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Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 1. Curve Fitting by Interpolation. interpolation. extrapolation. Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 2. Curve Fitting:
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 1 Curve Fitting by Interpolation
interpolation extrapolation Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 2 Curve Fitting: 1. We have discussed Least-Squares Regression where the function is "best fit" to points but does not necessarily pass through the points. 2. We now discuss Interpolation & Extrapolation The function passes through all (or at least most) points.
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 3 • Curve Fitting by Interpolation: • C&C covers four approaches: • Polynomials (C&C 18.1-18.5 – “skim” only) • n + 1 equations & n + 1 unknowns • Lagrange Polynomials • Newton's Divided Difference (NDD) Polynomials • Splines (C&C 18.6 – assigned reading) • The first 3 approaches find the same polynomial. We will only cover superficially, and concentrate on Splines.
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 4 • Curve Fitting by Interpolation: • General Scheme • Given: Set of points (xi,yi), not necessarily evenly spaced or in ascending order. • Assume: x = independent variable; • y = dependent variable. • Find: y = f(x) at some value of x not in the set (xi). • Method: Determine the function f(x) which passes through all (or most) points.
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 5 n+1 Equations and n+1 Unknowns (C&C 18.3) Given n+1 data points (xi,yi), find an nth order polynomial: y = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + … + anxn that will pass through all the points. • Too much work! • Equations are notoriously ill-conditioned for large n. • Equations are not diagonally dominant. • Method is rarely used.
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 6 Lagrange Interpolating Polynomials (C&C 18.2) Given n+1 data points (xi,yi), find the nth order polynomial: y = pn(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + … + anxn that passes through all of the points. The Lagrangian polynomials approach employs a set of nth order polynomials, Li(x), such that: where Li(x) satisfies the condition:
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 7 Newton's Divided Difference (NDD) Polynomial (C&C 18.1) • Gives the same polynomial as the Lagrange method but is computationally easier. General form for n+1 data points: • pn(x) = b0 + b1(x–x0) + b2(x–x0)(x–x1) • + … + bn(x–x0)(x–x1)(x–x2)…(x–xn-1) • with b0, b1, ... , bn all unknown. • Note that ith term is zero at xj for j < i. Each term insures that the polynomial correctly interpolates at one new point. The algorithm is recursive and readily suited for spreadsheet or other programmed calculation.
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 9 Newton's Divided Differences (NDD) versus Lagrange Polynomials: 1. Both methods give the same results. 2. Comparison based on a count of the FLOPS: Evaluate coefficients: Interpolate for one x: Lagrange: (n+1) (n+1) n2(n+1) (n+1) n2 NDD: (n+1) (n+1)/2 n2/2n 3. Easy to add a node with NDD. Need to start over with Lagrange. 4. Both methods share a major problem: as the number of points increases, so does the order of polynomial. This may cause excessive "wiggles" or "waves" between points.
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 10 Splines (C&C 18.6) Issue: Need to overcome the "wiggle" or "wave" problem Idea: Use a piecewise polynomial approximation Simplest idea: Straight line on each segment. The problem is that g'(x) and g"(x) are discontinuous
Splines (cont.) Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 11 • Most frequently used: Cubic Splines • ==> Separate Cubic polynomial on each interval. • This is the analytical/numerical analog of a flexible edge (spline) which is used by draftsmen. With this tool the first and second derivatives (curvature) are continuous, and the function appears "smooth".
Cubic Splines Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 12 • Objective: • Define a 3rd-order polynomial for each interval: • fi(x) = aix3 + bix2 + cix + di • For n+1 data points, (x0,y0), (x1,y1), … , (xn,yn), there are n intervals with • 4 unknowns per interval (ai, bi, ci, and di). • ==> Total 4n unknowns. We need 4n equations to compute all 4 unknowns for each interval n=3, 3 segments, n+1 points
Cubic Splines Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 13 • How do we obtain the required 4n equations? • functions must pass through fi(x) at knots (points): • yi-1 = ai(xi-1)3 + bi(xi-1)2 + ci(xi-1) + di • yi = ai(xi)3 + bi(xi)2 + ci(xi) + di • [2 equations/interval = 2n] • 1st and 2nd derivatives must be equal at interior knots (xi,yi): • 3ai(xi)2 + 2bixi + ci = 3ai+1(xi)2 + 2bi+1xi + ci+1 • 6aixi+ 2bi = 6ai+1xi+ 2bi+1 • [ 2 equations/interior knot = 2n-2 ] • TOTAL: 2n + (2n - 2) = 4n - 2
Cubic Splines Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 14 • We need an extra 2 conditions for Cubic Splines • Natural Splines • Setting the 2nd derivatives at exterior knots equal to zero allows the function to "relax": • 0 = 6a1x0+ 2b1 & 0 = 6anxn+1+ 2bn • [ 1 equations/exterior knot = 2 ] • TOTAL: 2n + (2n - 2) +2 = 4n
Cubic Splines Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 15 • Alternatives for two extra conditions • (instead of setting 2nd derivative = 0) • 1) Specify 1st derivatives at exterior knots. • f '(x0) = 3a1x02 + b1x0 • f '(xn+1) = 3anxn+12 + bn xn+1 • 2) Add an extra point to the first and last intervals through which spline must pass: not-a-knot splines.
