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Compressible Flow : possible topics to cover in CFD class . Bocal 1D (Anderson – Comp Fluid Dyn .) Chock tube 1D (Anderson, Stadke ) Supersonic jet expansion Prandtl Mayer compression / expansion Supersonic flat plate NACA 0012 transonic (Marco Antônio tese)
CompressibleFlow: possibletopics to cover in CFD class. • Bocal 1D (Anderson – CompFluidDyn.) • Chocktube 1D (Anderson, Stadke) • Supersonicjetexpansion • Prandtl Mayer compression/expansion • Supersonic flat plate • NACA 0012 transonic (Marco Antônio tese) • Bluntbodyshokwave
Explore Sub-sonicpotentialFlow • Lookif it is possible to explore supersonicpotentialflow. • Howonecanhandletransonicpotentialflow. This is a big issuebecause M < 1 ellipitcequation, M>1 hyperbolicequation. Pherhaps a way to go is to use transient approach which is a marchingprocedurecapable to capture shocks. • How to set upcompressiblepotentialflow in phoencs. Use bernouli to getpressure.
Bocal 1d • Already developed in c-v-nozzle. The nozzle shape was developed in a fitting using excel. The area porosities derived from this fit and were inserted in phoenics using inform. • The nozzle has heat addition but no-friction (yet). • The model does not have diffusive terms. It uses quick scheme. The pressure term due wall inclination still have to be discussed. According to IM250 homework there is a term but according to Anderson’s book it does not have see pg 292, eq. 7.25. • Actually the momentum equation and energy equation have to be clearly stated in 1D form before going to cfd. It has to be done in a document. • The flow in the nozzle is isoentropic. The heating is done upstream the nozzle. • The theoretical isoentropic relationship have to be developed to check the numerical solution. • The shock capture have to be explored. What is conserved, what changes along the shock. The shock thickness and it grid dependecy.
ShockTube 1d • It has to explore the time step in a shock tube. • Anderson, Rhostko and Stadeke books have some material about shock tube solutions.
ShockTube 1d • It has to explore the time step in a shock tube. • Anderson, Rhostko and Stadeke books have some material about shock tube solutions.
Supersonic Jet Expansion • It introduces the use of ‘parabolic’ model to a 2D flow capable to handle hyperbolic flow because it is a marching procedure. • The main issue is the parabolic set up in phoenics including the special inform commands.
Prandt Mayer Expansion • Parabolic /hyperbolicmodel in phoenics • Compare withanalytical/numerical solution given in Anderson pg. 174
Supersonic Flat Plate • Challengingproblembecausethere is non-viscousflowwith a boundarylayerviscousflow and shockinteraction. • Theenergyequationhas to considerthedissipationtermwhichwillincreasetheairtemperaturenearthewall. • Seediscussion in Anderson, pg. 449 and also in theanalytical solution (kamotaniclass)
Transonic NACA 0012 • Getthe MS thesisof Marco Antônio
BluntBody • A challenge. I don´t haveany material to start with.