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Electronic Human Resource Management Software

Electronic Human Resource Management Software. CSCI 6838.1 Research Project and Seminar Team #2 Feb 27,2006. Table of Contents. Team Information Customer Information Project Overview eHRMS HR-XML Use Case Diagram. Table of Contents (cont..). Sequence Diagram Database Design

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Electronic Human Resource Management Software

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  1. Electronic Human Resource Management Software CSCI 6838.1 Research Project and Seminar Team #2 Feb 27,2006

  2. Table of Contents • Team Information • Customer Information • Project Overview • eHRMS • HR-XML • Use Case Diagram

  3. Table of Contents (cont..) • Sequence Diagram • Database Design • Project Timeline • Development Team • Conclusion • References

  4. Team Information Team Members Srikanth Pillarisetty pillarisetty.s@gmail.com Rushikesh Samaiahgare srushikesh@gmail.com Ramasamy Nachiappan ram.nachiappan@gmail.com Praneeth Padmanabhuni pranpad@yahoo.com Mentor Mr. Azmat Tejani Faculty Advisor Dr. Kwok Bun Yue yue@cl.uh.edu

  5. Customer Information GHG Corporation • Currently marketing electronic Employee Management Software (eEMS), a Web based system to manage employee information for mid-sized companies. • It is based in Houston, Texas. It has good customers such as City of Houston, US Air Force, GB-Tech, Hernandez to name a few. Contact Persons • Azmat Tejani, CTO Website: www.ghg.com

  6. Project Overview • eHRMS is a component of eEMS. • Create an online benefits enrollment enhancement to the existing eHRMS product. • The main goal of the project is to develop an online module for the existing system that would enable the employees to be able to login via a web browser and view/add their selected benefits which include the type of coverage and premium amounts.

  7. Project Overview • The module that we develop utilizes the latest XML and HR-XML • Technologies: Java 5 Enterprise Java Beans 3.0 JSP,Servlet MS SQL-Server 2005 JBoss Application Server 4.0.5 Web Services

  8. eHRMS • eHRMS (electronic Human Resource Management Software). • Complete • Accurate • Easily Accessible • Advantages: • User Friendly • Consistent • Multi-level search • Rapid report generation • Administration costs

  9. HR-XML • Independent, non-profit organization. • Enables e-commerce and inter-company to exchange human resources data worldwide. • Represented by its membership in 22 countries. • Develops and publishes an open data exchange standards based on Extensible Markup Language (XML). • Open to vendors, consultants, standards bodies, employers and other end-users, and individuals. • Current efforts

  10. The Subscriber element is a required element containing information about the individual with an ability to enroll in the benefits program.

  11. Architecture Diagram Client Interface JSP Pages HR Dept HR XML form EJB Web Services Database Web Server

  12. User HR Dept Use Case Diagram Login Call the respective web services Fill out the forms Web services returns The data in HR-XML format Submit the information

  13. Project TimeLine

  14. Database Design • As our system is an extension of an existing software, we need to use the data from the existing tables. • All the new tables have foreign keys related with the primary keys of some of the existing tables. • We have made a thorough effort not to replicate the data any where in the system by studying their tables and using the data already existing. • Our tables are in 3NF

  15. Database Design • All our tables are based on T_Employee table which is the main table in the database. • Table Details. • The relations between the tables are explained using the primary keys and foreign keys in this diagram.

  16. Development Team Team Leader Srikanth Webmaster Rushikesh DBA Srikanth and Ramasamy Lead Programmer Rushikesh and Praneeth Technical Writer Ramasamy and Praneeth

  17. Conclusion • Completed the requirements analysis. • Created database design. • Performed research in eHRMS and HR-XML. Future work: • Develop the prototype and connect it with the database. • Retrieve the data in HR-XML form.

  18. References • Java: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api • JBoss and Eclipse: http://www.jboss.org • SQL Server: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms203721.aspx • EJB Architecture: http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/docs.html • Web Services: http://java.sun.com/webservices/docs.html • HR-XML - www.hr-xml.org

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