :Vegetarian . :Steak a :VegetarianFood . • Correctly model the relationship between vegetarians and vegetarian food
Solution • Define the set of things that eat only :VegetarianFood using a owl:allValuesFrom restriction • Then assert, using owl:subClassOf, that any :Vegetarian satisfies this condition :Vegetarian rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :eats; owl:allValuesFrom :VegetarianFood] .
Then, since :Jen a :Vegetarian . infer :Jen a [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty :eats; owl:allValuesFrom :VegetarianFood] . • Combined with :Jen :eats :Marzipan . infer :Marzipan a :VegetarianFood . • There’s no stated relationship between :Maverick and :Vegetarian • Nothing on which to base an inference • See Figure 9
Challenge: Filtering Data Bases on Explicit Type • We’ve seen how tabular data can be used in RDF • Each row is an individual • Column names are properties • Values in the table are values • See table 1 (repeated from earlier)
Each individual has the same type, mfg:Product, from the name of the table
Limited number of possible values, known in advance, for “Product Line” field: “Paper machine”, “Feedback line”, “Safety valve”, etc. • A more elaborate way to import this info is to • still have one individual per table row but • have rows with different types depending on value of Product Line column • E.g., mfg:Product1 rdf:type ns:Paper_machine . mfg:Product1 rdf:type ns:Feedback_line . mfg:Product1 rdf:type ns:Monitor . mfg:Product1 rdf:type ns:SafetyValue . • With a single method for importing tables, all rows become individuals of the same type • A software intensive solution is to write a more elaborate import mechanism • Lets a user specify which column specifies the type • A model-based solution uses an OWL model and an inference engine
Challenge 24 • Build an OWL model letting us infer type info from each individual, based on the value in the “Product Line” field • Use just the simple imported triples seen earlier Solution • The classes for the rows are already known ns:Paper_Machine rdf:type owl:Class . ns:Feedback_Line rdf:type owl:Class . ns:Active_Sensor rdf:type owl:Class . ns:Monitor rdf:type owl:Class . ns:Safety_Valve rdf:type owl:Class .
Now the class constructors ns:Paper_Machine owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty mfg:Product_Product_Line; owl:hasValue "Paper machine"] . ns:Feedback_Line owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty mfg:Product_Product_Line; owl:hasValue "Feedback line"] . ns:Active_Sensor owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty mfg:Product_Product_Line; owl:hasValue "Active sensor"] .
ns:Monitor owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty mfg:Product_Product_Line; owl:hasValue "Monitor"] . ns:Safety_Valve owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty mfg:Product_Product_Line; owl:hasValue "Safety_Valve"] .
For inferences, consider mfg:Product1 (“ZX-3”) • The following triple has been imported from the table mfg:Product1 mfg:Product_Product_Line "Paper machine" . • So mfg:Product1 satisfies the condition on the restriction for Paper_Machine, so can infer mfg:Product1 rdf:type [ owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty mfg:Product_Product_Line; owl:hasValue "Paper machine"] . • By the semantics for owl:equivalentClass, infer mfg:Product1 rdf:type mns:Paper_Machine .
And the definition maintains coherence of the date even from new source • E.g., suppose a new product is defined with os:ProductA a mfg:Paper_Machine . • The semantics of owl:euivalentClass means that all members of mfg:Paper_Machine are also members of the restriction, so os:ProductA a [ a owl:Restriction; owl:Restriction; owl:onProperty mfg:Product_Product_Line; owl:hasValue "Paper machine"] . • By the semantics of the restriction, infer os:ProductA mfg:Product_Product_Line "Paper Machine" . • Regardless of how product info is brought into the system, it’s represented consistently in terms of both rdf:type and mfg:Product_Product_line
Challenge: Relationship Transfer in SKOS • When mapping from one model to another, often say something of the form “Everything related to A by property p should also be related to B by property q” • E.g., “Everyone who plays for the All Star team is governed by the league’s contract” “Every work in the Collected Works of Shakespeare was written by Shakespeare” • This kind of mapping is relationship transfer: transfer individuals in a relationship with one entity to another relationship with another entity