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DAY 1: Class Rules. 1. Be seated in assigned desk with materials prepared to work when the tardy bells begins to ring. DAY 1: Class Rules. 2. Bring books and materials to class daily. DAY 3: Class Rules. 3. No eating, drinking, or chewing in class. DAY 3: Class Rules.
DAY 1: Class Rules 1. Be seated in assigned desk with materials prepared to work when the tardy bells begins to ring.
DAY 1: Class Rules 2. Bring books and materials to class daily.
DAY 3: Class Rules 3. No eating, drinking, or chewing in class.
DAY 3: Class Rules 4. Respect yourself, your classmates, and your teacher.
DAY 1: Class Rules 4. Obey all school rules at all times.
DAY 1: Class Rules Note: You may sharpen a pencil or throw paper away without getting permission.
DAY 1: DISCIPLINE Penalties for inappropriate behavior: 1. warning
DAY 1: DISCIPLINE Penalties, cont. 2. Punishwork/ detention 3. Call parents 4. Referral
DAY 1: DISCIPLINE Honor students who continually disturb class will removed from the honors class.
DAY 1: Procedures 1. Class opens w/ FOCUS assignment, usually on the big tv screen: journal, vocabulary, or assignment directions.
DAY 1: FOCUS Focus assignment is meant to help us focus when we enter and begin class.
DAY 1: FOCUS Complete as much as possible at the beginning of class. If necessary, finish it for homework.
DAY 1: CLOSURE Class will be dismissed only if everyone is seated and all paper is off the floor.
DAY 1: Procedures Make up work Get from another student, find posted directions in classroom or on teacher’s website.
DAY 1: Procedures Teacher’s website: <glenoakshigh.ebr schools.org/ theresaandre/
DAY 1: Procedures Make up work will be due within 3 days of absence if absence is excused.
DAY 1: Procedures UNEXCUSED LATE WORK: penalty = 10 pts. off per day for 3 days.
DAY 1: Procedures Usually I will assign one student to go around with the stapler to staple and collect all papers.
DAY 1: Procedures FIRE DRILLS: Walk quietly to flag pole. REMAIN WITH THE CLASS.Line up single file facing school for head count.
DAY 1: Procedures Fire drills: Leave book bags in class. Girls may bring purses outside with them.
DAY 1: Procedures Hall pass --Only 2 emergency uses permitted per semester.
DAY 1: Procedures Hall pass - Privilege will be revoked for those who abuse it. No passes issued first 15 minutes.
DAY 1: Procedures Hall pass - Medical situation must be verified by a note written by parent and a phone call by me.
DAY 1: Procedures Computers: print only with permission. Use as needed for make up work, etc.
DAY 1: Procedures Computers: Use only the sites approved by your teacher for research purposes.