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Zloupotreba lekova Lekovi koji izazivaju zavisnost -panel diskusija-

Zloupotreba lekova Lekovi koji izazivaju zavisnost -panel diskusija-. IV Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa medjunarodnim u češćem 2 8 . n ovembar – 2. decembar , 2006.

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Zloupotreba lekova Lekovi koji izazivaju zavisnost -panel diskusija-

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  1. Zloupotreba lekovaLekovi koji izazivaju zavisnost-panel diskusija- IV Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa medjunarodnim učešćem 28. novembar – 2. decembar, 2006

  2. Srbija je prvenstveno „tranzitna“, ponekad zemlja „privremenog odredišta“, a sve više zemlja „krajnjeg odredišta“ pre svega na tržištu marihuane, a sve više sintetičkih droga. „Izveštaj o stanju u oblasti organizovanog i privrednog kriminala u Jugoistočnoj Evropi“ (Strasbourg, 2006), CARPO regionalni projekat, (Evropsko Većeu i Evropska Unija) Svesnost o posledicama po pojedinca, porodicu i društva u celini...

  3. A) koji se izdaju na recept: Trodon, Ultram (tramadol)-opioidni analgetik; Loram (lorazepam)-kratkodelujući benzodiazepin (BD) - anksiolitik i hipnotik; Flormidal (midazolam maleat) BD - hipnotik, uvod u anesteziju; Maprotilin - triciklični antidepresiv; Propranolol (neselektivni b-adrenergički antagonist) B) koji se izdaju na dupli recept (paragrafici): Artan (triheksifenidil) analog atropina - antiholinergik – koristi se u tretmanu Parkinsonove bolesti Karbamazepin - antiepileptik Lekovi koji se najčešće zloupotrebljavaju

  4. www.funchain.com/~tramadol Jeftiniji tramadol na ponudi !!!

  5. by teens and young adults is a growing problem 1 in 5 teens has abused a prescription pain medication,stimulants and tranquilizers 1 in 10 has abused cough medication Many teens think these drugs are safe because they have legitimate uses, “self-medication” can be as dangerous – and addictive – as using street narcotics and other illicit drugs.

  6. PARENTS' QUESTIONS & ANSWERS • Q: What age are teens abusing prescription medications? • A: Kids as young as 12 (rather than marijuana, smoking pot or drinking alcohol) • Q: What types of prescription medications are teens abusing? • A: 4 types of prescription medications that are commonly abused  —  • pain relievers, 11% of teens (aged 12-17) • stimulants, 4% reported • sedatives and • tranquilizers. • Q: Do different groups abuse different types of medications? • A: Yes. • Painkillers - abused by teens, especially by younger teens. • Stimulant - among older teens and college students • Girls are more likely to be current (past month) abusers than boys (4.3 vs. 3.6 percent).

  7. Q: What can I do to help to prevent my child from misusing prescription medications? • A: to keep all prescription medication hidden: • out of teens reach, rather than in the medicine cabinet. • You should also talk to your teen (For example, pain killers are made from opioids, the same substance as in heroin). • Q: How can I talk to my kids about pharmaceutical medication abuse? • A: Starting a conversation about drugs with your kids is never easy — but it's also not as difficult as you may think. Take advantage of everyday "teachable moments" (point to tell kids how dangerous prescription medication abuse is). • WHAT TO TELL YOUR CHILD ABOUT PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS • taken can be just as dangerous as taking illicit drugs or alcohol.  • Abusing painkillers is like abusing heroin • Prescription medications are powerful substances. While sick people taking medication under a doctor's care can benefit enormously, prescription medication can have a very different impact on a well person.  • Many pills look pretty much the same, but depending on the drug and the dosage the efects can vary greatly from mild to lethal. • Prescription medications, as all drugs, can cause dangerous interactions with other drugs or chemicals in the body. [Source: 2002 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. ]

  8. Pitanja, na koje tražimo odgovore ! • Da li je trend porasta zloupotrebe lekova (uglavnom psihotropnih) kod nas, ili ne? • Da li je promet lekova u skladu sa merama pooštravanja izdavanja psihotropnih lekova ? • Da li postoji jedinstven profesionalni i etički pristup u društvenom i privatnom sektoru aptekarske delatnosti, po ovom pitanju ? • Da li postoji mogućnost “umrežavanja” : • Da kada pacijent uzme lek na recept, tu informaciju imaju sve apoteke u Srbiji i privatne i državne !! • Izdavanje ovih lekova, bez recepta, ili ako se recept da samo na uvid, je jedan od glavnih uzroka njihove zloupotrebe !?

  9. Koja je starosna dob i socijalna kategorija “zavisnika” kod nas? • Kakav je ishod lečenja “zavisnika” ? • Koji su lekovei najatraktivniji za zloupotrebu ! • Razvijanje zavisnosti, vremenski period upotrebe psihotropnih lekova! • Ilegalna proiyvodnja i distribucija psihotronnih lekova kod nas! • Koliki je broj evidentiranih prestupnika, proizvodjača, kao i konzumenata?

  10. Iskustva ... • Agencija za lekove i medicinska sredstva Srbije • Aptekarska ustanova Beograd • Institut za bolesti zavisnosti • Nacionalni centar za trovanje • Sudska medicina • Farmaceutski fakultet • Odeljenje za prevenciju narkomanije, služba unutrašnjih poslova

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