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Open Source Analytics Visualization and Predictive Modeling of Big Data with R

Open Source Analytics Visualization and Predictive Modeling of Big Data with R. Michael E. Driscoll, Ph.D. July 22, 2009 OSCON. “Hard-working Middle Class” Hypothesis. (from Jessica Hagy’s thisisindexed.com). Munge & Model OECD Data.

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Open Source Analytics Visualization and Predictive Modeling of Big Data with R

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Open Source AnalyticsVisualization and Predictive Modeling of Big Data with R Michael E. Driscoll, Ph.D. July 22, 2009 OSCON

  2. “Hard-working Middle Class” Hypothesis (from Jessica Hagy’s thisisindexed.com)

  3. Munge & Model OECD Data gdp <- read.csv('gdp.csv')hours <- read.csv('hours.csv')gdp.hours <- merge(hours,gdp)gdp.hours$freetime <- 4380 - gdp.hours$hours attach(gdp.hours)plot(freetime ~ gdp)m <- lm(freetime ~ gdp,data=gdp.hours)abline(m,col=3,lw=2)pm <- loess(freetime ~ gdp)lines(spline(gdp,fitted(pm)))

  4. Visualize the Analysis: is it True?

  5. modeling Big Data

  6. 100 thousand gene measures

  7. 1 million transactions during this presentation

  8. If You Liked ____, You’ll Love ___ !

  9. 1 billion clicks during this presentation

  10. 1 million pitches thrown since 2007

  11. A Tale of Two Pitchers Hamels Webb

  12. xyplot(x ~ y, data=pitch)

  13. xyplot(x ~ y, groups=type, data=pitch)

  14. xyplot(x ~ y | type, data=pitch)

  15. xyplot(x ~ y | type, data=pitch, fill.color = pitch$color, panel = function(x,y, fill.color, …, subscripts) { fill <- fill.color[subscripts] panel.xyplot(x,y, fill= fill, …) })

  16. xyplot(x ~ y | type, data=pitch, fill.color = pitch$color, panel = function(x,y, fill.color, …, subscripts) { fill <- fill.color[subscripts] panel.xyplot(x, y, fill= fill, …) })

  17. visualizing Big Data

  18. ggplot2 =grammar ofgraphics

  19. qplot(carat, price, data = diamonds)

  20. qplot(log(carat), log(price), data = diamonds) qplot(carat, price, log=“xy”, data = diamonds) OR

  21. qplot(log(carat), log(price), data = diamonds, alpha = I(1/20))

  22. qplot(log(carat), log(price), data = diamonds, alpha=I(1/20)) + facet_grid(. ~ color)

  23. R on the cloud

  24. Data Desktop

  25. vs Coding Clicking

  26. LinuxApacheMySQLR http://labs.dataspora.com/gameday

  27. Final thoughts

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