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Contributions by M. Peskin, E. Baltz, B. Sadoulet, T. Wizansky

Contributions by M. Peskin, E. Baltz, B. Sadoulet, T. Wizansky. Dark Matter established as major component of the Universe: CMB determination of its relic density further confirmed by SNs and galaxy clusters;. 0.087 < W CDM h 2 < 0.129. Additional astrophysical data manifest

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Contributions by M. Peskin, E. Baltz, B. Sadoulet, T. Wizansky

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  1. Contributions by M. Peskin, E. Baltz, B. Sadoulet, T. Wizansky

  2. Dark Matter established as major component of the Universe: CMB determination of its relic density further confirmed by SNs and galaxy clusters; 0.087 < WCDM h2 < 0.129 Additional astrophysical data manifest possible evidence of DM annihilation: EGRET data show excess of g emission in Inner Galaxy; WMAP data may show excess of synchrotron emission; Finkbeiner, astro-ph/0409027 Picture of structure formation in weakly interacting matter may explain structure in Universe from scale of CMB fluctuations to that of Galaxies;

  3. Cosmology tells us that a significant fraction of the Universe mass consists of Dark Matter, but does not provide clues on its nature; Particle physics tells us that New Physics must exists at, or just beyond, the EW scale and new symmetries may result in new, stable particles; As the generation of collider experiments will access TeV scale, we have the opportunity to directly produce and precisely study microscopic properties of dark matter candidate particle and to compare these data to what we are learning from satellite and direct detection experiments. From WMAP determination of DM density and infer that DM particle mass should be O(100 GeV)

  4. Several models of New Physics beyond the Standard Model offer viable candidates for weakly-interacting, neutral, heavy DM particle; Supersymmetry with conserved R-parity: Lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) stable can be DM candidate; Main candidate is lightest neutralino c01 whose relic density depends on mass and interaction with other particles (annihilation cross section) Universal Extra dimensions with conserved KK-parity Warped Extra dimensions with conserved Z1 parity …

  5. WIMP Dark Matter in cMSSM SUSY models analysis simplified within cMSSM: dimensionality of parameter space reduced by one (m1/2 1 m0): four regions emerge: Cosmologically interesting regions in cMSSM parameter space: Bulk Region Co-Annihilation Region A0 Funnel Region Focus Point Region Constrained MSSM useful template to define benchmarks, signatures; assessment of physics reach must be performed on full MSSM.

  6. Accelerator Physics and Cosmology If SUSY neutralino responsible for Dark Matter in the Universe may get discoveries in direct searches and Tevatron and expect highly significant signals at LHC; But to fully understand role of newly discovered particles in determining the Dark Matter, is crucial to achieve the accuracy provided by the ILC in studying its microscopic properties and those of other particles relevant in defining its relic density.

  7. Dark Matter Direct Searches Sensitivity of direct DM searches reaching region of interest for SUSY models of neutralino DM; Next generation of Expts to probe models concurrently with LHC; CDMS current If WIMP is light may get estimate on its mass: 25 kg 150 kg 1000 kg

  8. Dark Matter Direct Searches and Tevatron Experiments at Tevatron currently probing high energy frontier searching for SUSY signals; Exclusion regions for discovery of at Tevatron (2 x 4 fb-1) LSP-nucleus scattering through t-channel A0 exchange correlates DM direct searches to collider search for heavy SUSY Higgses; Negative CDMS results reduce likelihood of heavy SUSY Higgs discovery at Tevatron, while CDMS signal would make Tevatron discovery likely. Carena, Hooper, Skands, hep-ph/0603180

  9. International e+e- Linear Collider Ecm adjustable from 200 – 500 GeV Luminosity 1034 cm-2 s-1  ∫Ldt = 500 fb-1 in 4 years Energy stability and precision < 0.1% Electron polarization of at least 80% Upgradeable to 1 TeV 2 IRs, tunnel dimensioned for 0.5 TeV ILC Baseline Design defined at Frascati GDE Meeting in December 2005

  10. The GDE Plan and Schedule 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Project Global Design Effort LHC Physics Baseline configuration Reference Design Technical Design ILC R&D Program Bids to Host; Site Selection; International Mgmt from B. Barish

  11. LHC Sensitivity Inclusive SUSY Sensitivity in Jets+ETmiss Higgs Bosons Sensitivity in MA-tan b A0 Funnel Region co-Annihilation Region modified from S. Abdullin M.B., Hinchliffe, Tovey + ATLAS LHC reach limited towards high end of Focus Point Region where strongly interacting superpartners become too heavy to be produced.

