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Setting the Record Straight: The Truth About Fad Diets. Obesity. Over 50 percent of Americans are overweight. One in three adults is obese. Why? Sedentary lifestyle Poor food choices Obsession with dieting Lack of time. The U.S. Diet Industry.
Obesity • Over 50 percent of Americans are overweight. • One in three adults is obese. Why? • Sedentary lifestyle • Poor food choices • Obsession with dieting • Lack of time
The U.S. Diet Industry Almost $40 billion per year industry, includes: • Diet books • Diet foods • Diet programs • Weight-loss gimmicks
1960 Drinking Man’s Diet Steak and Wine 1967 Dr. Stillman’s Diet 1972 Dr. Atkin’s Diet 1973 Richard Simmons Fitness Guru 1978 Scarsdale Diet 1979 Pritikin Diet 1980 Beverly Hills Diet 1981Cabbage Soup Diet 1988 Optifast Liquid Diet 1991 Protein Power 1991Fen Phen Diet Pill 1995 Enter the Zone 1997 Fen Phen pulled from market Do You Remember?
Enter the Zone Protein Power Sugar Busters! Dr. Atkin’s New Diet Revolution The Anti-Aging Zone The Cabbage Soup Diet Dr. Bob Arnot’s Revolutionary Weight Control Program
Fad Diets • Fad Diet – Weight loss plans that are only popular for a short time • Weight lost usually regained • Hard to stick with because they limit food variety • Expensive • Restrict certain foods • Body won’t get essential nutrients • Often seen in Advertisements
How to Recognize a Fad Diet Is the author credible? Diets that advocate: • Magic or miracle foods • Rapid weight loss/quick fix • No exercise • Rigid menus, “good” vs. “bad” foods, specific food combinations • Recommendations based on a single study or studies published without a peer review • Sounds too good to be true
Fad Diet Alert! Steer clear of these claims: • Fast, easy weight loss • Breakthrough miracle • Banish fat • Secret formula, new discovery • Cure • Balances hormones • Enzymatic process
DIETS DON’T WORK50% of Americans Diet Annually • Average diet lasts 42 days • Only 5 -10 percent maintain a significant weight loss (= 10 percent or more of starting weight) • No scientific data from commercial programs • No scientific data from any diet-book programs • Some cause significant health problems Source: John Foreyt, Baylor College of Medicine
Dieter Beware: Current Fad Diets • Enter the Zone • Dr. Atkin’s Diet Revolution • Protein Power • Dr. Arnot’s Revolutionary Weight Control Program • Sugar Busters! • Eat 4 Your Blood Type
NO RESEARCH TO SUPPORT DIETS • All six diets reviewed: • Lack Research • Use testimonials • Base validity on opinions not facts • Lack any peer review
ENERGY 101 • Calories are supplied by: • Carbohydrates • Fat • Protein • More Calories In less Calories Out = Weight Gain • Less Calories In more Calories Out = Weight Loss
CARBOHYDRATES • Carbohydrate Intake Glucose + Insulin = Energy • Extra glucose: • Glycogen stores • Fat stores
High Protein DietsCommon Claims • Lose weight quickly • Never be hungry • Carbohydrate intake creates: • Increased appetite • Addiction to sugar • High blood sugar • Insulin resistance • Increased body fat
INSULIN: A Closer Look • Insulin Resistance: The cells in our bodies are resistant to absorbing insulin and glucose to use for energy so glucose must be stored as fat.
INSULIN: A Closer Look • Insulin Resistance: The cells in our bodies are resistant to absorbing insulin and glucose to use for energy so glucose must be stored as fat. • High Protein Diet Theory: 75% of Americans are insulin resistant. A high carbohydrate intake leads to a dramatic surge of insulin. Because of insulin resistance, the glucose cannot be used for energy so it is stored as fat. Therefore carbohydrates make you FAT!
