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About RRDtool

About RRDtool. Tobias Oetiker <tobi@oetiker.ch> OETIKER+PARTNER AG http://tobi.oetiker.ch. Monday Morning. 8 am. I‘m reading my mail. Riiing!. Boss calls!. Boss, so early ???.

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About RRDtool

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AboutRRDtool Tobias Oetiker <tobi@oetiker.ch> OETIKER+PARTNER AG http://tobi.oetiker.ch

  2. Monday Morning

  3. 8 am

  4. I‘m reading my mail

  5. Riiing!

  6. Boss calls!

  7. Boss, so early ???

  8. OETIKER!That server is extremely slow again today. Got to finish this presentation. My plane leaves in 90 Minutes. You really disappoint me here with that broken infrastructure of yours. I trusted you! This has got to change. When I’m back I want a full report and a plan on how you are going to fix this f&*ing mess.

  9. The

  10. Boss

  11. is

  12. back in

  13. 3 Days

  14. OH

  15. MY

  16. GOD!

  17. The therapy

  18. was in vain

  19. the nightmare

  20. is

  21. back!

  22. breathe

  23. organize

  24. Approach: • Collect data • Identify bottleneck • Resolve problem

  25. That would be too easy!

  26. repeat

  27. Approach: • Collect data • Identify bottleneck • Present analysis • Propose solution • Organize financing • Resolve problem

  28. My proposal has

  29. to be

  30. simple

  31. and

  32. clear

  33. greylistingintroduced - spam drastically reduced

  34. RRDtoolhelps

  35. UseRRDtoolkeep the initiativemake your boss look goodall at the same time …

  36. An Image

  37. says

  38. more

  39. than

  40. 1’000 words

  41. VLANs intoduced – Latency only marginally increased

  42. .

  43. What remains

  44. is the question

  45. whatcanRRDtooldo?

  46. ok

  47. RRDtool:stores&presents data

  48. RRD is the

  49. RoundRobinDatabase

  50. Just feed ityour data …

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