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Computational Biology: An overview. Shrish Tiwari CCMB, Hyderabad. Mathematics, Computers & Biology. “The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics…” - Galileo What about biology? Changing scenario due to the development of Biological sequence data Chaos theory
Computational Biology: An overview Shrish Tiwari CCMB, Hyderabad
Mathematics, Computers & Biology • “The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics…” - Galileo • What about biology? • Changing scenario due to the development of • Biological sequence data • Chaos theory • Game theory
Computer Applications in Biology • Pattern recognition • Pattern formation and characterisation • Structural modeling of bio-molecules • Modeling of macro-systems • Image processing • Data management and warehousing • Statistical analysis Next
Pattern recognition • Predicting protein-coding genes (GenScan) • Motif search (MotifScan, promoter search) • Finding repeats (TRF, Reputer) • Predicting secondary structure (PHDsec, nnpredict) • Classification of proteins (SCOP) • Prediction of active/functional sites in proteins (PDBsitescan) Back
Simulated Patterns Back
Structural modeling • Protein folding: homology modeling, threading, ab initio methods • Protein interaction networks, biochemical pathways • Cellular membrane dynamics Back
Macro-system modeling • Modeling of dynamics of organs like brain and heart • Modeling of environmental dynamics, interacting species • Modeling of population growth and expansion Back
Image processing • Gridding of spots in the image • Removing background intensity (usually not uniform across the array) • Computing the ratio of intensities in case of two colour probes • Comparison of slides from different arrays Back
Computational Tools • Dynamic programming algorithm • Markov Model, Hidden Markov Model, Artificial Neural Network, Fourier Transform • Molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, Genetic Algorithm simulations • Cellular Automata • Game theory • Statistical tools
Dynamic Programming • An optimisation tool that works on problems which can be broken down to sub-problems • Used widely in sequence alignment algorithms in bioinformatics • Other applications: speech, vocabulary, grammar recognition Back
Pattern recognition tools • Markov model: state of system at time t depends on its state at time t-1,transition probabilities between states are defined. Example: gene finding • Artificial neural networks: attempt to simulate the learning process of real neural network system • Fourier transform: measure correlations between states at different time/space points Back
Optimisation tools • Molecular dynamics: apply Newton’s equation of motion to follow the dynamics of a system • Monte Carlo simulation: randomly hop from one state to another until you find the optimal state Back • Genetic algorithm: attempt to simulate evolutionary mechanism of mutations and recombination to find the optimal solution
Cellular Automata • Components: 1) a lattice, 2) finite number of states at each node, 3) rule defining the evolution of a state in time • Example: game of life _ 1) on a 2-d lattice each cell represents an individual, 2) states 0 (dead) or 1 (live), 3) a cell dies if it has less than 2 or more than 3 live neighbours, a dead cell becomes live if 3 of its neighbours are live
Simple “life” patterns Still lives Oscillator Glider Back
Game theory • Game: 1) involves 2 or more players, 2) one or more outcomes, 3) outcome depends on strategy adopted by each player • Components: 1) 2 or more players, 2) set of all possible actions, 3) information available to players before deciding on an action, 4) payoff consequences, 5) description of player’s preference over payoffs
Game theory: an example • Traffic as a game: • The commuters are players • Traffic rules define the set of possible actions (including disobeying traffic rules) • Payoff consequences: fined if you violate traffic rules, you may suffer injury in accidents or die • Information available: • Players preferences: safe driving, dangerous driving etc. Back
Statistical tools • Expectation value computation to assess the significance of alignment • Clustering methods: UPGMA, WPGMA, k-means etc. • Assessing significance of genotype-phenotype association: chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test etc.
