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Nuclear Family

Nuclear Family. (Fu3) ba4ba - ma1ma (Mu3) ( 父 ) 爸爸 - 妈妈 ( 母 ) (father) dad-mom (mother) ge1ge jie3jie (older Brother) 哥哥 姐姐 (older sister) xiong1di4 wo3 zi3mei4 兄 弟 我 Me, myself, I 姊 妹 di4di mei4mei (younger brother) 弟弟 妹妹 (younger sister). Grand Parents.

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Nuclear Family

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nuclear Family (Fu3) ba4ba - ma1ma (Mu3)(父)爸爸-妈妈(母)(father) dad-mom (mother)ge1ge jie3jie(older Brother)哥哥姐姐(older sister)xiong1di4 wo3 zi3mei4兄弟我Me, myself, I姊妹di4di mei4mei (younger brother)弟弟妹妹(younger sister)

  2. Grand Parents (dad’s side gfather, gmother, momside, gfather, gmother)Ye1ye-nai3nai wai4gong1-wai4po2爷爷-奶奶外公-外婆Lao3lao Lao3ye姥爷-姥姥爸爸-妈妈我

  3. In Laws Gong1gong-po2po zhang4ren2-zhang4mu3niang2公公-婆婆丈人-丈母husband’s parents wife’s parentsZhang4fu1 qi1zi (husband)丈夫 -------------妻子(wife)xian1sheng1 tai4tai先生------------太太

  4. Grand Children Zhang4fu1 qi1zi (husband)丈夫 ---------妻子(wife)xian1sheng1 tai4tai先生------------太太(xi2fu4) er1 zi nv3 er (nv3xu2) (媳妇)儿子女儿(女婿)(daughter-in-law) son daughter (son-in-law)sun1 zi sun1 nv3 wai4sun1 zi wai4 sun1 nv3孙子孙女外孙外孙女(son’s) G son, Gdaughter Gson, Gdaughter (dghr’s)

  5. Brother Sister ge1ge (shao3shao) jie3jie(jie3fu1)哥哥(嫂嫂) 姐姐(姐夫)Brother (sister-in-law) sister (brother-in-law)di4di (shao3shao) mei4mei(mei4fu1)弟弟 (嫂嫂) 妹妹(妹夫)zhi2zi zhi2nv wai4sheng1 wai4sheng1nv侄子侄女外甥外甥女brother’s side nephew (niece) sister’s side nephew (niece)

  6. Uncle Aunt 伯伯(伯母) (older brother) Bo2bo(bo2mu)姑妈 (姑夫)(sister’s) gu1ma (gu1fu1)叔叔 (婶婶)(younger brother)Shu2shu (shen3shen)爸爸 (ba4ba) (father’s side)|妈妈 (ma1ma) (mother’s side) 舅舅(舅妈) (brothers) jiu4jiu (jiu4ma)姨妈(姨夫) (sisters) yi2ma (yi2fu1)

  7. Cousins 堂Tang2:(brother-brother)堂哥(堂嫂); 堂姐(堂姐夫) 堂弟 (堂嫂); 堂妹(堂妹夫)表Biao3:(non brother-brother)表哥(表嫂); 表姐(表姐夫) 表弟 (表嫂); 表妹(表妹夫)

  8. Uncle Aunt Cousin 伯伯(伯母) 姑妈 (姑夫) 舅舅(舅妈) 叔叔 (婶婶) 爸爸--妈妈姨妈(姨夫)堂:(brother-brother)堂哥(堂嫂); 堂姐(堂姐夫) 堂弟 (堂嫂); 堂妹(堂妹夫)表:(non brother-brother)表哥(表嫂); 表姐(表姐夫) 表弟 (表嫂); 表妹(表妹夫)

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