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The Life of Emiliano Zapata

The Life of Emiliano Zapata. By: Coleen Brodman. His Early Life. Emiliano Zapata was born on August 8, 1879 in Anenecuilco, Morelos, Mexico. He died on April 10, 1919. Emiliano was the son of a mestizo peasant who trained and sold horses.

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The Life of Emiliano Zapata

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  1. The Life of Emiliano Zapata By: Coleen Brodman

  2. His Early Life • Emiliano Zapata was born on August 8, 1879 in Anenecuilco, Morelos, Mexico. He died on April 10, 1919. • Emiliano was the son of a mestizo peasant who trained and sold horses. • He was orphaned at the age of 17 because his dad died. He then was put in charge of his other 9 siblings. http://www.indigenouspeople.net/zapata.htm

  3. Map of Emiliano’s home town, Anenecuilco, Morelos, Mexico. Emiliano as a child. Emiliano’s Dad on one of his horses.

  4. Drafted By the Military • In 1906 Zapata attended a meeting in Cuautla to talk about a way to defend the people. • In 1908, due to his first acts of rebellion, Emiliano was drafted and sent to Cuernavaca. • Since he was skilled with horses, he was only a soldier for 6 months. • He was soon sent to Mexico City. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emiliano_Zapata

  5. Town of Cuautla. The town of Cuernavaca. Emiliano and friends in Mexico City.

  6. Chief Zapata • In 1909, chief leader, Jose Merino, called a town meeting in Anenecuilco. • He was old and wanted to resign, so he needed people to vote for a new leader. • Merino wanted someone who was young and could easily fight for the land rights of the village. • With 3 nominee for the new president, Emiliano was voted leader. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emiliano_Zapata

  7. Jose Merino at the town meeting in Anenecuilco. Emiliano Zapata just voted chief leader of the village.

  8. Leading Figure • Emiliano was well respected by the village people. • Although Zapata was young, the village people had no worries at all handing the powers and responsibility over to him. • He became a leading figure in the village and soon became involved in struggles for the rights of the campesinos of Morelos. • Zapata requested land rights from the government multiple times being denied each of those. • Disgusted and annoyed, he made use of his armed forces

  9. Leading Figure (Continued) • Zapata requested land rights from the government multiple times being denied each of those. • Disgusted and annoyed, he made use of his armed forces and taking over the land in dispute. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emiliano_Zapata

  10. Emiliano and his armed forces. General Emiliano Zapata

  11. Rebellion • In March 1911, Zapata joined the rebellion against Diaz. • With the fall of the Diaz ruling, Emiliano demanded land for the peasants, removal of federal troops from Morelos, and designation of an acceptable commander of state forces. • Soon after being denied, he revolted again.

  12. Rebellion (Continued) • This time it worked. By April 1912, he was distributing land in Puebla and in other counties. • Helping Emiliano along the way were a group of intellectuals including Antonio Diaz Soto y Gama and schoolteacher Otilio Montano. http://www.answers.com/topic/emiliano-zapata

  13. Zapata’s helper Antonio Diaz Soto y Gama Emiliano’s other helper, Otilio Montano.

  14. Taking Control • In 1917 Zapata realized that for him to have great success in maintaining access to Mexico City, he would have to am and train his forces much better. • First he had success in Jojutla, but failed to do so again against Torres Burgos. • But soon after, Burgos died and Zapata was elected “Supreme Chief of the Revolutionary Movement of the South.” • Now chief, Zapata gained all land necessary to have success in the future. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emiliano_Zapata

  15. Torres Burgos’s land. Map of Jojutla, Mexico

  16. Undefeated? • Zapata had never been defeated in battle by government forces. • in 1919 he fell victim to an ambush by General Pablo Gonzalez. • Zapata agreed to receive a messenger from the supporters of the president and to plan a meeting to speak about their defection. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emiliano_Zapata

  17. Guajardo, one of the messengers and a part of the meeting Emiliano planned.

  18. Zapata’s Death • On April 10, 1919, Zapata was called to a meeting by Col Jesus Guajardo. • As soon as he arrived, Guajardo’s men shot multiple bullets at him. • They then took his dead body to Cuautla to claim bounty on him. • Here they were only given half as much money as they were promised. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emiliano_Zapata

  19. Emiliano after being shot repeatedly.

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