Space Mines You are standing on the edge of a space mine field. There is one safe path through the grid - you have to find it and get to the other side. You can move forward, backward and diagonally one step at a time. The first step is somewhere on the first row of the grid. Each member of your patrol takes turns until they hit a mine, and then the next person starts back at the beginning again. The patrol who can do it the fastest will earn the points.
Rocket Launch Using the materials provided, launch a rocket and make it travel the furthest possible distance. You have three attempts. Points will be give the further away your rockets lands.
Space Capsule The heavier things are, the harder they are to transport into space, so the smaller things are, the better. Using the jar provided, fit items in it that represent the A – Z of your patrol and explain them all to a guider. Points will be give for every letter included.
Far Away, So Close Things look a lot different depending on how near or how far away you are to them. Using the digital camera take 5 pictures of something in the cottage from an usual angle or up close. There must be at least some detail in the photo – not just a close up of the wall! You will get points if no other patrol can guess what it is.