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Blackbox Reductions from Mechanisms to Algorithms. Nicole Immorlica, Northwestern U. & MSR. Algorithm Design. Input v. v 1. v 2. MACHINE SCHEDULING. Feasibility constraints on outcome space. SET COVER. ASSIGNMENT. Output x. v 3. v 4. v 5.
Blackbox Reductions fromMechanisms to Algorithms Nicole Immorlica, Northwestern U. & MSR
Algorithm Design Input v v1 • v2 MACHINE SCHEDULING Feasibility constraintson outcome space SET COVER ASSIGNMENT Output x • v3 • v4 • v5 GOAL: maximize (or minimize) some function f(x,v)
Mechanism Design bi chosen to maximize utility = vixi(b)-pi(b) Input v Input b v1 b1 • v2 • b2 MACHINE SCHEDULING Allocation x Feasibility constraintson outcome space ASSIGNMENT SET COVER • v3 • b3 Payment p • v4 • b4 • v5 • b5 GOAL: maximize (or minimize) some function f(x,v)
Algorithmic Mechanism Design: behind every great mechanism is a great algorithm computation incentives
HOLY GRAIL: general technique to convert algorithms into mechanisms
Black-Box Transformations Algorithm Transformation Allocation x Input v Input b Payment p GOAL: for every algorithm, transformation preserves quality of solutionin equilibrium. and is incentive compatible.
Black-Box Transformations Algorithm Transformation Input v Allocation x … and is incentive compatible (IC), i.e., monotone: ex-post IC (truthful in expectation):allocation to agent iis increasing in i’s bid for all bid profiles of others Bayesian IC: allocation to agent i is increasing in i’s bid in expectation w.r.t. prior of over bid profiles of others
Optimal Algorithm VCG Transformation Input v Allocation x EXAMPLE: Vickrey-Clark-Groves auction transforms any optimal algorithm into an optimal ex-post IC mechanism for any monotone objective function.
Single Item Auction SelectionAlgorithm Find agentw/max value VCG Transformation Input v Allocation x one item, agent i has value vi for item (single-parameter)
Combinatorial Auction agents items i1 $10 $12 • i2 • i2 • i3 many items, agent i has value vij for subset Sj (multi-parameter)
Combinatorial Auction ??? Find max valuenon-overlappingcollection of sets VCG Transformation Input v Allocation x many items, agent i has value vij for subset Sj (multi-parameter)
HOLY GRAIL: general technique to convert algorithms into mechanisms ^ approximation
Bayesian IC transformations for welfare (single- or multi-parameter!) polynomial time? truthful transformations for welfare Bayesian IC transformations for non-linear objectives (see Shuchi’s talk) = max ∑ixivis.t. feasibility constraints on alloc. x
BIC Transformation Positive Result: Transform approximation algorithms into Bayesian IC mechs with small loss in social welfare. Single-parameter: (single private value for allocation) Monotonization.For dist. F and algorithm A, there is a Bayesian IC transformation TA,F satisfying E[TA,F(v)] ≥ E[A(v)]. Blackbox computation.TA,F can be computed in polytime with queries to A. Payment computation.Payments can be computed with two queries to A.
Monotonization xi(vi) = E[alloc. to i| vi] Not BIC BIC vi Fact. There’re payments that make an alg. Bayesian IC if and only if for all i, expected allocation is monotone non-decreasing in value vi.
Monotonization Goal: construct yi from xis.t. • Monotonicity. yi(.) non-decreasing monotone • Surplus-preservation. Evi[viyi(vi)] ≥ Evi[vixi(vi)] • Distribution-preservation. (can apply construction independently to each j)
Monotonization Idea 1: remap values.
Monotonization Idea 2: resample values.
Monotonization allocation cumulativecurve Idea 3: resample values in region wherecumulative allocation is not monotone.
Monotonization xi(vi) yi(vi) Construction of yi(vi) from xi(vi) preserves: • Distribution-preservation. • Monotonicity. yinon-decreasing monotone
Monotonization xi(vi) yi(vi) Construction of yi(vi) from xi(vi) preserves: • Surplus-preservation. Evi[vi(yi - xi)] ≥ 0 b E[v(y-x)] = ∫ v(y-x) d f(v) (integration by parts) = v(Y-X)| – ∫ v’(Y-X) d f(v) (v , X dominates Y) = 0 – (non-neg.) x (non-pos.) (2nd term non-pos.) ≥ 0 a b b a a
BIC Transformation for Welfare Positive Result: Transform approximation algorithms into Bayesian IC mechs with small loss in social welfare. Single-parameter: (single private value for allocation) Monotonization.For dist. F and algorithm A, there is a Bayesian IC transformation TA,F satisfying E[A(v)] ≥ E[TA,F(v)]. Blackbox computation.TA,F can be computed in polytime with queries to A. Payment computation.Payments can be computed with two queries to A.
BIC Transformation for Welfare Positive Result: Transform approximation algorithms into Bayesian IC mechs with small loss in social welfare. Single-parameter: (single private value for allocation) Monotonization.For dist. F and algorithm A, there is a Bayesian IC transformation TA,F satisfying E[A(v)] ≥ E[TA,F(v)]. Blackbox computation.TA,F can be computed in polytime with queries to A. Payment computation.Payments can be computed with two queries to A.