Chaos Theory: An Introduction • One of the behaviours of a non-linear dynamical system • Deterministic yet unpredictable!! • Sensitive to initial conditions/small perturbations • First discovered by Lorenz when he was simulating the weather dynamics using simplified hydro-dynamics model
The Lorenz attractor • Simplified model of convections in the atmosphere dx / dt = a (y - x) dy / dt = x (b - z) - y dz / dt = xy - c z • a = 10, b = 28, c = 8/3
The Bernoulli shift • Map: f:x (2x mod 1), 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. t = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x = .2 .4 .8 .6 .2 .4 .8 .6 .2 .21 .42 .84 .68 .36 .72 .44 .88 .76 • Binary representation: 0.2: 0.001100110011… 0.21: 0.001101011100…
Chaotic dynamics: An example • Simplest system exhibiting chaos, the logistic map: xn+1= rxn(1 – xn), 0 < xn< 1 • This simple equation exhibits a rich dynamical behaviour, ranging from stationary state to chaotic dynamics, as the parameter r varies from 0-4 • This system models the population dynamics of a species whose generations do not overlap
First return map • Plot of xn+1against xn for discrete systems, and xt+Tagainst xtfor continuous dynamics, where T is some fixed interval • Return map of a periodic orbit is a finite set of points • Return map of a stochastic system a scatter of infinite number of points • Return map of a chaotic system an infinite number of points in a structure
Controlling chaos • Different kinds of control are possible: • Suppression of chaos, I.e. bring the system out of chaotic behaviour into some regular dynamics: e.g. adaptive control • Remain in the chaotic dynamics, but force the system to remain in one of the unstable periodic orbits: e.g. OGY (Ott, Grebogi & Yorke) method • Sustain or enhance chaos: desirable for example in combustion where homogeneous mixing of gas and air improves the combustion • Synchronisation: confidential communication
Control of cardiac chaos • A. Garfinkel et al. applied the OGY method of control to arrest arrhythmia in a rabbit’s heart (Science257, 1230-35 (1992) ) • Arrhythmia was induced in the rabbit heart by injecting the animal with the drug ouabain • The first return map In-1vs. In, the interbeat interval, identified periodic orbits with saddle instability • When the heart dynamics approached one of these points, small electrical pulses were used to force the system on the unstable periodic orbit
Prey-Predator Model • Simplest description of prey-predator interactions is given by the Lotka-Volterra equations: dH/dt = rH – aHP dP/dt = bHP – mP H: density of prey P: denstiy of predators r: intrinsic prey growth rate a: predation rate b: reproduction rate of predator per prey eaten m: predator mortality rate
Game theory • Deals with situations involving: • 2 or more players • Choice of action depends on some strategy • One or more outcomes • Outcome depends on strategy adopted by all players: strategic interaction • Elements of a game: • Players • Set of all possible actions • Information available to players • The payoff consequences • A description of players’ preferences over payoffs
Prisoners’ dilemma: An example • Players: 2 prisoners A and B • Two possible actions for each prisoner: • Prisoner A: Confess, Don’t confess • Prisoner B: Confess, Don’t confess • Prisoners choose simultaneously, without knowing what the other choses • Payoff quantified by years in prison: fewer years greater payoff • Outcomes: 1) both don’t confess: 1 year in prison for both, 2) 1 confesses other does not: the one who confesses is free, other gets 15 years, 3) both confess: both get 5 years
Prey-predator model with predators using hawk and dove tactics • P. Auger et al. recently studied a prey-predator model with the predators using a mix of hawk and dove strategies (Mathematical Sciences177&178, 185-200 (2002) ) • A classical Lotka-Volterra model was used to describe the prey-predator interaction • Predators use two behavioural tactics when they contest a prey with another predator: hawk or dove
Prey-predator model with predators using hawk and dove tactics • Assumptions: • Gain depends on the prey density, which modifies predator behaviour • The prey-predator interaction acts at a slow time scale • The behavioural change of predator works on fast time scale • Aim: effects of individual predator behaviour on the dynamics of the prey-predator system • Study carried out for different prey densities
Prey-predator model with predators using hawk and dove tactics • Conclusions: • There is a relationship between behaviour and prey density • Aggressive (or hawk) behaviour prevails in high prey density • A mix of hawk and dove strategy observed for low prey density • A change of view: aggressive behaviour is not advantageous when prey (resources) are rare and collaboration should be favoured
This is just the beginning … • Mathematics and computers are playing an increasingly important role in biology • We have just begun to scratch the surface of biological discoveries • The field is vast and largely untapped so we need young minds to be fascinated by these problems
References • A. Garfinkel, M.L. Spano, W.L. Ditto and J.N. Weiss “Controlling cardiac chaos” Science257, 1230-1235 (1992). • P. Auger, R.B. de la Parra, S. Morand and E. Sanchez “A prey-predator model with predators using a hawk and dove tactics” Math. Biosci. 177&178, 185-200 (2002)