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2013- 閱讀報告. 組員 : 黃騰偉 楊夢庭 邱敏華 蘇于庭 指導老師 : 陳翠萍. Morphine- 嗎啡 Potent- 有效力的 , 有效能的 ( 藥等 ) powerful, strong, forceful, mighty Opiate- 鴉片劑 麻醉藥 ; 鎮靜劑 Field-( 知識 ) 領域 ; 專業 ; ( 活動 ) 範疇 land, space, region, tract Relieve- 緩和 , 減輕 ; 解除 to relax; to ease up; to mitigate
2013-閱讀報告 組員: 黃騰偉 楊夢庭 邱敏華 蘇于庭 指導老師:陳翠萍
Morphine-嗎啡 • Potent-有效力的, 有效能的(藥等) powerful, strong, forceful, mighty • Opiate-鴉片劑 麻醉藥; 鎮靜劑 • Field-(知識)領域; 專業; (活動)範疇 land, space, region, tract • Relieve-緩和, 減輕; 解除 to relax; to ease up; to mitigate • Naturally-天生地 天然地 自然地 字構:nat出生 + ur狀態 + al....的 + ly以...方式
Occur-出現; 存在 to exist 字構:oc向 + cur跑 • Poppy-罌粟 • Synthetically-綜合地 • Manufacture-(大量)製造 to make 字構:Manu手+fact做+ure行為,結果 • Perceives-察覺; 感知 to feel; to perceive 字構:Per完全+ceiv拿取+e(v)
Reducing-減低 to reduce; to lower • Experience-經驗, 體驗 to undergo an experience to experience firsthand • Severe-嚴重的; 劇烈的; 凜冽的 serious • Significant-顯著的; 有效的 noticeable noteworthy 字構:Sign標記,指明+i+fic做ant有......作用的 • Risk-危險, 風險 risks; danger; hazards
Addiction-沈溺; 成癮; 上癮; 入迷 to be addicted to; to habituate • Certain-某種(或一定)程度的 • Injury-(對人, 動物的)傷害; (對健康的)損害 to damage; to harm • Adimimstered-給予, 提供 to provide; to supply • Continuously-連續不斷地, 接連地 • Relief-緩和, 減輕; 解除 to relax; to ease up; to mitigate • Chronic-(病)慢性的; (人)久病的 字構:Chron時間+ic屬於.....的
Main ideas of the first paragraph • Morphine is very potent drug known as an opiate that is used in the field of medicine to relieve pain. • Morphine can be taken as needed for certain types of pain, such as a bad injury, and it can also be administered continuously for relief of chronic pain such as that experienced by cancer patients.
Pharmacist-製藥者; 藥劑師; 藥商 • Isolated-使孤立; 使脫離 to depart from; to break away • Hallucinogen-迷幻劑 • Reliever-緩和, 減輕; 解除 to relax; to ease up; to mitigate • Produces-引起, 產生; 招致 to produce; to bring; to result 字構:Pro向前+duc引導+e(v.n) • Euphoric-心情愉快的; 心滿意足的
Main ideas of the second paragraph • Friedrich Wilhelm Adam serturner was the German pharmacist who first isolated morphine. • Morphine also produces a euphoric mental state and relieves anxiety.
Third paragraph-words of phrases • As such-就其本身而論 • Suffer-遭受; 經歷 to undergo; to experience; to come through 字構:Suf在底下+fer攜帶 • Chronic-(病)慢性的; (人)久病的 字構:Chron時間+ic屬於.....的 • Advent-出現; 到來 to appear; to emerge 字構:Ad靠近+vent來
Heroin-海洛因 • Derivative-引出的 • Commonly-通常地, 一般地 generically universally • Abused-濫用, 妄用 to misuse; to misapply 字構:Ab壞,差+us用,使用+e(v.n) • Potent-有效力的, 有效能的(藥等) powerful, strong, forceful, mighty • Replaced-取代 to replace; to substitute for; to supersede 字構:Re再,回+plac放置+plac+e(v)
Addicts-入迷的人; 有癮的人 • Substitute-代替人; 代替物; 代用品 an ersatz; a substitution; a makeshift 字構:Sub下一個+stitut站立+e(n.v) • Interestingly-有趣地 funnily • Treat-探討; 論述 to confer; to probe into • Opium-鴉片 • Addiction-沈溺; 成癮; 上癮; 入迷 to be addicted to; to habituate • Alcohoism-酗酒 酒精中毒 to drink to excess; to be inflicted with alcoholism • Addictive-使成癮的; 上癮的 hard drug habit-forming
Main ideas of the third paragraph • Before the advent of heroin, morphine was commonly abused. But because heroin is more potent and faster acting, it replaced. • Morphine was used early on to treat opium addiction, and even alcoholism, until it was realized that it was more addictive than both of those drugs.