Payment Computation v p(v) = v y(v) – ∫ y(z)dz 0 payment identity Idea: compute random variable P with E[P] = p(v)
Payment Computation payment identity v p(v) = v y(v) – ∫ y(z)dz 0 Y indicator random variable for whether agent wins in A (with y(v)) z drawn uniformly from [0,v] Yz indicator random variable for whether agent wins in A (with y(z)) P = v (Y – Yz) 1st call to A 2nd call to A const. # calls per agent Idea: compute random variable P with E[P] = p(v)
Payment Computation goal: given A, find an alg. A’ that computesallocation and payments with just 1 call to A Pick agent k uniformly at random and draw wk from Fk Calculate outcome y’ for A(wk, v-k) For each agent i ≠ k, set p’i = viy’i For agent k, set p’k = 0 if wk > vk and p’k = -(n – 1)y’k/fk(wk) otherwise Output (y’, p’) only call to A ugly formula
Payment Computation Thm. Algorithm A’ is Bayesian IC. Proof. Monotone. y’ linear transformation of y. y’(v) = (1 - 1/n) y(v) + 1/n E[y(w)] Payment Identity. v v p’(v) = v y’(v) – ∫ y’(z) dz p’(v) = (1 - 1/n) vy(v) – (1/n)(n - 1)∫ y(z) dz 0 0 payment for i ≠ k payment for i = k(see ugly formula)
Payment Computation Thm. Welfare is E[A’(v)] ≥ E[A(v) – max(v)] Proof. Each buyer has welfare ≥ (1 - 1/n) vy(v) Since y(v) is a probability, vy(v) ≤ max(v) Lose at most max(v) in total buyer welfare Expected payments are the same, so lose nothing in seller welfare Finds (alloc, payments) with 1 call to monotone alg. [Babaioff, Kleinberg, Slivkins’10]
Approx. Algorithm Dist. of values Transformation Allocation x Input v Payment p (drawn fromknown dist.) POSSIBILITY: can transform any approximation algorithm into a Bayesian IC mech. with small loss for f(x,v) = Σixivi. [Hartline-Lucier’10]
Multi-parameter Transformation Goal: construct allocation from algorithm s.t. • “Monotonicity”. • Surplus-preservation. • Distribution-preservation. By mapping types of an agent to surrogates in a way that preserves above properties.
Replicas and Surrogates replicas (drawn from F) surrogates (drawn from F) surrogate allocations max-weight original type t matching surrogatetype t’ v(t,x(t’)) x(t’) Set payment equal to VCG payment for type t. Set allocation equal to output on surrogate type profile.
Replicas and Surrogates Thm. Transformation is distribution-preserving. Thm. Transformation is Bayesian IC. Thm. Transformation doesn’t lose much welfare. Prf. Because replicas are “close” to matched surrogatesin values for outcomes. [Hartline, Kleinberg, Malekian’11] [Bei, Huang’11]
Strengthening the Result Solution concept: black-box transformations for social welfare that preserve approximation and are truthful in expectation? Social objective: black-box transformations that preserve approximation, are Bayesian IC, and work for other social objectives?
GOAL: Find a general technique to convert approximation algorithms into truthful mech. for social welfare. IMPOSSIBLE
Multi-parameter Transformations Thm. There’s no truthful in expectation mech. for combinatorial auctions with submodular valuations that guarantees a sub-linear approx. Note: there is a (1-1/e)-approximation alg. [Dughmi, Vondrak’11]
Single-parameter Transformations Truthful in Expectation. For all algorithms A, TAis truthful in expectation, i.e., expected allocation is monotone for all i. Worst-case approximation preserving. For all values vectors v and algorithms A, expected welfare of transformation is close to expected welfare of algorithm.
BAD NEWS: For any polytime truthful in expectation transformation, there is a welfare problem and alg. such that worst-case welfare of transformation is polynomially larger than the alg.’s.
Proof Outline • Define welfare instance (feasible allocations, values of agents). • Find algorithm with high welfare. • Use monotonicity to show any ex-post transformation has low worst-case welfare.
Intuition • v1 row ave. of x1 increasing (x1,x2) • v2 Bayesian IC column ave. of x2 increasing
Intuition • v1 • v2 Ex-post IC
Intuition Input vector • v1 (.2,.2) (.1,.3) (.5,.5) (.3,.4) (.8,.7) Query Query Query Query • v2 Transformation must fix non-monotonicitiesin every row and column.
Intuition Make all allocations constant on these agents. (.6,.2) (.3,.3) 𝑣1 (.2,.6) (.5,.5) 𝑣2 Idea: hide non-monotonicity on high-dim. diagonal.
Truthful in Expectation Thm. Any truthful-in-expectation transformation loses a polynomial factor in welfare approximation. [Chawla, Immorlica, Lucier’12]
Blackbox Transformations. Bayesian IC transformations for welfare (single- or multi-parameter!) ex-post IC transformations for welfare Bayesian IC transformations for non-linear objectives (see Shuchi’s talk)