Cubic Splines Computation Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 16 If set up cleverly, the 4n x 4n system of equations can be reduced to solving an (n-1) x (n-1) tridiagonal system of equations. Define a new set of unknowns: Let si= f "(xi) be the second derivative of the cubic spline at interior point i, i = 1, ..., n-1. First set up the n-1 equations to solve for curvatures, f "(x) at each of the interior knots (see C&C Box 18.3): (xi – xi-1) s i-1 + 2 (x i+1– x i-1) s i + (x i+1– x i) s i+1
Natural Cubic Splines Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 17 Convenient tridiagonal equations for natural splines: These basic equations for the second derivatives can also be written in terms of the distances hi = (xi+1–xi) between the points or knots and of yi = f(xi): For i = 0: s0 = 0 [natural spline condition] For i = 1: 2 (h0 +h1) s1 + h1s2 = RHS1 For i = 2 to n–2: hi-1s i-1 + 2 (h i-1 + h i) s i + h is i+1 = RHSi For i = n–1: h n-2 sn-2 + 2 (h n-2 + h n-1) s n-1 = RHSn-1 For i = n: sn = 0 [natural spline condition]
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 18 Natural Cubic Splines Noting that this is a triangular banded system of equations of order n-1, we solve with a method which takes advantage of this, i.e., the Thomas algorithm given in C&C Section 11.1. Solve the triangular banded system, e.g., for n = 7 looks like: s1 s2 s3 s4 s5s6 x x - - - - x x x - - - - x x x - - - - x x x - - - - x x x - - - - x x
Cubic Spline Interpolation Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 19 If we want to find specific interpolants, we do not need to determine the cubic functions in all of the intervals, rather just the interval in which the x lies. For the ith interval spanning [xi-1,xi]: fi(x) = ai(x–xi-1)3 + bi(x–xi-1)2 + ci(x–xi-1) + di in which: di = yi-1 Obtain a different cubic polynomial for each interval [xi-1, xi]. However, first need to solve for the values of all the si .
Natural Cubic Splines: Example Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 20 Set up equations to solve for the unknown curvatures at each interior knot for the following data: (xi – xi-1) si-1 + 2 (xi+1 – xi-1) si + (xi+1 – xi) si+1
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 21 Splines: Example (cont'd) For i = 1: (2 – 1) s0 + 2 (3 – 1) s1 + (3 – 2) s2 or 4 s1 + s2 = 12 For i = 2: s1 + 6 s2 + 2 s3 = 36 For i = 3: 2 s2 + 6 s3 = 90
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 22 Splines: Example (cont'd) Solve by any appropriate method (e.g., Thomas algorithm):
Splines: Example (cont'd) Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 23 Now estimate f(2.4) by using the spline: We need only solve for the ith=2nd interval, i.e., (x1 = 2) < x < (x2 = 3): f2(x) = a2(x–x1)3 + b2(x–x1)2 + c2(x–x1) + d2
Splines: Example (cont'd) Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 24 Solving: f2(x) = a2(x–x1)3 + b2(x–x1)2 + c2(x–x1) + d2 d2 = f(x1) = 4.00 f2(2.4) = – 0.377(2.4–2)3 + 1.43(2.4–2)2 + 0.202(2.4–2) + 4.00 = 4.29
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 25 Splines: Example in Matlab x = 0:10; y = sin(x); xx = 0:0.25:10; yy = spline(x,y,xx); plot(x,y,'o',xx,yy) x = 0:10; y = sin(x); xx = 0:0.25:10; yy = spline(x,[0 y 0],xx); plot(x,y,'o',xx,yy)
Engineering Computation Curve Fitting: Interpolation 26 npts = 10; xy = [randn(1,npts); randn(1,npts)]; plot(xy(1,:),xy(2,:),'ro','LineWidth',2); for n = 1:npts, text(xy(1,n),xy(2,n),[' ' num2str(n)]) end set(gca,'XTick',[],'YTick',[]) cv = cscvn(xy); fnplt(cv,'r',2) fnplt(cscvn(xy),'r',2)