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FAOSD – Inputting data to the website. Adisara Czincila Information Technology Assistant , APAC Office 17-21 September 2012. Objectives of FAOSD training . Inspectors will understand the level of access to FAOSD website
FAOSD – Inputting data to the website Adisara Czincila Information Technology Assistant , APAC Office 17-21 September 2012
Objectives of FAOSD training • Inspectors will understand the level of access to FAOSD website • Inspectors will learn how to transfer data from the Ramp Inspection Checklist worksheet to an electronic worksheet. • By the end of this training session, inspectors can input data, edit, download and print reports • Inspectors can search any inspection report on FAOSD with ease • Inspectors can query reports in the database Note: FAOSD is a new operating site and we would appreciate receiving your comments for future improvement. e-mail: apac@icao.int Please also note that the data on the demo site is not real ramp inspections data of APAC states. We adapted ramp inspections data from South American states to APAC RO states for training purposes. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Ramp Inspection Checklist (Doc 8335) Once the inspection is over and the consolidation of data from the Ramp Inspection Checklist is completed, inspectors will transfer the data to the electronic worksheet of the FAOSD Program. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
FAOSD - response time • FAOSD is a web-based application which compiles huge databases and • the response time is dependent on the bandwidth of the Internet connection. • When working on the FAOSD website, inspectors should wait until all data has been downloaded to your pc/notebook before taking action and proceeding to the next step REQUEST ICT HQ, Montreal SessionVi user Mysql 5.0 Databases FAOSD_DEMO) Web server Client(Inspector) RESPONSE Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
FAOSD data entry • The information will be automatically stored in the FAOSD Program and will be available to the States and personnel authorized by the APAC RO. FAOSD Statistical Report FAOSD Program Inspections Input Data States Ramp-Inspections Program Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
FAOSD – Data Security Only APAC RO authorized users can access the FAOSD website. Three types of user roles are granted to users; • Administrator role: Database maintenance, user registration, reports preparation. • Inspector role: Ramp inspection data-entry, search and editing of his/her own inspections. The National Coordinator too will be given the same access rights an inspector is granted. • Technical Committee Role: has access to all inspections and can delete and recover inspections. For security reasons, only one Technical Committee role can be granted. The role is assigned to APAC RO Technical Committee (RO/FS.) Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
FAOSD Requirements • This website was developed on the Linux 5.0 platform It is recommended to use the Firefox browser At the present time IE is not compatible with the FAOSD website • For practice exercises in the system database, inspectors are to use the FAOSD demo site; http://www1.bangkok.icao.int/faosd_demo/ Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Logging in username: Password: Then press Enter Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Number of Unsatisfactory Inspections When starting the session, users will see the alert window showing the number of unsatisfactory inspections by State, operator, aircraft and their registration. To exit this window, press the ESC key or right-scroll down and click on the Close key. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Welcome page • The main menu shows the following options: • Inspector • Queries • Users • Logout Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inspection form Save Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Ramp Inspection Areas There are five general inspection areas that may be observed and assessed during a ramp inspection. These inspection areas are: • A. Flight Deck; • B. Cabin/safety items; • C. External condition of the aircraft; • D. Cargo and cargo compartment; • E. General. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inspection – E General Example: If (E) General is selected, the following form is displayed. Each area (A-E) selected will display its’ own form. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
E. General – result of the finding If theresult of the finding of an item is “Not observed” (N/O), “Satisfactory” (S), or “Not applicable” (N/A), the inspector doesn’t need to take any action, and the other fields will remain disabled. If the result of the finding is Unsatisfactory (U), the inspector must do the following: Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
E. General - Categories of findings Press the letter (U) in the Result fieldand Category 1-3 will appear Select appropriate category. Three (3) categories of findings, with their respective levels of seriousness, have been established for quick identification of the levels of the findings. These categories are: Category 1 (Cat 1) Seriousness level: Minor Category 2 (Cat 2) Seriousness level: Significant Category 3 (Cat 3) Seriousness level: Major Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
E. General - Categories of findings The main purpose of categorizing the findings is to define: • the level of compliance with the standards contained in the Annexes to the Chicago Convention; and, • the seriousness of non-compliant aspects, in the case of findings. • APAC RO States must apply established levels of seriousness of findings when conducting ramp inspections under the FAOSDProgram. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
E. General - Categories of findings Categories of findings (cont.) The action to be taken by the inspector will depend on the seriousness of the safety findings. Accordingly, APAC RO has defined following actions: For Category 1 (Cat1): Action 1: Inform the pilot-in-command (PIC); For Category 2 (Cat2): Action 2: Letter to inform the CAA of the State of the operator and/or the State of registry; cc: operator’s management For Category 3 (Cat3): Actions: 3a: Restrict flight operations of the aircraft; 3b: Take pre-flight corrective action; 3c: Ground the aircraft or withdraw the operations permit. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