  12. Model-dependent LHC Measurements Availability of decay chains with multi-leptons, lepton+jets topologies allows to determine masses from kinematical endpoints (but significant correlations from sensitivity to mass differences): ATLAS Full Simulation Polesello, Tovey, hep-ph/0403047 LHC SPS1a cMSSM Model-dependent WCDMpredictions can be obtained, in some regions by reconstructing cMSSM parameters from observed endpoints: SPS1a: dW/W = 0.025 (stat.) 300 fb-1

  13. Model-independent LHC Measurements Determine sparticle masses from kinematical edges, neutralino mixing matrix from mass differences, tan b from Higgs sector and bound A mass; Benchmark point strongly constrained by measurements offer good accuracy in full MSSM: dW/W=0.1 (stat)+/-0.1 (tan b)+/-0.04 (m(t2)) ATLAS 300 fb-1 MSSM LHC SPS1a’ Nojiri, Polesello, Tovey, hep-ph/0512204

  14. ILC Measurements Colliding elementary particles of well defined, tunable energy, quantum Numbers ILC will allow to study production and decay properties of SUSY particles up to kinematical threshold (~500 GeV); Direct access to weakly interacting SUSY particles; Masses determined to O(0.1%) from kinematics and threshold scans; Couplings and quantum numbers measured using decay properties and production cross sections with polarized beams. Geant 4simulation of heavy neutralino production in LDC detector

  15. ILC-LHC Complementarity ILC precision and versatility crucial in extending discoveries and fully testing nature of physics at the new frontier first explored by the LHC: SUSY offers interesting template for complementarity in new particles to be discovered at LHC and ILC, but also for higher sensitivity to Cosmology-motivated scenarios at edges of phase space; ILC offers unique probe in measuring quantum numbers and coupling and thus unravel relation of new signals to Supersymmetry, Extra Dimensions and other scenarios

  16. Bulk Point LCC1 In bulk region LSP mostly bino and DM density controlled by annihilation to leptons via slepton exchange: need to determine LSP and slepton masses but also ensure no other mechanisms contribute.

  17. A Comparison of DM density accuracy at LHC and ILC in Bulk Region WMAP

  18. Focus Point LCC2 In focus point DM density controlled by LSP annihilation to WW and ZZ , large mass splitting between gauginos and sfermions: While focus point always present, its localization in terms of m0, m1/2 depends crucially on mtop mtop Sensitivity

  19. ILC Measurements at LCC2 Study of Focus Point at 0.5 TeV is based on five main reactions: e+e- "c+1c-1, c+1c-2, c01c03, c02c03, c03c04 Determine mass differences from endpoint of ll and jj distributions and use kinematics to fix masses: Availability of polarised beams provides additional observables for establishing properties of gauginos; ll Inv. Mass (GeV) Alexander et al.

  20. co-Annihilation Point LCC3 DM density controlled by stau-LSP mass splitting and m: sensitivity to small DM depends on gg background rejection:

  21. LHC Measurements at LCC3 Analysis based on giving final states select signal events based on visible Pt>20 GeV with ~50% efficiency and determine DM from di-Tau mass assuming gluino mass measured: ATLAS Fast Simulation Arnowitt et al., ArXiv:hep-ph0603128 DM/M = 0.12 (stat) +0.14% (gluino)

  22. ILC Measurements at LCC3 At 0.5 TeV production of t1t1 and c1c2 resulting in tt Emissing final state; Important to reject gg bkg ee "eett by low angle electron tagging: Determine M(t1) - M(c10) from distribution of M(j1j2Emissing) Very Fwd. calorimetric coverage controls minimumreachable DM: DM/M = 0.10 (stat.) Dutta, Kamon, SUSY05

