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This announcement discusses exceptions, try/catch statement, throw statement, method overloading, and abstract classes in Java programming.

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  1. Announcements • E1 due today • P4 due on Thursday • P5 handed out this week • Future Topics: • Threads, Synchronization • Applets • Recursion • A bit of C • Pointers • . . . Lecture 16

  2. Today’s Topics • Exceptions • Try/Catch • The abstract modifier, Brief introduction to interfaces Lecture 16

  3. Exceptions • A way to control the flow of a program • An exception is an object that defines an unusual (error) situation • Exceptions are thrown by the program/runtime and can be caught and handled • Java has many pre-defined exceptions Lecture 16

  4. Why Worry? • Exceptions help to point out errors • Many predefined classes have exceptions -- useful • Some programs have a requirement that they should ‘never’ crash -- exceptions help to facilitate this Lecture 16

  5. Uncaught Exceptions • If an exception is not handled, then the program terminates, producing a message indicating what the exception was • Example: divide by 0 error in the following public static void main(String[] args) { int numer = 10; int denom = 0; System.out.println(numer / denom); } Lecture 16

  6. What if we do want to catch it? -- try • The try statement indicates a block of statements that may throw exceptions • The catch clause indicates what to do with them. • There can be multiple catch clauses • Each is called an exception handler Lecture 16

  7. The try statement -- syntax try { statements } catch (exceptionclass1 variable1) { statements2 } catch (exceptionclass2 variable2) { statements3 } catch . . . Lecture 16

  8. What can we gather? • Exceptions are objects! So they have a class (type) • Java has a class Exception, and specific exceptions are subclasses thereof • These classes have methods associated with them, including getMessage. . . • . . .that explains the reason the exception was thrown • Check out Appendix M in text to see many exceptions in Java API Lecture 16

  9. Example -- catching input error try { number = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine()); } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { System.out.println(“Invalid input. Try again.”); } catch (IOException exception) { System.out.println(“Input error. Terminating.”); System.out.exit(0); } Lecture 16

  10. The throw statement • Exceptions can propagate. • So, if an exception is generated, and not handled immediately, it is propagated to the calling method. • To be handled there, the method that produced it must have been invoked inside an appropriate try/catch block • If a method is checked but not handled, then need to add a throws clause to the method header Lecture 16

  11. Defining our own exceptions Public class Throw_Demo { public static void main(String[] args) throws Ooops { Ooops problem = new Ooops(“Alert!”); throw problem; // never get here } } class Ooops extends IOException { Ooops(String message) { super(message); } } Lecture 16

  12. Method/Constructor overloading • We know the steps that occur when a method is invoked • But, in fact, the name of the method is not sufficient to determine which method definition to use • You can use the same method name for multiple methods -- method overloading • Need info other than name to uniquely identify methods Lecture 16

  13. Method signatures println (String s) println (int I) println (double d) println (char c) println (boolean b) are all different methods So, System.out.println(“hi!”) and System.out.println(5); actually invoke different methods method name + number of parameters + type of parameters + order of parameters = its signature Lecture 16

  14. Overloading constructors • Overloading constructors can be very useful • Provides multiple ways to create and initialize and object of a given type • As long as the signatures are different, the compiler will know which constructor you mean to use at any given call Lecture 16

  15. Example of overloaded constructors Public class Rectangle { int length; int width; int shade; public Rectangle() { length = 10; width = 20; shade = 50; } public Rectangle(int side1, int side2) { length = side1; width = side2; shade = 0; } public Rectangle (int side1, int side2, int level) { length = side1; width = side2; shade = level; } public int area() { return length*width;} } Lecture 16

  16. Use of previous constructors int a, b, c; Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(); Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(3, 5, 10); Rectangle r3 = new Rectangle(4, 6); a = r3.area(); b = r2.area(); c = r1.area(); Lecture 16

  17. Overloading vs. overriding methods • What’s the difference between overloading methods and overriding methods? • Can methods be both overloaded and overridden? Lecture 16

  18. Abstract • An abstract class cannot be instantiated • Abstract classes contain abstract methods • Abstract methods do not contain implementations • Used in a class hierarchy where a class defines just part of its implementation and expects its subclasses to fill in the rest • A nonabstract class derived from an abstract class MUST override all of its parent’s abstract methods Lecture 16

  19. Example abstract class Food { abstract public String slogan(); } class Chocolate extends Food { public String slogan() { return “Food of the gods.”; } } Lecture 16

  20. Abstract and non-abstract • Abstract classes can contain nonabstract methods (that have implementations) along with abstract methods • The subclasses of this class will inherit the nonabstract components just like normal • Note that abstract final and abstract static make no sense for methods • If a subclass does not override all abstract method’s of a parent class, then the subclass must be declared abstract Lecture 16

  21. Interfaces, briefly • An interface is a collection of constants and abstract methods • Syntax:interface interfaceName { constants-declarations abstract-method-declaration} • A class implements an interface by providing method implementations for all the methods listed. • Syntax:class className implements interfaceName { method-implementations } Lecture 16

  22. Interfaces get very tricky • Java has only single inheritance • Interfaces can be used to mimic multiple inheritance (a bit) • Also very useful for encapsulation and information hiding • Will cover more on interfaces later this week (?) • See Chapter 9 in text for more info right now Lecture 16

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