E. General – Action After selecting an action, the inspector will briefly describe each finding in technical terms. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
E. General – Comments After entering all the inspected items, click on Add Inspection, located in the utilities bar, on top. The application will validate the input data. If the data is correct, it is stored in the database, and a summary is displayed. If incorrect, an error message will be displayed and the inspector must make the corresponding corrections. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
FAOSD – Summary Report The FAOSD Program will produce a ramp inspection report after the inspector has entered the data into the System– see pic below Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
FAOSD - Excercise Exercise Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Day 2 21 September 2012 Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inspector - Search inspection reports Example of search results: If we search for inspection reports of EMBRAER E170 aircraft, the following result will be displayed: Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inspector - Advanced search report • Option: Inspector > Advanced search report This option provides filters for searching any inspection report(s) entered by other States. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inspector – Search inspection report 3. Option: Inspector > Search inspector report • This option provides filters for searching reports entered only by the logged in user • Print the inspection report. • Download the inspection report in PDF format. • Modify his/her inspections report Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Modification of an inspection If the inspector knows only a part of the information on the form is to be modified, that part of the information should be entered in the search filters; otherwise,press the Search keyand the System will show all the inspections conducted by that inspector. For example: filter by Airport = YMML/Australia/Melbourne Intl. will show all the inspections conducted at that airport Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Modification of an inspection • Once the form has been identified, click on the icon with the pencil in order to make the necessary changes in the form. Then, the corrected form must be saved. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Modification of an inspection Once the finding has been resolved and the necessary changes are made, the form must be saved. In this case, we are using the General section. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Modification of an inspection • Once the changes have been made, save the modified inspection form by clicking on the Add Inspection key. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Finished Inspection form • We have finished the presentation on the inspection form. • Do you have any questions or comments ? Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inquiries by ICAO Regions 4. Option: Queries 4.1 Inquiries by Statistics of Inspections to states by ICAO regions Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inquiries by ICAO Regions 4.1 Inquiries by Statistics of Inspections to states by ICAO regions (cont.) Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Queries by Air Plane Code 4.2 Inquiries by types of inspected aircraft Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inquiries by Air Plane Code 4.2 Inquiries by types of inspected aircraft (cont.) Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inquiries by Quarterly statistics by year 4.3 Inquiries by quarterly statistics of Inspections Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Queries by Quarterly statistics by year 4.3 Query by quarterly statistics of Inspections (cont.) • 4.3.1 Quarterly statistics of inspections by State per year • 4.3.2Quarterly statistics of inspectionsby airport per year • 4.3.3 Quarterly statistics of inspectionsby operator per year • 4.3.4 Quarterly statistics of inspections by aircraft per year • 4.3.5 Quarterly statistics of findingsby operator per year • 4.3.6 Quarterly statistics of findings by aircraft per year • 4.3.7 Statistics of reports sent to each State per year • 4.3.8 Statistics of reports sent to each operator per year • 4.3.9 Statistics of actions carried out per year Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inquiries - Statistics of inspections by year 4.4 Statistics of ramp inspections per year 4.4.1 Statistics of items inspected per year Statistics of findings per year Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inquiries- Statistics of inspections by year 4.4.2 Inquiries by statistics of inspections per year and their relation with findings categories. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inquiries- Statistics of inspections by year 4.4.3 Inquiries by statistics of unsatisfactory items found per year Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inquiries - Statistics of inspections by year 4.4.4. Inquiries - statistics of actions taken per year Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inquiries - Statistics of unsatisfactory reports 4.5 Inquiries by Statistics of unsatisfactory reports (cont.) Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Inquiries - Statistics of unsatisfactory reports Inquiries - statistics of unsatisfactory reports (cont.) Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Profile • Option: Users > Profile This menu option displays the personal data editing form for editing name, surname, e-mail and password. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database
Logout 6. Option: Log Out To end the session, click on the Log Out menu option. This action deletes the identification entered at the beginning of the session and takes you to the exit or acknowledgment screen. These are all the options available when logging in with an inspector profile. Foreign Air Operator Surveillance Database