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Instrumentation for High Energy Particle and Nuclear Physics. Schematics of 3D- and ordinary detector structures. Proposed by S.I. Parker, C.J. Kenney and J. Segal (NIM A 395 (1997) 328)
Instrumentation for High Energy Particle and Nuclear Physics S.Stapnes
Schematics of 3D- and ordinary detector structures • Proposed by S.I. Parker, C.J. Kenney and J. Segal (NIM A 395 (1997) 328) • Called 3-D because, in contrast to silicon planar technology, have three dimensional (3-D) electrodes penetrating the silicon substrate • SINTEF/UiO are currently processing 3D structures for a group consisting investigation by a collaboration within Brunel Univ., Hawaii Univ., Stanford Univ. and CERN - Depletion thickness depends on p+ and n+ electrode distance, not on the substrate thickness (1) can operate at very low voltages, (2) can have a high doping for ultra-high radiation hardness, (3) are fast and (4) can be active almost to the edge S.Stapnes
Combining electronics and sensors • Motivation to develop a new pixel detector • Radiation hardness improvement (leakage, reverse annealing issues) • Decrease fabrication cost of pixel detector • Develop a thin pixel detector • Easy fabrication of large area devices • Overcome readout limitation’ • Some concepts of silicon pixel detectors in HEP on the right (more possible) Hybrid pixel DEPFET pixel MAPS S.Stapnes
Active to edge New bonding method (fine pitch) Via technology Thin sensors (we will attempt to use 3D sensors) Main partner MPI Munich Involvement in ATLAS R&D project S.Stapnes
Test chip • Developed by Einar Nygaard, Interon AS here in Oslo for us • Analogue low noise readout for pixel sensors • Will use to study: • Sensor performance • Sensors after SLID bonding • System performance after applying via process • Our goal: to apply with 3D sensors making modules active all the way to edge S.Stapnes
SiPM • An opto-semiconductor device with excellent • photon counting capability and which also • possesses great advantages such as low • voltage operation and insensitivity to magnetic field. • Used in CALICE readout (ILC calorimeter) • Is foreseen to be used in CBM at FAIR • Is ideal for MRI compatible PET machines • Interest to produce at SINTEF, would be useful for development (maybe not mass-production) • See talk of Gerald Eigen later on. • Will build up minimal infrastructure to characterize such devices, and have and • will apply for extra funding within “Free projects” and EU • Additional motivation: One potential role of Norwegian Groups in any future linear • collider detector project would be linked to calorimeter readout (another potential • role in such future collaborations would obviously be linked to vertex detectors) S.Stapnes
International Research Training Group = Forskerskole • Excellent student training/education • Regular workshops (financed outside this project) • Some ph.d grant (see ALICE intro yesterday for example) • Apply for ph.d grants from 2008 S.Stapnes
IRTG – research program Development and Application of Intelligent Detectors - widely defined • Includes • physics simulation • detector simulation • detector construction, system integration • readout design, development and operation • trigger design, development and operation • data handling and data management • online data analysis • offline data analysis • GRID computing S.Stapnes
RD50 • The CERN-based collaboration RD50 entitled “Development of radiation hard silicon detectors for very high luminosity colliders” involves over 100 research partners from Europe and USA. • Member of the electronics group at Univ of Oslo belong to the management board and are coordinators for the research line on ‘Defects and material characterization’. • The focus is to combine several methods of defect analysis in a correlated effort for the investigation of radiation induced defects, focusing primarily on trapping. • The RD50 activity by this group was started before the current project was launched but it now closely connected. S.Stapnes
Instrumentation for High Energy Particle and Nuclear Physics S.Stapnes
Advanced instrumentation – Technical Students • The Norwegian Technical student program is currently very successful. • From an initial investment of support for 3-4 months the students are typically extended by CERN to 12 months, and even 14 months in some cases. The monthly cost is 3414 CHF, i.e 17750 NOK. • The two Norwegian CERN staff members who have been doing most of the work have been Jens Vigen and Nils Høimyr, and they are willing to continue to promote the program. Jens Vigen leads the sub-project. • We are now focusing on five areas for these students (but not exclusively) – areas where we have Norwegian activities and/or staff (order arbitrary): • Technology Transfer • Information Technology • Information System • CLIC and accelerator technology • Silicon sensors and electronics • Six students applied now in November S.Stapnes
Technical Students • Desember 2005: Vi fikk 6 soekere, 2 HiST, • 4 NTNU hvorav 3 NTNU studenter ble tatt • opp: • Oeyvind AAKVIK NTNU AB/BT • Johan Gudheim HANSEN NTNU IT/DES • Ola HOLMESTAD NTNU IT/DES • Disse er alle fortsatt paa CERN. S.Stapnes
Norwegian Industry contracts Slides from Ole Petter Nordahl • Norway is a poorly balanced country • Main reasons • High economic growth in Norwegian economy lead to: • High prices • Filled order books • Few companies with former relation to CERN • Little knowledge about CERN as a supplier • Still Norway get contracts within certain domains S.Stapnes S.Stapnes 13
