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Quick Relief from Gum Pain

The benefit of using Perio-Q-Gel is that it offers quick relief from gum pain. This gel instantly resolves any discomfort and pain in 30 seconds.

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Quick Relief from Gum Pain

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  1. Using Infection Antibiotics for Periodontal Antibacterial gels for periodontal diseases are a great way to fight the bacteria that cause gum disease. The main reason that these gels are so helpful in combating gum disease is that they are designed to remove the bacteria from the mouth. This means that once they are in the mouth, these bacteria are unable to reproduce because they are unable to make contact with the gel. The underlying cause of gum disease is bacterial plaque accumulating on the supporting tissues of the teeth and around the gum line. Traditional treatment includes surgical debridement (cutting away of calcified, hard-to-absorb plaque), oral antibiotics, and thorough oral care by the patient. Unfortunately, all of these treatments only address the bacteria in the mouth, not the source of the bacteria. It is important to remember that in the mouth bacteria can exist naturally, but it is also possible that an infection could occur when bacteria are allowed to flourish. Antibiotics are effective at killing the bacteria present in the mouth, but what they do not do is kill the bacterial that cause infection. This makes antibiotics ineffective against periodontal bacteria. This is because antibiotics cannot break down the protective coatings found in the teeth, so they cannot enter the blood stream to destroy the bacteria. Antibiotics, when used in excess, may also cause side effects such as vomiting and diarrhea. There are two types of antibiotic gels for periodontitis, those made from antibacterial and antifungal agents and those made from non-antibacterial agents that are designed to fight the infection. These gels are applied to the gum area to fight infection, as well as remove any plaque that has accumulated in the mouth.

  2. The gels contain anti-fungal medications that kill the bacteria in the mouth. They are applied twice a day to the affected area until the infection is gone. The anti-fungal agent helps kill the bacteria that cause the infection, while the antibacterial agent helps to protect the tooth supporting tissues from further damage. Antibiotics are often prescribed by a dentist to prevent further infection from occurring. If you have no insurance or Medicare, you may be responsible for the cost of the medication if your insurance does not cover them. You may also need to pay for the entire cost of these gels, especially if the antibiotics you are prescribed do not work well for you. In most cases, oral antibiotics are only prescribed if the bacteria in your mouth are resistant to other forms of treatment. If you have bacterial periodontal disease, there are many other ways to fight the bacteria that causes the infection without using antibiotics. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed for many different illnesses. People that have recurrent bacterial infections may be given oral antibiotics to kill the infection so they will not become another health concern. You may even be prescribed antibiotics if you develop a sexually transmitted disease or have an allergic reaction to a medication.

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