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CEOS / IGOS-P and the CSA Perspective. Daniel De Lisle CEOS point of contact Space technologies Canadian Space Agency. Overview. CEOS - Committee on Earth Observation Satellites SIT - THE STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION IGOS - Integrated Global Observing Strategy CSA's participation.
CEOS / IGOS-P and the CSA Perspective Daniel De Lisle CEOS point of contact Space technologies Canadian Space Agency
Overview • CEOS - Committee on Earth Observation Satellites • SIT - THE STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION • IGOS - Integrated Global Observing Strategy • CSA's participation
CEOS has three primary objectives: To optimize the benefits of spaceborne Earth observation through cooperation of its Members in mission planning and in the development of compatible data products, formats, services, applications and policies; To aid both its Members and the international user community by inter alia, serving as the focal point for international coordination of space-related Earth observation activities, including those related to global change; To exchange policy and technical information to encourage complementarity and compatibility among spaceborne Earth observation systems currently in service or development, and the data received from them; issues of common interest across the spectrum of Earth observation satellite missions will be addressed.
CEOS members and Associates Members Governmental organizations that are international or national in nature and are responsible for a civil spaceborne Earth observation program currently in operation (CSA, NOAA, NASA, CNES, ESA, JAXA). Associates Other existing satellite coordination groups and scientific or governmental bodies that are international in nature and currently have a significant programmatic activity that supports CEOS objectives (CCRS, WMO, FAO,….)
THE STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION TEAM (SIT) The CEOS Strategic Implementation Team (SIT) was created in 1996 to advance the involvement of CEOS in the development of the Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS). The SIT comprises CEOS Member Principals with the authority to commit agency support to initiatives as they unfold and is chaired by JAXA. The SIT’s purpose is to define, characterize, and develop the vision for CEOS’s participation in IGOS, to define and coordinate the space component of IGOS, and to address, with the relevant IGOS Partners, the interface between the space component and the in situ component.
Integrated Global Observing Strategy • IGOS is a structure that helps determine observation gaps and identify the resources to fill observation needs; • IGOS provides understanding of current system capabilities and limitations - thereby helping to reduce unnecessary duplication of observations. • IGOS is intended to cover all forms of data collection concerning the physical, chemical, biological and human environment including the associated impacts. • IGOS provides opportunities for capacity building and assisting countries to obtain maximum benefit from the total set of observations.
Current status of IGOS Themes Approved themes Global Carbon Cycle Geohazards Ocean Water cycle Atmospheric chemistry Under preparation Coastal observationsCoral Reefs Sub-Theme Land Cover Cryosphere Proposed theme Dynamic Earth Theme (Proposal)
Canada's involvement in CEOS activities • Member since 1984 • CSA is a full member and CCRS is an Associate • Attend CEOS Plenary, SIT and IGOS-P meetings • Co-chair Cal/Val Working Group • Participated in the Coastal Theme development