INSULIN: The Reality • 10-25% of Americans are insulin resistant • Most with insulin resistance are: • Obese • Sedentary (insulin receptor sites and glycogen stores are full. Glucose stored as fat.) • Treatment: • Increase activity and decrease weight. This will deplete glycogen stores and increase blood glucose absorption. Less insulin is needed.
High Protein DietsThe Inefficient Energy Machine • Protein breakdown = Energy + Nitrogen • Fat breakdown (no glucose) = Energy + Ketones • Increased fluid requirements • Increased electrolyte loss • Increased strain on kidneys and liver • Increased uric acid in blood (gout) • Ketosis
Ketosis: Dizziness Nausea Decreased appetite Dehydration Electrolyte Imbalance Lethargy Bad Breath: acetone evaporation in lungs Bone Loss: Calcium buffers changes in blood pH Ketones in Blood = Ketosis Acidic waste from fat breakdown in the absence of carbohydrate.
High Protein Diets: A Closer Look • Low in calories; 1200 or less • High in protein / low in carbohydrate • Low in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals • High in saturated fat and cholesterol • Increased risk for: • Cardiovascular disease • Cancer • Osteoporosis
High Protein DietsCommon Claims • Lose weight quickly • Never be hungry • Carbohydrate intake creates: • Increased appetite • Addiction to sugar • High blood sugar • Insulin resistance • Increased body fat
Enter the Zone Protein Power Sugar Busters! Dr. Atkin’s New Diet Revolution The Anti-Aging Zone The Cabbage Soup Diet Dr. Bob Arnot’s Revolutionary Weight Control Program
Sugar Busters!H. Leighton Steward; Morrison C. Berthea, M.D.; Sam S. Andrews, M.D.; and Luis A. Balart, M.D. Premise: Sugar is toxic, causing the body to release insulin and store excess glucose as body fat. High glycemic index foods should be eliminated. Minimal fluids with meals so digestive juices are not diluted. (1200 kcal) Negative Health Implications: Kidney and liver damage, fatigue, weakness and irritability. Vitamin and mineral deficiency. Risk for heart disease.
Sugar Busters!H. Leighton Steward; Morrison C. Berthea, M.D.; Sam S. Andrews, M.D.; and Luis A. Balart, M.D. High Glycemic Index Foods: Carrots Potatoes Beets Pasta Bread (refined flour) Rice (white) Fruit (must be eaten by itself)
Enter the ZoneBarry Sears, Ph.D. Premise: “Zone”:A metabolic state wherethe mind isrelaxed and focused and the body is fluid andstrong. Follow rigid, obscure rules, such as eating in “macronutrient blocks” and limiting carbohydrates. Negative Health Implications: Nutrient deficiency, increased risk of coronary heart disease, high cholesterol.
Enter the ZoneBarry Sears, Ph.D. Claims: • Weight easy to lose on 40:30:30 plan • Carbohydrates make you fat because 75% of Americans are genetically defective and over produce insulin. We must achieve an insulin zone. • Diet lowers risk for disease by decreasing production of bad eicosanoids (hormones).
Protein PowerMichael Eades, M.D. and Mary Eades, M.D. Premise: Low in fiber, high in fat, claims human body has no physical need for carbohydrates; should be completely avoided. Success of diet is demonstrated by the sales and popularity of the book. Negative Health Implications: Increased risk for coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, nutrient deficiency.
Dr. Bob Arnot’s Revolutionary Weight Control ProgramRobert Arnot, M.D. Premise: Foods are drugs: Some make you feel good and others make you feel bad (crack). Refined carbohydrates can cause rapid weight gain. A diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein will decrease hunger and lead to weight loss. Negative Health Implications: May take a psychological toll on its followers by labeling foods “good” and “bad.” Avoiding these foods causes a person to miss out on valuable nutrients.
Dr. Atkin’s New Diet RevolutionRobert Atkins • Premise: Carbohydrates make you fat, limit intake to 20g/day. Eat as much meat as you want. Never be hungry, lose weight fast. • Negative Health Implications: Increased risk for heart disease and nutrient deficiency, ketosis. Decreased benefits from plant based nutrients.
