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Searches for New Sources of CP and T Violation at

Searches for New Sources of CP and T Violation at . Justin Albert Univ. of Victoria. Representing the BaBar Collaboration. July 24, 2012. The Experiment. 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert 2. The Dataset.

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Searches for New Sources of CP and T Violation at

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  1. Searches for New Sources of CP and T Violation at Justin Albert Univ. of Victoria Representing the BaBar Collaboration July 24, 2012

  2. The Experiment 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert2

  3. The Dataset • 472million neutral B • 472 million charged B • 690millionc anti-c pairs • 500million τ+τ− pairs • 117million Y(3S) • 93 million Y(2S) • Data taking ended 4 years ago… 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert3

  4. The Science Output • … but the physics sure hasn’t ended! End of data taking 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert4

  5. Overview: 3Sectors,5New Results • B sector • b → sss:B → 3KCPV • b → sℓ+ℓ-: B → Kℓℓdirect CPV search • b → ccs:B0→ J/yK0first direct observation of T-violation in B system • Charm sector: D+→ K+K0p+p –T-odd correlation • t sector: t-→ K0p –n CPVsearch 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert5

  6. B sector • b → sss:B → 3KCPV • b → sℓ+ℓ-: B→ Kℓℓdirect CPV • b → ccs:B0→ J/yK0first direct observation of T-violation in B system arXiv:1201.5897, PRD 85:112010 (2012) arXiv:1204.2852, submitted to PRD To be submitted to PRL

  7. arXiv:1201.5897, PRD 85:112010 (2012) 426 fb-1 B → 3KCPV 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert6

  8. arXiv:1201.5897, PRD 85:112010 (2012) 426 fb-1 B → 3KCPV: Dalitz 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert7

  9. B → 3KCPV: Summary arXiv:1201.5897, PRD 85:112010 (2012) 426 fb-1 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert8

  10. arXiv:1204.3933, PRD submitted 426 fb-1 B → Kℓℓdirect CPV as a 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert9

  11. arXiv:1204.3933, PRD submitted 426 fb-1 B → Kℓℓdirect CPV 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert10

  12. arXiv:1204.3933, PRD submitted 426 fb-1 B → Kℓℓdirect CPV 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert11

  13. To be submitted to PRL, 426 fb-1 B0→ J/yK0: first direct observation of T-violation in the B system 1 CP CP 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert12

  14. To be submitted to PRL, 426 fb-1 B0→ J/yK0: first direct observation of T-violation in the B system ± ± Sa,b Ca,b 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert13

  15. To be submitted to PRL, 426 fb-1 B0→ J/yK0: first direct observation of T-violation in the B system + – 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert14

  16. To be submitted to PRL, 426 fb-1 B0→ J/yK0: first direct observation of T-violation in the B system 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert15

  17. arXiv:1204.2852, PRD 84, 031103 (2012) • Charm sector: D+→ K+K0p+p –T-odd correlation

  18. arXiv:1105.4410, PRD 84:031103 (2011) 520 fb-1 D+→ K+K0p+p –T-odd correlation 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert16

  19. arXiv:1105.4410, PRD 84:031103 (2011) 520 fb-1 D+→ K+K0p+p –T-odd correlation th 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert17

  20. arXiv:1105.4410, PRD 84:031103 (2011) 520 fb-1 D+→ K+K0p+p –T-odd correlation 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert18

  21. arXiv:1105.4410, PRD 84:031103 (2011) 520 fb-1 D+→ K+K0p+p –T-odd correlation 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert19

  22. t sector: t-→ K0p –n CPV search arXiv:1109.1527, PRD-RC 85:031102 (2012)

  23. arXiv:1109.1527, PRD-RC 85:031102 (2012) 476 fb-1 t-→ K0p –n CPV search selection efficiency independent of 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert20

  24. arXiv:1109.1527, PRD-RC 85:031102 (2012) 476 fb-1 t-→ K0p –n CPV search Nsignal(t-)=170211 Nsignal(t+)=169455 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert21

  25. arXiv:1109.1527, PRD-RC 85:031102 (2012) 476 fb-1 t-→ K0p –n CPV search 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert22

  26. arXiv:1109.1527, PRD-RC 85:031102 (2012) 476 fb-1 t-→ K0p –n CPV search 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert23

  27. Summary: 5 new results in 3 sectors • B sector • b → sss:B → 3KCPV • b → sℓ+ℓ-: B → Kℓℓdirect CPV search • b → ccs:B0→ J/yK0first direct observation of T-violation in B system • Charm sector: D+→ K+K0p+p –T-odd correlation • t sector: t-→ K0p –n CPVsearch See also talks from Vasseur and Kass, with many other new Babar results! arXiv:1201.5897, PRD 85:112010 (2012) arXiv:1204.3933, PRD submitted To be submitted to PRL arXiv:1105.4410, PRD 84:031103 (2011) arXiv:1109.1527, PRD-RC 85:031102 (2012) 3.1s deviation from SM prediction 24 July 12 Searches for New Sources of CP Violation at J. Albert24

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