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Well Come to this Workshop on SELF HELP through YOGA (Yoga Therapy) Organized by MO J MIR STUDNIK NALANDA . Let us Start with the Recitation of Three A- Ū - M s. 3. Preparation for the recitation of Mantra. Assume a comfortable sitting position.
Well Come to this Workshop on SELF HELP through YOGA(Yoga Therapy)Organized byMOJMIR STUDNIK NALANDA
3 Preparation for the recitation of Mantra Assume a comfortable sitting position. Relax the body and the mind by releasing physical tensions and allowing your mind to become empty of various thoughts and memories.
4 Preparation for the recitation of Mantra Attend to your breath and breathing. Prepare your mind to listen to the Mantra or to recite it along with me. We will be reciting every line two times.
Recitation of A-U-M We will pronounce FIVE different sounds and try to experience their areas of resonance inside the body:
Recitation of A-U-M • A as in America • Ū as in Urugway. • Ma as in Mama • Um as Nasalized sound • Umas Cerebral sound
Recitation of A-U-M Now, we will be joining these sounds together as follows: Two times: A→Ū→ Um (Nasalized)
Vedic Mantras-2: Text A-UM A-sa-tó má, sad-ga-ma-ja. Ta-ma-só má, džjó-ti-r ga-ma-ja. Mr(u)t-jór-má, a-mr(u)-ta-m ga-ma-ja. Óm, šánti, šánti, šántih.
Vedic Mantras-2: Meaning • Óm – Brahman; asató – od nepravdy, od neskutečného; má – mně, ke mně; sat – k Pravdě, ke Skutečému; • Tamasó – od temnoty, od nevědomosti; Džjótih – Světlo vědění; gamaja – vést; • Mr(u)tjóh – od pomíjivého, od smrtelného; amr(u)tam –k Nepomíjivému, k Nesmrtelnému. • Óm. Věď mne od neskutečného ke Skutečnému. • Veď mne od temnoty ke Světlu. • Veď mne od smrti k Nesmrtelnosti.
Vedic Mantras-3: Text A-UM. Pú-r-na-ma-da-h, pú-r-na-m-i-da-m. Pú-r-ná-t, pú-r-na-mu-dá-čja-té. Pú-r-na-sja, pú-r-na-má-dá-ja Pú-r-na-m-é-vá-va-ši-šja-té. Pú-r-na-m, é-va-ava-ši-šja-té.
Vedic Mantras-3: Meaning • Óm. Vše neviditelné je vskutku Nekonečný Brahman. • Vše, co je viditelné, je také Nekonečný Brahman. • Celý vesmír povstal z Nekonečného Brahmana • a všechno, co zbývá, je také onen Nekonečný Brahman. • Óm – Brahman; púrnam – nekonečný; adah – ono neviditelné; • Idam – toto viditelné; púrnát – z nekonečného; • Udačjaté – povstává; púrnasja – od nekonečného; • Éva – totéž, stejné; avašišjaté – zbývá, zústává
Guidelines for our WorkEstablishing Diagnosis for Self-Help Causes of our Suffering: • DUE TO EXTRANEOUS FACTORS. (agantukavyadhai) • DUE TO OUR SELF (nijavyadhi). Yoga is the best way to deal with nijavyadhis due to “Spiritual causes”.