Eat 4 Your Blood TypePeter D’Adamo • Premise: Blood type is an evolutionary marker of which foods each person will process well and which will be useless calories or lead to illness and death. • Negative Health Implications: Promotes “good foods/ bad foods”. Nutrient deficient diet lacking carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals.
Risks of Eating Disorders • Eating Disorder – Extreme, harmful eating behavior that can cause serious illness or even death • 90% of those with eating disorders are female • Exact cause is unknown, but can be brought on by the following: • Poor body image • Culture • Life Changes or Stressful Events • Personality Traits • Social and Family Pressures • Perfectionism • Genetics (?) • Teens with family history of weight problems, depression, or substance abuse are more at risk
Anorexia Nervosa • A disorder in which the irrational fear of becoming obese results in severe weight loss from self-imposed starvation • Mostly affects girls and women (90-95%), but can affect boys and men too • Signs of Anorexia: • Extremely Low Calorie Intake • Obsession with Exercising • Emotional Problems • An Unnatural Interest in Food • A Distorted Body Image • Denial of an Eating Disorder • Confronting Anorexia.asf
Bulimia Nervosa • A disorder in which some form of purging or clearing of the digestive tract follows cycles of overeating. • A person with bulimia usually follows a strict diet and then binges, followed by a purge • Person may return to strict dieting to regain control and avoid weight • Signs of Bulimia: • Using diet pills, or taking pills to induce urination or bowel movements • Exercising a lot, even in bad weather or when tired • Going to the bathroom all the time after eating (to throw up) • Signs of vomiting: • Swollen cheeks or jaw area • Calluses or scrapes on knuckles (if using fingers) • Teeth that look clear • Broken blood vessels in the eyes
Binge Eating Disorder • A Disorder characterized by compulsive overeating; large amounts of food consumed at one time without purging • Food often used as a coping mechanism for strong emotions or depression • Consequences Weight Gain and Obesity • People with Binge Eating Disorder may: • Eat more quickly then usual during binge episodes • Eat until uncomfortably full • Eat when not hungry • Eat alone because of embarrassment • Feel disgusted, depressed, or guilty after overeating
Lifelong Healthy Weight • Positive attitude • Are you ready to change? • Motivation: Internal not external • Health: Healthy weight not lowest weight • Increased energy • Self esteem • Personal control • Eat for the long haul; Choose a life-long plan
Take an Honest Look: Why You Weigh what You Weigh • Activity: What and how much? • Food: What and how much? • Stress: Is food your answer to life’s problems? • Physiologic and genetic make-up • Age and health status
Here’s the Magic!!!Eating for good health and eating to control weight are virtually the same. • Incorporate regular physical activity into your schedule. • Enjoy a variety of foods from the Food Guide Pyramid. • Maintain a positive attitude.
Physical Activity = Success! • Choose something you enjoy • Combined total of 30 minutes most days • Benefits: • Healthy weight! • Healthy heart! • Strong bones! • Great sleep! • Stress relief! • Increased energy! • Positive and confident outlook!
Increases intake of: Fiber Calcium Vitamins Minerals Antioxidants Phytochemicals Lowers risk for: Heart Disease Cancer Osteoporosis Diabetes High Blood Pressure High Carbohydrate Diet
Diets that Work • Weight Watchers • Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole • Outsmarting the Midlife Fat Cell by Debra Waterhouse • Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell by Debra Waterhouse • Thin for Life. 10 Keys to Success from People Who Have LostWeight and Kept itOffby Anne Fletcher • The Solution: Winning Ways to Permanent Weight Lossby Laurel Mellin
Lifestyle Change • Be realistic - Small changes over time • Be adventurous - Expand your tastes • Be flexible - Balance food and activity over several days • Be sensible - Enjoy all food in moderation • Be active - Walk the dog, don’t just watch the dog walk
The Choice is Yours • You are a reflection of your choices. Your life and health habits are yours alone to make. The choice is yours. Be the best you can be.