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Young men, body image & well-being: A scoping study

Young men, body image & well-being: A scoping study. Background. Men are becoming more dissatisfied with their bodies (Pope et al, 2000; Drummond, 2003) The ideal male body type is changing, resulting in pressure to conform and possible mental health problems (Pope et al, 1999)

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Young men, body image & well-being: A scoping study

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  1. Young men, body image & well-being: A scoping study

  2. Background • Men are becoming more dissatisfied with their bodies (Pope et al, 2000; Drummond, 2003) • The ideal male body type is changing, resulting in pressure to conform and possible mental health problems (Pope et al, 1999) • Mental ill health can also affect the way in which one views their body e.g. body image distortion (Fox, 1997) • Majority of previous studies focus on women and body image • Little research in the UK on male body image • Increasing awareness of mental health issues among young men in Scotland (e.g. Choose Life, Equal Minds)

  3. Questions raised by previous research • What causes young men to have difficulties with their body image? • What is the causal relationship between poor body image and mental health problems? • Is there one ideal of masculinity, or are there different ideals depending age group, sexuality or ethnicity or for those with disabilities?

  4. Aims The study will examine the issue of young men (aged 16-30), body image and mental health and well-being with the following aims: • To scope existing literature on body image and young men • To generate discussion and understanding of the different body image issues that affect young men today • To explore the link between body image and mental health and well-being in young men • To develop an understanding of some of the ways in which young men might be supported around body image issues

  5. Methodology • Scoping the research literature (June 2006 – October 2006) • In-depth focus groups with young men (August 2006 – October 2006) • Interviewing key academics and representatives from organisations supporting young men and promoting young men’s health and well-being (August 2006 – October 2006) • Analysis and report writing (September 2006 – early 2007)

  6. Where we are • Relevant literature has been gathered and analysis and writing underway • Three focus groups with young men have been conducted: • GBT group (18-27 years) • Lanarkshire Youth Council (16-25 years) • Recent graduates/young professionals (21-26 years) • In the midst of interviewing key academics and professionals (international and Scottish-based) • Currently trying to organise a focus group with men of different ethnic backgrounds

  7. Dissemination • Research report to be completed by January/February 2007 • Publication early 2007 (to be made available on SDC’s website) • Possibility of presenting findings in variety of other formats, including peer-reviewed journals, articles for appropriate magazines and conference presentations

  8. Contact details • Indiya Whitehead, Researcher indiya@sdcmh.org.uk • Amy Woodhouse, Project Lead amy@sdcmh.org.uk • Scottish Development Centre for Mental Health 17a Graham Street Edinburgh EH6 5QN • www.sdcmh.org.uk • 0131 555 5959

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