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UNCUT: Double page spread. By Taylor Lehec Adam Williams Ryan Perry. Heading. The heading is the largest body of text as it immediately gets the viewers attention and steers their eyes.
UNCUT: Double page spread By Taylor Lehec Adam Williams Ryan Perry
Heading • The heading is the largest body of text as it immediately gets the viewers attention and steers their eyes. • Basic font style as the article is primarily about the content as opposed to the consumerist style most other magazine genres conform to. This is because the audience of the magazine is primarily middle aged men who care more for content than images.
Strapline • Contains alliteration • Contains a quote ‘I was totally into the thrill of breaking the law’ – Attracts audience as itcreates a ‘bad boy’ image whichmakes the reader more interested • Very long winded • Contains colloquial language such as ‘Psychedelia’ and ‘Stoned’. The reader of the magazine will understand these terms as the article is written for people who know about the genre and terms used.
Information • The bulk of the information in the article is a write up of the day to day life of the band on tour and hat they get up to. It is written very informally as this helps the reader live vicariously through the ‘stories’ • The spread also contains reviews of their new album. • The tour stories provide the entertainment and as such takes up much more of the page, whereas the reviews are supplying information and they take up much less space.
Appeal • The spread creates an image of their lives and the rock and roll lifestyle which entices the reader. • The spread is very text heavy, it has no visual ‘gimics’ as opposed to other music magazines aimed at other genres. This magazine is aimed at middle+ aged men and as such they prefer substance in their magazine.