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Recent Developments in Pathological Diagnosis and Classification of Lung Cancer. Serpil Dizbay Sak Ankara ÜTF, Patoloji ABD 15. Toraks Kongresi Nisan 2012/ A ntalya. Conflict of Interest : NONE TO DECLARE. Topics. “ Old ” classification Why do we need change ?
RecentDevelopments in PathologicalDiagnosisandClassification of LungCancer Serpil Dizbay Sak Ankara ÜTF, Patoloji ABD 15. Toraks Kongresi Nisan 2012/Antalya
Topics • “Old” classification • Why do weneedchange? • Thenew (proposed) classification
Türkiye’nin Akciğer Kanseri Haritası Projesi Türk Toraks Derneği/ Akciğer ve Plevra Maligniteleri Çalışma Grubu T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Kanserle Savaş Dairesi
2004 • Writtenbypathologistsforpathologists • Surgicalresectionspecimens
İNVAZİV 1.Yassı hücreli karsinoma 2.Küçük hücreli karsinoma 3. Adenokarsinoma 4. Büyük hücreli karsinoma 5. Adenoskuamöz karsinoma 6. Sarkomatoid karsinoma 7. Karsinoid tümör 8.Tükrük bezi tipi karsinomalar PREKÜRSÖR-ÖNCÜ 9.Preinvaziv lezyonlar Displazi- CIS AAH DIPNECH Akciğerin malign epitelyal tümörleri (WHO 2004)
WHO 2004 Adenocarcinoma(25-40%) ↑ SCC (25-40%) ↓ Smallcell (20-25%) Largecell (%10-25)
1.Yassı hücreli karsinoma a. Papiller b. Şeffaf (berrak) hücreli c. Küçük hücreli d. Bazaloid 2.Küçük hücreli karsinoma Kombine küçük hücreli karsinoma 3. Adenokarsinoma a. Asiner b. Papiller c. Bronkioloalveolarkarsinoma: müsinöz/nonmüsinöz/mikst d. Müsin bulunduran solid e. Mikstadenokarsinoma Varyantlar: Fetal Müsinözkarsinom Müsinözkistadenokarsinom Taşlı yüzük hücreli karsinom Berrak hücreli karsinom 4. Büyük hücreli karsinoma a. Büyük hücreli nöroendokrin karsinoma b.Bazoloid karsinoma c.Lenfoepitelyoma benzeri karsinoma d. Şeffaf (berrak) hücreli karsinoma g. Rabdoid fenotipli büyük hücreli karsinoma 5. Adenoskuamöz karsinoma 6. Sarkomatoid karsinomalar a. Pleomorfik karsinoma b. İğsi hücreli karsinoma c. Dev hücreli karsinoma b. Karsinosarkoma c. Pulmoner blastoma 7. Karsinoid tümör a.Tipik karsinoid b.Atipik karsinoid 8.Tükrük bezi tipi karsinomalar a. Mukoepidermoid karsinoma b. Adenoid kistik karsinoma c. Epitelyal-myoepitelyal 9.Preinvaziv l ezyonlar a.İn situ yassı hücreli karsinoma b.Atipik adenomatöz hiperplazi c. Diffüz idiyopatik pulmoner nöroendokrin hücre hiperplazisi Akciğerin malign epitelyal tümörleri Mevcut Sınıflama (WHO2004) 3. Adenokarsinoma a. Asiner b. Papiller c. Bronkioloalveolarkarsinoma: müsinöz/nonmüsinöz/mikst d. Müsin bulunduran solid e. Mikstadenokarsinoma
Adenokarsinoma a. Asiner b. Papiller c. Bronkioloalveolarkarsinoma d. Müsin bulunduran solid adenokarsinoma e. Mikstadenokarsinoma %90 Mikst tipte (asiner, papiller ve BAK patterni bulunduran) adenokarsinoma
Stage of NSCLC bythe time of diagnosis 72.6 % Türkiye’nin Akciğer Kanseri Haritası Projesi Türk Toraks Derneği/ Akciğer ve Plevra Maligniteleri Çalışma Grubu T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Kanserle Savaş Dairesi
Onlysmallbiopsyandcytologyspecimensareavailable in advanceddisease
Classification is difficult in smallspecimen • Necrosis • Artefacts • Lack of differantiation • Tumorheterogeneity
Smallcellcarcinoma • Non-smallcellcarcinoma • Adenocarcinoma • SCC • Largecell
Simple • Reproducable • Sufficientforpatientmanagement • Chemoforsmallcell • Surgeryorcytotoxictherapyfor NSCLC
WhyChange? New andTargetedtherapies Prognosticinformation on smallBAC’s Excellentprognosis of pure BAC and BAC with minimal invasion • Molecularcharacterization of lungcancer • New agentsforadenocarcinoma • Histologiceligibilitycriteriaforsomenewdrugs DEMISE OF NSCLC NEED FOR NEW PROGNOSTIC CATEGORIES
