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Prezentace výzkumné skupiny STAVEBNÍCH HMOT

STRUCTURA 2o11. Evaluation and analysis of built timber structures. Konstrukce, materiály a technologie ve stavebnictví. Prezentace výzkumné skupiny STAVEBNÍCH HMOT.

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Prezentace výzkumné skupiny STAVEBNÍCH HMOT

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  1. STRUCTURA2o11 Evaluation and analysis of built timber structures Konstrukce, materiály a technologie ve stavebnictví Prezentace výzkumné skupiny STAVEBNÍCH HMOT Konference s mezinárodní účastí se koná v rámci projektu: „Tvorba a internacionalizace špičkových vědeckých týmů a zvyšování jejich excelence na Fakultě stavební VŠB-TUO“ financovaného z prostředků ERDF.

  2. Project team: Ing. Jana Daňková Team leader Prof. Ing. L. Reinprecht. Csc. Specialistfromforeign university Ing. Pavel Mec Ing. Filip Khestl Ing. Tereza Murínová and students …

  3. Aimsoftheproject: • Survey and diagnosis of existing timber structures

  4. Aimsoftheproject: • Testing of timber properties • Correlation relationships between destructive and semidestruktive methods

  5. Želiv monastery

  6. History of Želiv monastery • Premonstratensian monastic complex with st. Mary’s birth church in Želiv is national historic landmark. • Foudation of monastic complex is dated to the early 12th century. • After fire in 1681 building of convent was restored under guidance of architect Giacoma Antonia de Maggi. • From 1710 Antoni Scotti was worked in monastery and later ingenious Jan Blazej Santini – Aichel. • At the beginning of 20th century the monastery fired. • In 1993 the religious life came back to monastery and renew is in progression.

  7. Convent roof • Roofovertheconventisoriginalfromendofthe 17th century • Thereisqueen post roofsystemappliedattheconvent

  8. Roof of the st. Mary’s birth church • Roofoverthechurchisoriginalinsteadofsouthbentower • ItissocalledBaroque-Gothic style • Thequeen post roofwith many support members as brickpillarsandwoodenpullswalledintothevaults

  9. Convent truss static analysis • Dimensions are approximately 12,6m lenghtand 6,6m in height • There are many membersbutimportantistheirconectionwhichis in allcases non-rigid

  10. Convent truss static analysis • Wecan‘t analyse thestresses and strainsin trussbecauseofunknowmaterialparameters • Obtainingof these propertiesisoneofcrucialparts in nextresearch. • Wewant to use newdevicesforobtainingwoodproperties

  11. Obtaining of samples for microscopy • Samplesforanalysis on microstructuralscalewasalsoobtain. • Theanalysiswasdone in TU Zvolen

  12. Photos from microscopy analysis • Weweresurprisedbecausethewoodfrommonasterytrussesisdamaged by fungisquite a lot • Wecanobserve many hyphae in samples

  13. Conclusions • Forgooddiagnosisofstructure many propertieshave to beobtain • In historicalstructurethediagnosismustbe sensitive to protecthistoricalvalueofthebuilding • Isneccessary to develop sensitive methodsforhistoricaltimberstructureinvestigation • Due to welldonediagnosisthegoodredevelopmentofstructuremightbeproposedandexecuted

  14. Thankyouforyourattention

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