Geophysical Observations Sea surface temperature 100 m 1 km 3 h 6 h 1 h 3 h 0.2 C 0.5 C Wind speed and direction 300 m 10 km 1 h 6 h 1 h 3 h 1 m/s 10 2 m/s 20 Sea surface height 1 km 15 km 1d 10 d 1 h 3 h 4 cm 6 cm Surface wave height & direction 1 km 10 km 3 h 1 d 1 h 3 h 0.2 m 5 0.2 m 10 Salinity 1 km 25 km 24 h 7 d 1 h 3 h 0.1 psu 0.3 psu Currents 300 m 5 km 1 h 24 h 1 h 3 h 3 cm/s 10 cm/s Streamflow 1 km 10 km 1 h 24 h 1 h 3 h 10% 30% Precipitation 1 km 15 km 1 h 8 h 1 h 3 h 0.5 mm/h 2 mm/h Ice cover 50 m 100 m 6 h 24 h 1 h 3 h 100 m 200 m Biological/Biogeochemical Observations Phytoplankton pigments 100 m 500 m 1.5 h 3 h 1 h 3 h 20% 30% Total suspended matter 100 m 500 m 1.5 h 3 h 1 h 3 h 30% 40% Colored dissolved organic matter 100 m 500 m 1.5 h 3 h 1 h 3 h 30% 40% Optical properties (includes PAR) 100 m 500 m 1.5 h 3 h 1 h 3 h 10% 20% Chlorophyll fluorescence 100 m 500 m 1.5 h 4 h 1 h 3 h 30% 40% Aerosol properties (includes AOT) 100 m 500 m 1.5 h 4 h 1 h 3 h 10% 20% Nutrients 10 km 100 km 1 d 1 mo 1 d 7 d 10% 30% O2 and pCO2 10 km 100 km 1 d 1 mo 1 d 7 d 10% 30% Slicks/films (sea surface roughness) 25 m 50 m 3 h 2 d 1 h 3 h 50 m 100 m Mapping (Phys./Ecol./Socio.) Bathymetry 30 m 50 m 2 d 24 d 4 h 1 d 0.1m (depth) 1 m (depth) Land Topography 30 m 50 m 3 mo 1 yr -- -- 5 cm (height) 10 cm (height) Shoreline position 1 m 5 m 15 d 3 mo 1 d 7 d 1 m 5 m Habitat maps (e.g., mangroves) 5 m 20 m 15 d 3 mo 1 d 7 d -- -- Reef maps 1 m 5 m 15 d 3 mo 1 d 7 d 2 m 10 m Land cover/use 15 m 1 km 1 yr 10 yr -- -- -- -- Night-time lights 1 km 5 km 1 yr 5 yr -- -- -- -- Coastal Theme Observing Requirements Table 3.2: Coastal Theme Observing Requirements
Knowledge Challenges1 Resolution Challenges1 Continuity Challenges1 Cross-cutting ·improve calibration and validation of satellite data · pixel “contamination” ·need adaptive sampling ·standardize and QA/QC in situ observations ·address power/telemetry/bio-fouling issues for in situ assets ·require improved temporal and spatial resolution from satellite sensors ·need to expand coverage of in situ measurements ·need to facilitate the transition from research to operational satellites ·need to maintain and replace in situ assets Geophysical Observations ·blending SST measurements ·measuring salinity remotely ·improve SSH measurements ·develop SAR algorithms and assess other measurements ·measure currents from space ·assimilate HF radar data and derive user-driven products ·extracting higher-resolution info from satellite wind sensors ·add additional Doppler weather radar & HF radar sites ·maintain and expand stream gauge and tide gauge networks ·maintain microwave RS capabilities for ice ·facilitate transition of HF radar from research to operational mode Biological & Biogeochemical Observations ·need hyperspectral ocean color ·improve bio-optical algorithms ·merged chlorophyll products ·relate ocean color/SAR data to ecological parameters ·discriminate taxonomic groups ·improve aerosol chacterizations ·identify better surrogates for labor intensive biomass surveys · need observations of ocean color from geostationary orbit to temporal resolution ·more measurements of nutrients needed ·need accurate/rapid assays for pollutants ·maintain global multi-spectral ocean color observations for context and climate data records Mapping ·need a common classification system for habitats et al. ·need improved methods for estimating socio-economic variables to link human dimension with physical and ecological phenomena ·require high spatial res. hyperspectral imagery to assess corals and vegetation ·need to improve availability/use of high-resolution color and lidar data for physical mapping ·need access to highest resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) ·maintain DMSP-OLS capabilities for human population assessments ·maintain high-res multi spectral optical imagers for habitat maps etc. Summary of Coastal Theme Observing Challenges
CSA fully supports the Cryosphere theme Daniel De Lisle CEOS contact Canadian Space Agency Tel: (450) 926-6611 Fax:(450) 926-4449daniel.delisle@space.gc.ca