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How to change model configurations (domain and period). Skip this process when you use imtf4. Preparation: Set password-free access to dataman@tsuzumi.ucsd.edu. Generate public SSH key (id_rsa.pub) for your imtf4 account Add your id_rsa.pub in authorized_key file in tsuzumi. $ cd
Skip this process when you use imtf4 Preparation: Set password-free access to dataman@tsuzumi.ucsd.edu • Generate public SSH key (id_rsa.pub) for your imtf4 account • Add your id_rsa.pub in authorized_key file in tsuzumi $ cd $ ssh-keygen –t rsa Hit enter key some times. Do not set any passphrase. $ sftp dataman@tsuzumi.ucsd.edu enter “ecpc_data” for password. > cd .ssh # do not forget “.” > get authorized_keys > quit $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys # TWO “>” !! $ sftp dataman@tsuzumi.ucsd.edu enter “ecpc_data” for password. > cd .ssh > put authorized_keys > quit $ sftp dataman@tsuzumi.ucsd.edu this time, you should not be asked for password.
Changing model domain • Change “MODEL_DEFINE” in configure-model file in rsm directory. • Execute followings: • If you don’t change grid numbers (X, Y, Z), you don’t have to recompile the model. Only change and execute configure-model file. $ cd rsm $ ./configure-model $ make clean $ make
Creating new domain • Create and edit new domain directory. • Edit domainspec and define.h if necessary. • Select the domain directory in configure-model. • configure-model ; make clean ; make
MODEL_DEFINE • MODEL_DEFINE=/work1/RSM/kei4/def/def_rsm/rsm54x55_g62k28_usaw_60km_str • Convention: [model_name][x_grid]x[y_grid]_[global_data_res]_[domain_name]_[resolution]_[projection] [model_name]: rsm (almost fixed) [x_grid]: 54 (various) [y_grid]: 55 (various) [global_data_res]: g62k28 (almost fixed) [domain_name]: usaw (various) [resolution]: 60km (various) [projection]: str (or merc)
Domainspec file • RPROJ: mapping projection index • 0 for Mercator projection (MP) • 1 for north polar stereographic projection (NPSP) • -1 for south polar stereographic projection (SPSP) • RTRUTH: latitude where the map plane cuts through the earth’s surface (only for RPROJ=1/-1) • RORIENT: domain orientation longitude (only for PROJ=1/-1) • RDELX: grid spacing in meter • RDELY: grid spacing in meter • RCENLAT: domain center latitude for MP • RCENLON: domain center longitude for MP • RLFTGRD: a grid number in x-direction • RBTMGRD: a grid number in y-direction
Checking model domain • Go to rsm_runs, and execute prmap for your script $ cd rsm_runs $ ./configure-scr test $ ../libs/etc/prmap test
Changing integration period • Generate rsim script in rsm_runs directory. • Modify rsim script. $ cd rsm_runs $ ./configure-scrrsim
Modifying rsim script 1 RUNNAME=R_000 # FCST_NPES=4 # # Initial year, month, day, hour # YYYYS=2000 MMS=01 DDS=01 HHS=00 # # ending year, month, day, hour # YYYYE=2000 MME=02 DDE=01 HHE=00 Experiment name Number of CPUs (should not be changed) Start and end of integration.Do not set them too long.
Modifying rsim script 2 RPROJ=0. RTRUTH=35. RORIENT=0. RDELX=30000. RDELY=30000. RCENLAT=35. RCENLON=150. RLFTGRD=63. RBTMGRD=25. # # # INITIAL_SIG_PLATFORM=dataman@tsuzumi.ucsd.edu INITIAL_SIG_FTP=sftp INITIAL_SIG_GLB=../../r1/2000/200001/sig.2000010100.ieee INITIAL_SFC_GLB=../../r1/2000/200001/sfc.2000010100.ieee INPUT_RESOLUTION=t62k28 INITIAL_SFC_FILE_TYPE=osu1 Domain information Do not change this part Set the initial condition
Modifying rsim script 3 # # Base field analysis sigma files # BASE_SIG_PLATFORM=dataman@tsuzumi.ucsd.edu BASE_SIG_FTP=sftp BASE_SIG=../../r1/\$YYYYDD/\$YYYYF\$MMF/sig.\$YYYYF\$MMF\$DDF\$HHF.ieee BASE_RESOLUTION=t62k28 # # sst/ice/snow # SST_PLATFORM=dataman@tsuzumi.ucsd.edu SST_FTP=sftp SST_ANL=../../sfcanl/\$YYYY/sst.grib SST_ANL_T0=../../sfcanl/$YYYYS/sst.grib # ICE_PLATFORM=dataman@tsuzumi.ucsd.edu ICE_FTP=sftp ICE_ANL=../../sfcanl/\$YYYY/ice.grib ICE_ANL_T0=../../sfcanl/$YYYYS/ice.grib # Lateral boundary conditions You may choose R2 data for lateral boundary SST and sea ice data
Modifying rsim script 4 #ARCHIVE_PLATFORM=kana@fubuki.ucsd.edu #ARCHIVE_FTP_PROTOCOL=sftp #ARCHIVE_DIR=/fubu4/kana/@HOST_NAME@/$RUNNAME/\$YYYY # # rfcst control statement # # INCHOUR is forecast hour by one rfcst execution # DELTAT_REG_SPRING=180 DELTAT_REG_SUMMER=200 DELTAT_REG_FALL=180 DELTAT_REG_WINTER=120 NESTING_HOUR=6 SWHR_REG=1 LWHR_REG=1 INCHOUR=240 INTSFCX=24 INTPOST=1 INTPGB=3 INTRESTART=24 FCST_RESTART=yes Comment them out Model time step (second) Interval for lateral boundary data (hours) Integration period (hours) Interval for surface data output (hours) Interval for upper air data output (hours)
Run new rsim script $ cd rsm_runs $ rsim