Fourth Paragraph--words and phrases • Exercise-運用, 行使 to make use of; to draw on sth.; to perform • Caution-小心, 謹慎 careful; cautious • Prescribing-開(藥方), 為...開(藥方); 囑咐 字構:Pre先 前+scrib寫+e(v) • Alleviate-減輕; 緩和 to lighten; to mitigate • Dying-垂死的; 行將結束的; 快熄滅的 moribund • Concern-關心的事, 重要的事 字構:Con徹底+cern區分
Analgesic-止痛劑 • Severe-嚴重的; 劇烈的; 凜冽的 serious • Precautions-預防措施 precautionary measures • Doses-吸收劑量 • Frequency-頻率, 次數 • Closely-嚴密地, 仔細地 strictly 字構:Clos關閉+e(adj)+ly以...方式 • Monitored-監控; 監聽; 監測; 監視 to monitor
Withdrawal-退縮; 退隱 停止吸毒 • Symptoms-症狀, 徵候 a symptom; a condition • Indicators-指標 an index; a norm; a targ 字構:In向+dic說,宣告+ators人,物 • Tolerance-忍耐, 忍耐力 to bear; to endure • Occurs-出現; 存在 to exist • Achieve-達到 to achieve an objective 字構:A向+chiev頭+e(v) • Includes-包括, 包含 to include; to contain; to cover 字構:In在內+clud關閉+e(v)
Main ideas of the Fourth paragraph • Morphine can be used to make the patient more comfortable during his or her final days. • There are two main indicators of addiction-withdrawal and tolerance.
Fifth Paragraph-words and phrases • physically- 實體 • psychologically-精神上的 connected with a person’s mind and the way in which it works -ology名詞字尾表示學科 • addictive使成癮的; 上癮的 hard drug habit-forming • addict- 吸毒成癮的人 a person who is unable to stop taking harmful drugs • resorting-求助,手段 ask for helping • accustomed- 通常的 usual or typical of sb/sth • resumes- 繼續 ,恢復 commonly used or practiced re= 再 sume = take,表示"拿,取
functioning-功能 a special activity or purpose of a person or thing • cravings- 渴望 to thirst for • persist- To hold firmly and steadfastly to a purpose 字構:per完全+sist站立 • dependent- Relying on or requiring the aid of another for support 字構:de下+pend懸掛+ent處於...狀態的 • crave-懇求 to request • lead- 領導 to guide
severe- 劇烈 • depression-不景氣The condition of feeling sad or despondent 字構:de向下+press壓,擠ion行為,結果 • anxiety- A state of uneasiness and apprehension 字構:anxiet苦惱 渴望+y狀態 • develop- 發展 To bring from latency to or toward fulfillment • amnesia-健忘症 Partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from shock, psychological disturbance, brain injury, or illness.
self- 表示自身的 • esteem- 尊重 • diminished-减少了的,被贬低的To make smaller or less or to cause to appear so. • copes- 妥善處理 後通常加上with 表成功地應付 用在否定炬則表示無成功可能 drug 和medicine 分別 drug 通常只狹義的麻醉藥或毒品 medicine 指的是治療效果的藥,統常指口服藥
Fifth Paragraph-words and phrases(1) • Morphine is also psychologically addictive. • The cravings of morphine will persist because the person has become psychologically dependent on the drug. • Self esteem is diminished as the person copes with living life without the help of a drug.
Sixth Paragraph-words and phrases • Surprisingly 出人意外的 - To encounter suddenly or unexpectedly; take or catch unawares. • relapse- 再度惰落 • 字構:re回+laps跌落+e(v.n) • common- 通俗的,共同擁有的Belonging equally to or shared equally by two or more • particularly-特別 , 詳細的To a great degree; especially: • 字構:part部份,分開+i+cul(e)小+ar有...性質+ly以...方式
factors- 因素One that actively contributes to an accomplishment • abuse- 濫用To use wrongly or improperly; misuse 字構:ab壞 差+us用 使用+e(v.n) • Rats- 納特群鳥 • environment-環境The circumstances or conditions that surround one; surroundings • enriched-使富裕To make rich or richer.
removal-除去 The act of removing • 字構:re離開+mov運動+al動作 過程 • Coped- 對付. To contend or strive, especially on even terms or with success • treating-對待To act or behave in a specified manner toward • essential-基本的,必要的Constituting or being part of the essence of something; inherent.
Main ideas of the Sixth paragraph • Not surprisingly, relapse is very common among morphine addicts, particularly if the factors in their lives that led them to drug abuse are not changed. • It is essential that the patient's environment be altered to one that does not encourage morphine use.
Seventh Paragraph-words and phrases • Summarize-總結to make a summary of • Highly-非常,高度地Having a relatively great elevation 字構:high高+ly至...程度 • Effective-有效的Having an intended or expected effect • Alleviate-減輕To make (pain, for example) more bearable • Supervision-管理,監督
Process-過程A series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result 字構:pro向前+cess走 • Lifetime- The period of time during which an individual is alive life生命+time時間
Main ideas of the Seventh paragraph • The risk of morphine addiction is high, and withdrawal is a painful process-the psychological element of which can last a lifetime. THE ENDING