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Fundamentals of Board Development

Fundamentals of Board Development. Southern Center for Nonprofit Excellence May 23, 2013 Webinar Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE Stansbury Consulting LLC. “A good board is a victory not a gift.” - Cyril O. Houle in Governing Boards. 10 Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Board.

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Fundamentals of Board Development

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  1. Fundamentals ofBoard Development Southern Center for Nonprofit Excellence May 23, 2013 Webinar Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE Stansbury Consulting LLC

  2. “A good board is a victory not a gift.” - Cyril O. Houle in Governing Boards Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  3. 10 Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Board • Determine Organization’s Mission/Purposes • Select Chief Executive • Support Chief Executive and Assess their Performance • Ensure Effective Organizational Planning • Ensure Adequate Resources Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  4. 10 Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Board 6. Manage Resources Effectively 7. Determine, Monitor and Strengthen the Organization’s Programs & Services 8. Enhance Organization’s Public Standing 9. Ensure Legal & Ethical Integrity and Maintain Accountability 10. Recruit and Orient new Board Members and Assess Board Performance Source: www.boardsource.org Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  5. Low vs. High Performing Boards Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  6. Board Role: Support • Raise money; • Bring clout to the organization; • Provide special skills (i.e. law or accounting); • Act as ambassadors to the community. Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  7. Board Role: Governance • Protect the public interest by: • Selecting the top executive & assessing his/her performance • Reviewing and authorizing plans and commitments • Ensuring compliance with legal and contract requirements; • Evaluating the organization’s work. Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  8. Questions? Comments? Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  9. Why Boards don’t Govern • Over-reliance on staff • Lack of independent information • Unfamiliar with nonprofit management • ED doesn’t encourage Board independence • No personal stake in outcome/failure • Avoid tension and conflict • Guilt • By Jan Masaoka and Mike Allison www.blueavocado.org ; adapted from “Taking Trusteeship Seriously”, University of Indiana Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  10. Why Boards Fail • Lack of resources (money, time, staff, volunteers) • Too many goals • Lack of agenda and/or strategic plan • Incompatible with mission • Conflicts of interest • Robert Harris, Association Management Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  11. Questions? Comments? Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  12. What Board members need to know about fundraising • Fundraising isn’t about money. • There is no shortage of donors. • They don’t have to solicit but they do have to give. • Make friends first. • Seek donors - not just donations.

  13. Tips for Board tostrengthen itself • Adopt Board member expectations including fundraising • Secure 100% giving • Utilize and enforce term limits • Prioritize year-round Board member identification & recruitment • Educate itself on nonprofit governance • Assess its own performance on regular basis Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  14. Tips for ED to strengthen Board • Provide Board orientation/on-going education • Build relationships with Board members. • Know their passion for your organization • Help each Board member find their role • Educate the Board about nonprofit governance • Support Board President/Chair • Prioritize time necessary for these activities Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  15. Questions? Comments? Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

  16. Getting Board on Board You can do it! Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE Stansbury Consulting LLC (850) 668-2569 www.stansburyconsulting.com Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE. 2013.

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