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LGBT inclusive work in Hillingdon 8 th October 2012 Malin Stenstrom The Specialist Health Promotion Team London Borough of Hillingdon. LGBT inclusive work in Hillingdon. Local Research. On-line questionnaire Focus groups Young people (incl. LGBT) Professionals Case studies
LGBT inclusive work in Hillingdon 8th October 2012Malin StenstromThe Specialist Health Promotion TeamLondon Borough of Hillingdon
Local Research • On-line questionnaire • Focus groups • Young people (incl. LGBT) • Professionals • Case studies • National and international evidence • Report of research available soon
On-line questionnaire Open from 27th April until December 2012 Interim result, 7th June 2012: • Student survey • 1420 students • 4,5 % (65) LGB (8,3 % Prefer not to say) • Staff survey • 131 staff • 10% (13) LGB
Zero tolerance • Over half (51%) of the students and four of five (82%) school staff agree that there should be zero tolerance to any form of homophobic bullying. • LGB students (55%) and staff (92%) agree in a slightly higher extent.
A third (31%) of LGB staff say that homophobic bullying has increased during their time in education, compared to 8% of straight staff.
Witnessed Homophobic Bullying • More than one third (38%) of LGB students report witnessing homophobic bullying everyday while only 9% of the straight students and no staff report the same. • Over half (54%) of LGB students and over a third (38%) of LGB staff hear the word gay in a negative term everyday. • The majority of LGB staff report witnessing homophobic bullying between students (76%) and students to staff (43%).
Staff report on witness homophobic bullying more often than hear ‘Gay’ ie. they might not consider calling someone ‘Gay’ to be homophobic bullying. Total Straight LGBT
Victim of Homophobic Bullying • Over half (55%) of LGB students report to have been a victim of homophobic bullying while only 6% of straight students have. • Nearly all (96%) of straight staff have never been a victim of homophobic bullying while a third of LGB staff have experiences homophobic bullying from students (31%) and from staff (38%). • LGB students are 9 times more likely to have experienced homophobic bullying and LGB staff 16 times more likely than their straight colleagues.
For those that experienced homophobic bullying (6% of straight and 55% of LGB students) the most common form of bullying are: • verbal • rumours about oneself • people making noises or pulling faces • cyber and, • threats (36%). • One in three (31%) LGB students have experienced sexual bullying compared to one in twenty-five (4%) of straight students.
How were you bullied? Students
Effects of bullying • Two thirds (58%-69%) of LGB students say that homophobic bullying • makes them feel lonely and insulated, • give them bad self-esteem, • makes them depressed, and • makes them self-harm.
Impact on your life Students
Staff challenge bullying • 80% of the straight staff feel comfortable to challenge homophobic behaviour but only 38% of them challenging it every time. • LGB staff are twice as likely to challenge homophobic behaviour from staff and students compare to straight staff.
Policy • LGB staff are twice less likely to think that homophobic bullying is addressed in the same way as other forms of bullying than straight staff. • Over half (56%) of the staff do not know if there is a school policy on homophobic bullying in their school.
Reported bullying • Less than half (49%) of the students have reported the homophobic bullying, where LGB students are less likely to report (44%/ 56%). • The majority of the staff (75%) have not reported homophobic bullying.
Students who reported “[I] reported to both the teacher and to a parent. Both myself and the people who had bullied me were brought in for a meeting in which the bullying was talked about and it was agreed that it would come to a stop. I still didn't feel myself after this, and still didn't want to attend school. I ended up leaving school early and never completed my GCSE's.” (Female, Age 19+) “[My] mother, she told [the] teachers, in primary school. This did not help as then teachers just told people to be nice to me, which resulted in more bullying - including being stabbed in the arm with a sharp pencil, and teachers [were] not doing anything other than yelling at the bully and give me anticipative to help. I had no help trying to fit in and I did have friends but felt alone. This only stopped when I had a fresh start in secondary school, but even then I had trouble socialising for a long time.” (Female, Age 14)
Why students didn’t report “I didn’t want to talk to an adult about it because I felt embarrassed.” (Female student, Age 13) “I'm afraid that once the teachers take action, people will see me as a "tattle tale" and not want to be my friend.” (Female student, Age 13) “Because it’s pointless as the teachers wouldn’t do or say anything because it’s just a joke.” (Male student, Age 14)
Most important subject to receive information and advice about Students
Where they go for support or advice on personal matters Students
Recommendations • For partners to commit to making Hillingdon a LGBT inclusive and affirmative borough • To support schools and services to proactively create a LGBT inclusive and affirmative environment • To collect and analyse data on LGBT in schools, health and other services • To offer a social network group for young LGBT people in a safe environment • To explore the option of a designated equality youth support worker to proactively promote LGBT rights for young people and be a support for relevant professionals/ families /relatives.
Currently • LBH report to be signed off (available soon) • Encourage more schools to promote the surveys • Present results for professionals • Develop training for professionals
Achievements • Local evidence on LGBT’s health and well-being • Findings inform JSNA and local commissioning eg CCP, ‘School Report’ • Professionals request support and training • Professionals acknowledge the need and are committed to support this work
Pledge • What is your commitment to support this work? • What are you going to do pro-actively with this information? • What do you/your team need to support this work?
Professionals Commitments “commitment to be LGBT affirmative, creating a safe environment for young people to talk if they want to” (LAC Nurse) “To be more aware of services and refer young people to these services […]. To continue to advice my team on this area.” (Service Manager Mental Health service) “To be more aware of LGBT people in my work, to listen” (CASH Nurse)
Next Step • Awareness raising • Workforce training • Data collection on LGBT • LGBT youth group
Learning points • Create a vision and believe in it • Trust that your work is important • Focus on positive outcomes • Find the solutions, not the barriers • Network and learn from others • Think positive! • Be the change you like to see
Thanks! Malin Stenstrom MStenstrom@hillingdon.gov.uk 01895-250 257