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9 октября Всемирный День чтения

День чтения зарубежной книги. 9 октября Всемирный День чтения. Совместная акция специалистов ЦГБ , учащихся 8А, 8Б классов и учителя английского языка МБОУ «Лицей » Сабанцевой Е.В. Street cat Bob James Bowen.

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9 октября Всемирный День чтения

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  1. День чтения зарубежной книги 9 октября Всемирный День чтения Совместная акция специалистов ЦГБ , учащихся 8А, 8Б классов и учителя английского языка МБОУ «Лицей» Сабанцевой Е.В.

  2. Street cat BobJames Bowen

  3. On day оn English class we went to the library. We heard about the book by James Bowen «А Street cat named Bob". The librarians read us an extract and asked questions. We discussed the book and it was very interesting. • I've heard a lot of good reviews about this book. But after presentation of librarians I wanted to read it. In my free time I will surely read it. Nikitina Diana

  4. Thecatcouldliveinaperfectfamily, but Bobisonthestreet. Thecatwashungry, sickandhad losthopeforsalvation, whenhefoundJames, whowasalsosickandalone. WhenJamestookthecattotheirhouse, fedandhelpedhim - thecatwassohappy thatdecidedtostayandreturnkindness toother. A newfriendhelpedJamestogetridofdrugsandfindagoodjob. ThemusicianhadperformanceonthestreetsofLondonwithredcat, andhedancedandperformedvariousstuntstohelptheownerto live. BobwasnotjustacatforJames, itbecamehissalvationandasmallsparkinthedarkness. JamesBowenwroteabookabouthowasimpleredcatfromthestreetchangedhislife. Suchagreatstoryaboutsuch.

  5. D`yakovKostantin • I`d like to tell you about my visit to the library. Our class went to the library two days ago. The librarians told us about a book «A street cat named Bob». This book was written by James Bowen. This book is about friendship of street musician and orange cat. The street cat helped him and gave James «the second life». I have interested this book and I`m going to read it.

  6. In this story there are two main characters - James Bowen and Bob. James is a street musician in London, and red Bob is London street cat. They were homeless and lonely, but once they met each other. • James took drugs and did not have sense of life until he met true friend, red cat. • Now Bob and James are well-known not only in London , but also through hundreds of thousands of people around the world . • This is very spiritual book by James Bowen . It tells us amazing story of friendship between man and cat that changed his life . KhakimovaAlina

  7. AshlapovaKatya I want to share my impressions about a story “Street cat named Bob”. I didn't find anything interesting and useful for me in this book. It is usual story about a cat and there is nothing special. It is not interesting for me. • Frolova Lisa • I would like to read “Street cat named Bob” by James Bowen after I heard about it in the library. The cat amassed me. I think that everyone wants to have such friend as this cat. Bob is real friend. I was impressed by this book.

  8. Habarova Regina I really liked the event in the library but I don't like a book. It's a terrible story. In my opinion it is very tedious and repetitive reading. There all events are very predictable. There isn't the soul of the book, absolutely even a muscular on my face didn't flinch. It is very dry and he describes just the global problems as everything should be. But it is just my opinion. • Perefireva Natasha • Yesterday we went to the library. Two experienced librarians told about book “Street cat named Bob” which tells us about how street vagrant James met and connected his life with red cat. In my opinion such events is really useful because young people don't read nowadays. Such events appeal to young people to reading.

  9. PanferovVlad Yesterday we went to the library. We heard about writer James Bowen and his book “Street cat named Bob”. I really liked this event and information about this book and writer. After this event I would like to read this book and I read it. I read it with pleasure and I liked it. I recommend to read this book. It is interesting.

  10. Kapakly Julia I read book “Street cat Bob”. There are two main characters in this book. They are James Bowen and Bob. Bob is a street musician and Bob is a street cat. They were homeless, alone but one day they met each other. James was a drug addict, his life was meaningless until he met a cat Bob. Bob helped to James with his problems. Bob became a real guardian angel for James. There are a lot interesting events in this book. Nowadays they are very well-known and famous in the world. There are photos in Facebook, account in Twitter. Friendship with this cat changed life of James. I liked this story.

  11. BoldinaAlyona • We went to the library and knew about English writer James Bowen. He wrote wonderful book, in which tells about friendship between street cat Bob andJames. I really liked this book, this is understanding, supporting ,lovely, helping. This book taught never give up, follow your dreams and always find a friend who will help you. Bob helped James to start a new life, drop out harmful habits and James began to worry about Bob and took him.These couple of friends are very touching. I really liked event in the library and I'm going to go there again.

  12. Akulenko Aleksey • My class was in library. We saw a presentation about book «Street cat Bob». This story is about friendship between pet and man. It was interesting. I want to get a pet like cat Bob.

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