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Development of NQF in Montenegro. Belgrade, 1 – 2 November. WHAT IS THE NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK.
Development of NQF in Montenegro Belgrade, 1 – 2 November
WHAT IS THE NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK National Framework of Qualifications can be defined as the totality of the different levels of qualifications defined by the qualification criteria and indicating the acquired competences needed for the accomplishment of the activity. The specific characteristics of the qualification levels are shaped by the national education system and the trends in labour market of the country.
NQF The principal aim of development of NQF • is to create a uniform and transparent qualifications system which would cover all levels of qualifications; • secures transition between the levels; • ensures the variety of ways of acquiring a qualification; • and provides a possibility to flexibly respond to the requirements of the changing environment.
HOW MANY LEVELS THERE SHOULD BE IN THE NQF OF MONTENEGRO ? The levels of the qualifications are the essential elements of the NQF. The quantitative and qualitative structure of the qualifications levels depends on: • needs for qualifications to meet the needs of changable labour market • -the system of the education and training. It is desirable that the levels of the National Framework of Qualifications should fit or correspond to the levels of the European Qualifications Framework.
HOW MANY LEVELS THERE SHOULD BE IN THE NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK OF MONTENEGRO • Referring to the principles of the design of the National System of Qualifications, looking to the European Qualifications Framework and the existing structure of the education levels in Montenegro we consider that 8 levels of qualifications are enough for the National Qualifications Framework of Montenegro.
HOW MANY LEVELS THERE SHOULD BE IN THE NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK OF MONTENEGRO • The first four levels of qualifications include the qualifications acquired in the initial vocational/general education and training institutions (awarded after completed elementary school and during the secondary school education) • The fifth level of qualifications is the intermediary level between the levels of vocational qualifications and the levels of higher education qualifications (upper secondary education) • The levels from 6 to 8 encompass the qualifications acquired in the higher education institutions.
WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF THE NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK • National Qualifications Framework fosters the development of the human resources and facilitates the coordination of the economical, social and employment policies. • Fostering of the transparency and access of the qualifications designing, provision, assessment and recognition processes.
WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF THE NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK • Promotion of the development of lifelong learning and continuing vocational training through supporting all forms and ways of learning, creating the conditions for the assessment and recognition of all learning outcomes independently from the ways of their acquisition.
WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF THE NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK • The NQF provides information and guidance for the persons entering the labour market or for employers • The NQF provides information about: • the contents of the qualifications (knowledge, skills and competences of qualification holders) • requirements for certain qualifications from the system of activities, • ways of progression from the one level to another, • learning possibilities and other important issues.
On-going activities in Montenegro - Reform of Higher Education in line with Bologna Principles - Law on National vocational qualifications-draft - Adopted Strategy of Adult Education-LLL promotion - Working Group for NQF development has been formed (all stakeholders included) - Draft text of the Development of NQF in Montenegro has been made and put in to public discussion - TEMPUS project “Development of NQF in Higher Education in ME” was approved - Within this Project, the Working Group formed for Development of NQF in Higher Education, defined three levels and sublevels and knowledge, skills and competences of gained qualifications for above mentioned levels and sublevels
Challanges for NQFs • Based on learning outcomes • Transparent self certification process • Inclusion of relevant national actors • Common Quality Assurance principles