  23. A0 Funnel Point LCC4 DM density controlled by M(A)/2M(c), G(A) and m requires intensive program of measurements from 0.35 TeV to 1.0 TeV:

  24. ILC Measurements at 0.5 TeV Determine M(t1) and M(t1) - M(c10) from stau threshold scan and stau decays; Estimate G(A0) from precise determination of BR(h0"bb) at 0.35/0.5 TeV; Stau Threshold Scan M(j1j2Emissing) M.B. hep-ph/0410123

  25. ILC Measurements at 1 TeV Determine MA from reconstruction in 4-b jet events at 1 TeV; Apply 4C constraints and determine MA and GA from 5-par fit to Mjj spectrum using signal + quadratic background term: Determine M(c3)-M(c1) from Z energy distribution in c3 "c1 Z decaysin c3c2 events to fix m value; At LHC M(A) measurable to 2 GeV but difficult to control G(A) and m. M.B. hep-ph/0410123

  26. Dark Matter, SUSY and EGRET Possible interpretation as g rays from DM annihilation defines new constraints and highlights specific cMSSM regions; DM density controlled by cc annihilation into bb pairs with gaugino cascade decays with real Z and W, well suited to ILC analysis: de Boer, SUSY05 M.B., L. Tompkins, M Freytsis

  27. Constraining tan b at 1 TeV Points at large tan b, such as LCC3 and LCC4 and EGRET compatible region have large sensitivity on tan b; EGRET Region LCC 4 Point BR(H+"tn) vs. tan b e+e- "H+H- "tbtn sensitive to tan b process produced with typical cross section of ~ 2 fb at 1 TeV giving BRs accuracy of O(3-6%).

  28. Markov Chain Scans of MSSM Scan MSSM 24-parameter phase space using Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique: given a point i advance to new point i+1if i) or ii) > rndm() wheredefined by SUSY measurements and anticipated accuracies; m Markov Chain technique more efficient and has better statistical weight of relevant regions and can reach into topologically disconnected regions; LCC2 LHC Plot probability density function of Dark Matter relic density and other quantities based on LHC and ILC measurements. M1

  29. Collider Experiments on Dark Matter Dark Matter Density Baltz, M.B., Peskin, Wiszanski,hep-ph/0602187

  30. Collider Experiments on Dark Matter Effective Local WIMP Flux at Earth Baltz, M.B., Peskin, Wiszanski,hep-ph/0602187

  31. SuperWIMP Dark Matter at Colliders Possible scenario with WIMP decaying into superWIMP, such as: long lifetime (~1 yr) WIMP produced at colliders could be detected as heavy charges particle in dedicated setup, its lifetime and mass difference to the Gravitino measured; J. Feng et al. hep.ph/0410178

  32. non-SUSY WIMP Dark Matter Several scenarios of New Physics may include a symmetry protecting a cold DM candidate: Warped Extra Dimensions, Radions, Universal Extra Dimensions,... Servant UED interesting case study, with a phenomenology close to SUSY and particle at a mass scale below 1 TeV to comply with WMAP constraint. CLIC Study Group Tait, Servant

  33. UED at High Energy LC UED phenomenology closely resembles SUSY; If UED related to DM density expect signals at LHC, at a multi-TeV LC, such as CLIC and possibly a 1 TeV ILC; CLIC 3 TeV KK Particle masses determined very accurately, if kinematically accessible: M.B. et al, JHEP 0507:033,2005

  34. UED at High Energy LC Nature of new particles can be clearly identified by a spin analysis, based on production properties and decay angles. UED SUSY M.B. et al, JHEP 0507:033,2005 cos q

  35. Understanding the nature of Dark Matter will require combination of data from satellites, direct searches and collider experiments; LHC expected to provide a major breakthrough by discovering signals of New Physics beyond the Standard Model and provide first quantitative data on dark matter candidate; A sample of scenarios, widely different in terms of phenomenology and requirements shows that the ILC has the capabilities to promote the study of SUSY Dark Matter to an accuracy comparable to that of present and future satellite CMB data.

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