WhyChange? New andTargetedtherapies Prognosticinformation on smallBAC’s Excellentprognosis of pure BAC and BAC with minimal invasion • Molecularcharacterization of lungcancer • New agentsforadenocarcinoma • Histologiceligibilitycriteriaforsomenewdrugs DEMISE OF NSCLC NEED FOR NEW PROGNOSTIC CATEGORIES
Noguchi M, Morikawa A, Kawasaki M, et al. Smalladenocarcinoma of the lung. Histologic characteristics andprognosis. Cancer. 1995;75:2844–2852. Lungadenocarcinomameasuring 2 cm orless • A Lokalized BAC • B LokalizedBAC-focalalveolarcollapse • C LokalizedBAC-focalaktvefibroblastic proliferation 4. D Poorlydifferentiated AC • E Tubularadenocarcinoma • F Papillaryadenocarcinomawith compressive anddestructivegrowth
Aoyagi Y, Yokose T, Minami Y, et al. Accumulation of lossesof heterozygosity and multistep carcinogenesis in pulmonaryadenocarcinoma. CancerRes. 2001;61:7950–7954. • LOH in tumorsupressorgenes: • Noguchi A (BAC): 17% • NoguchiB (BAK-focalalveolarcollapse):40% • NoguchiC (BAK-focalactivefibroblastic proliferation): 96%
Koga T, Hashimoto S, Sugio K, et al. Clinicopathological andmolecular evidence indicating the independence of bronchioloalveolarcomponents from other subtypes of human peripherallung adenocarcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2001;7:1730–1738. P53 mutation • In-situadenocarcinoma: BAC 0 % • Earlyinvaziveadenocarcinoma (Minimallyinvaziveadenocarcinoma) : Mixttypeadenocarcinomawith a major BAC component11% • Lateadenocarcinoma: Otheradenocarcinomas48%
In-situadenocarcinoma • Earlyinvaziveadenocarcinoma (Minimallyinvaziveadenocarcinoma) • Lateadenocarcinoma
WhyChange? New andTargetedtherapies Prognosticinformation on smallBAC’s Excellentprognosis of pure BAC and BAC with minimal invasion • Molecularcharacterization of lungcancer • New agentsforadenocarcinoma • Histologiceligibilitycriteriaforsomenewdrugs DEMISE OF NSCLC NEED FOR NEW PROGNOSTIC CATEGORIES
New Agents Etkinlik Toksisite Etkinlik NSCLC is not enoughnow
2011 • Multidisciplinaryapproach • Smallspecimens
StrongRecommendations For nonmucinousadenocarcinomas previously classifiedas mixed subtype where the predominant subtype consists of the former nonmucinous BAC, the use of the term LPA and discontinuing the term “mixed” subtype In patients with early-stage adenocarcinoma, the addition of “micropapillary predominant adenocarcinoma” as a major histologicsubtype due to its association with poor prognosis • Discontinuing the use of the term“BAC” • For small (3 cm), solitary adenocarcinomas with pure lepidic growth, the use of term “Adenocarcinomain situ” • For small (3 cm), solitary, adenocarcinomas with predominant lepidic growth and small foci of invasionmeasuring 0.5 cm, theuse of a new concept: “Minimallyinvasiveadenocarcinoma”
OtherRecommendations • For invasive adenocarcinomas, comprehensivehistologicsubtyping be used to assess histologicpatternssemiquantitatively in 5% increments, choosing a single predominant pattern. Individualtumors be classified according to the predominant pattern • In patients with multiple lung adenocarcinomas, comprehensive histologicsubtyping in thecomparison of the complex, heterogeneous mixtures ofhistologic patterns to determine whether the tumorsare metastases or separate synchronous or metachronous primaries
Micropapillary Solid Lepidic Aciner Papillary
Limited (Sublobar) resections • For a limitedresectionto be adequate: • A preciseintraoperativediagnosis • Evaluation of resectionmargins • Evaluation of lymphnodes FROZEN SECTIONS