Examples: Slides from Ole Petter Nordahl • Fast is regarded as one of the world leaders within business search technology • One Norwegian fellow (Audun Nordal) work in this project • In February 2007 search enginewent into production for searches in CERN internal websites • In the process of replacing other search engines: • Goal: One search engine for all CERN information S.Stapnes S.Stapnes 14
Examples: Slides from Ole Petter Nordahl Tandberg has during the last years been one out of 3 videoconferences systems tested out at CERN CERN has earlier this year decided to standardize on their products One Norwegian specialist (Knut Bjorkli) work as a fellow for CERN Recently CERN signed a 1.7 million CHF deal with Tandberg S.Stapnes S.Stapnes 15
Examples: Slides from Ole Petter Nordahl Norway has many companies specialized on low volume precision machining CERN has visited 7 factories and out of these 3 where regarded as highly relevant for CERN Aarbakke is the biggest provider of machining tasks in Norway and has already gotten some contracts from CERN S.Stapnes S.Stapnes 16
Examples: Slides from Ole Petter Nordahl Projectiondesign is Europe’s only remaining producer of projectors CERN is in the process of standardizing on these projectors Projectors will be available through the CERN stores S.Stapnes S.Stapnes 17
Technology Transfer Slides from Ole Petter Nordahl X-ray photon counting detectors for CT Developed in close relationship with CERN Detector chips sold to GE Installed in prototype in Tel-Aviv First clinical data received Regarded as one of the most successful TT cases at CERN S.Stapnes S.Stapnes 18
Norwegian CERN website Slides from Ole Petter Nordahl • cern.ch/norway • Information for: • Research community • Students • Companies • Job applicants • General news S.Stapnes S.Stapnes 19
CERN staff situation for Norway Slides from Ole Petter Nordahl • Current situation: • 15 staff (counts for ~0.6% of total CERN workforce) • 5 fellows • 10 technical students • Norwegian membership contribution • ~ 2.7% of the budget • Mismatch between contribution and number of staff • Recruitment • Stands and presentations at relevant universities and university-colleges • Staff positions announced in governmental job database S.Stapnes S.Stapnes 20
Accelerator physics – CLIC – Ph.D student from 1.7.2006 • Ph.D student Erik Adli is a part of the CERN CLIC development program – see his presentation. • Currently there is technical student from NTNU, supervised by M.Kildemo (at CERN until 2003) also involved in CLIC development • Will discuss if Norway (UoO and NTNU) should become member of the CLIC collaboration combining the efforts of Adli and one-two technical students from NTNU. Need to formalise MoU for such a participation. S.Stapnes
Objectives and status - I • Join forces to develop challenging new silicon technology taking advantage of knowledge base and new infrastructure in Norway. • This is happening through the sum of the actions described above. The collaborative efforts for detector R&D in Norway is being strengthened with this project. • Focus on basic technology development the first three years, related to 3D silicon sensors and new integration methods for sensors and electronics. • 3D sensor work is making good progress, while the work on integration methods clearly will take longer. However, the 3D sensor evaluation is around 1 year behind the schedule outlined in 2005 partly due to late start of the project, but also a significant increased processing time of the next sensor batch. • A proposal for the work on new integration methods has been made but it will probably take the full 6 year project time to be able to see if these methods can be used at a large scale in future experiments. • SiPM work is included now – limited since without extra funds both personnel and equipment will remain marginal • Include a large number of students, in silicon detector system research using fully the link to “Forskerskole” students. • Progress in made, the program for the international research school in September 2007 was focused on 3D sensors and integration methods for example, but there is basically no funding yet for Ph.D students in this area. S.Stapnes
Objectives and status - II • Establish a new ILO and TT system where the focus is longer term and on technology transfer and knowledge, via projects and human resources spending time on CERN, in addition to the traditional CERN contract follow up. • This is happening as described • Strengthen the technical students program, and co-ordinate training of Norwegian students to provide an overall consistent environment for them where there is increased contact between the students, Norwegian CERN staff and researchers, and Norwegian Industries being involved in CERN projects. • The actual program is going well in terms of number of students and with good quality, but the connection between Norwegian R&D activities and the technical student program is still too weak. • Participate in CLIC accelerator research to have a minimal activity in accelerator research, and also to answers CERN request for voluntary contributions to CLIC. • This project is going well, mainly thanks to having an excellent Ph.D student working in this area. A Norwegian technical student is now also involved. • Other points: • We are late hiring a post doc • We have applications related to Ph.D grants and for Medical Imaging • We failed in an EU application with industry for PET development • We plan to participate in two EU applications in Feb 2008 (related to SiPM and possibly vertex detectors for SLHC) S.Stapnes