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The Power of Processing; Implementing a Pre-scoring “V Party”

Fauquier County Public Schools. The Power of Processing; Implementing a Pre-scoring “V Party”. The Planners. DDOT Mary Wills Testing Specialist Deb Anderson SPED Specialist Jane Bell. The Design. Established the timeline Secured the location for the days needed

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The Power of Processing; Implementing a Pre-scoring “V Party”

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  1. Fauquier County Public Schools The Power of Processing;Implementing a Pre-scoring “V Party”

  2. The Planners • DDOT Mary Wills • Testing Specialist Deb Anderson • SPED Specialist Jane Bell

  3. The Design • Established the timeline • Secured the location for the days needed • Lined up the pre-scoring staff • Secured a small budget for snacks • Designed the pre-scoring process and checklists

  4. Timeline • VAAP 67 COES • 5 days before the scoring event • VGLA 159 COES • 10 days for reading, math, and science before the scoring event

  5. Event Location • Central Complex • 2 ½ class rooms and a hallway

  6. The Pre-scorers • 5 Retired Teachers • 4 College Students • 1 Transition Specialist • 1 Division English Coordinator • 1 Division ESL Coordinator • 1 ESL Specialist

  7. The Implementation • Training • Used Implementation Manual • Separate training for VAAP and VGLA • Overview of the COEs and types of evidences • Overview of scoring rules • Overview of scoring rubric • Set up pre-scorers specialization

  8. VAAP Pre-scoring Checklist • Notebook cover • Affidavit--all demographics completed at the top; signed and dated at the bottom • Permission to photograph/video/audio tape (required if the notebook contains photos or tapes) • Teacher checklist completed • Dividers between each content area

  9. VAAP Pre-scoring ChecklistREADING (All students) • Content Area Cover Sheet for Reading • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Word Analysis Strategies and Information Resources • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Comprehension of Printed Materials • Each piece of evidence has an SEI tag with content area, ASOL, and bullet (if appropriate). • Does the evidence match the ASOL?

  10. VAAP Pre-scoring ChecklistREADING • If the ASOL calls for fiction and nonfiction, is there an example of both? Are they labeled as fiction or nonfiction? • All photographs are captioned and describe the activity occurring and the student’s level of achievement. • All student work has been graded and clearly indicates the student’s level of performance.

  11. VAAP Pre-scoring Checklist MATHEMATICS (All students) • Content Area Cover Sheet for Mathematics • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Number and Number Sense. • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Computation and Estimation. • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Measurement and Geometry (need one from either Measurement OR Geometry). • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Probability and Statistics. • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Patterns, Functions, and Algebra.

  12. VAAP Pre-scoring Checklist MATHEMATICS (All students) • Each piece of evidence has an SEI tag with content area, ASOL, and bullet (if appropriate). • Does the evidence match the ASOL? • All photographs are captioned and describe the activity occurring and the student’s level of achievement. • All student work has been graded and clearly indicates the student’s level of performance.

  13. VAAP Pre-scoring ChecklistSCIENCE (Grades3, 5, 8 and 11 only) • Content Area Cover Sheet for Science • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Scientific Investigation and Resources. • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Forces, Motion, Energy, and Matter • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Life Processes and Living Systems, Life Science, Earth Science • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Interrelations in Earth/Space Systems, Earth Patterns, Cycles, and Changes

  14. VAAP Pre-scoring Checklist • SCIENCE • Each piece of evidence has an SEI tag with content area, ASOL, and bullet (if appropriate). • Does the evidence match the ASOL? • All photographs are captioned and describe the activity occurring and the student’s level of achievement. • All student work has been graded and clearly indicates the student’s level of performance.

  15. VAAP Pre-scoring Checklist • HISTORY/SOCIAL SCIENCE (Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11) • Content Area Cover Sheet for History/Social Science • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for History. • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Geography. • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Civics. • One ASOL selected and typed in the chart for Economics.

  16. VAAP Pre-scoring Checklist • HISTORY/SOCIAL SCIENCE • Each piece of evidence has an SEI tag with content area, ASOL, and bullet (if appropriate). • Does the evidence match the ASOL? • All photographs are captioned and describe the activity occurring and the student’s level of achievement. • All student work has been graded and clearly indicates the student’s level of performance

  17. VGLA Pre-scoring Checklist • Notebook cover is in notebook and matches affidavit--please write in any names that are incorrectly spelled on the front/side cover • VGLA Worksheet (place in the front pocket) check to make sure it matches the content area and grade level (if not already in the notebook add it) • Tracking form (If available, place this in the back pocket of the notebook.)

  18. VGLA Pre-scoring Checklist • Permission to photograph/video/audio tape (required if the notebook contains photos or tapes) (Place this in the back pocket of the notebook). • Teacher checklist completed (Place this in the back pocket of the notebook.) • Affidavit--all demographics completed at the top; signed by teacher(s) and an administrator and dated at the bottom

  19. VGLA Pre-scoring Checklist Accommodations are addressed in one of three ways: • On a page in the front with accommodations marked • On individual pieces of evidence with an accommodations sticker • On individual pieces of evidence with the accommodation hand-written on the page • ***Any student who has a read-aloud accommodation for the reading VGLA or you suspect had the read-aloud accommodation, please put their name of the list

  20. VGLA Pre-scoring Checklist • Organizers--there is one organizer for each SOL area being scored--please tag if there isn’t and let me know as soon as possible • Each piece of evidence has an SEI tag which includes • Content area • SOL • Bullet (s) (if appropriate) • Demonstrated and/or Inferred is checked • Does the evidence match the SOL?

  21. VGLA Pre-scoring Checklist • All photographs are captioned and describe the activity occurring and the student’s level of achievement. • All student work has been graded and clearly indicates correct and incorrect work or a statement of accuracy has been included to show the student’s level of achievement. • Check to see if evidence addresses the essential skills and knowledge required by the SOL.

  22. Problems That We Addressed • Sticky notes=SEI tag, grading, evidence question, not aligned, unacceptable, wrong location, or missing

  23. Problems and Solutions • Communicating to Administrators and teachers • Scheduling teachers to come to fix problems • Assisting teachers with fixes and attitude adjustments • Last opportunity for feedback and intervention

  24. Plans for the Future • Administrator Monitor Training • Establish an on going school monitoring protocol • After school focused content support • Shortening our Pre-scoring Event • Developing a teacher resource library • Developing an Administrator resource library

  25. End Goals • Cut Pre-scoring time • Increase pass rate • Lower stress levels • Testing Department • Administrators • Teachers • Support Staff

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