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2006 What Happened Next? 2012. 2006 What Happened Next? 2012. 2006 What Happened Next? 2012. “Chew On This: Everything You Don’t Want to Know About Fast Food.“ Google Books. 2011. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. . MLA Format for Citing Clipart, Photos, etc.
2006 What Happened Next? 2012
2006 What Happened Next? 2012
2006 What Happened Next? 2012 “Chew On This: Everything You Don’t Want to Know About Fast Food.“ Google Books. 2011. Web. 27 Feb. 2012.
MLA Format for Citing Clipart, Photos, etc. How do I put a citation into my presentation? What is the proper MLA form for citing?
May 3, 2006 - Press Conference • The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo would remove all their sugary soft drinks from elementary, middle, and high schools by 2010 • Unhealthy drinks would be replaced by fruit juice, water and sugar-free soft drinks Gov. Mike Huckabee President Bill Clinton “Mike Huckabee.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 27 February 2012. Web. 27 Feb. 2012 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton
Basic Format for Citing Books The author’s name or a book with a single author's name appears in last name, first name format. The basic form for a book citation is: Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication. Book with One Author (examples) Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin, 1987. Print. Henley, Patricia. The Hummingbird House. Denver: MacMurray, 1999. Print. Book with More Than One Author The first given name appears in last name, first name format; subsequent author names appear in first name last name format. (example) Gillespie, Paula, and Neal Lerner. The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Peer Tutoring. Boston: Allyn, 2000. Print.
Basic Style for Citations of Electronic Sources (Including Online Databases) • Here are some common features you should try and find before citing electronic sources in MLA style. Not every Web page will provide all of the following information. However, collect as much of the following information as possible both for your citations and for your research notes: • Author and/or editor names (if available) • Article name in quotation marks (if applicable) • Title of the Website, project, or book in italics. • Any version numbers available, including revisions, posting dates, volumes, or issue numbers. • Publisher information, including the publisher name and publishing date. • Take note of any page numbers (if available). • Medium of publication. (example: Web) • Date you accessed the material.
For A Page on a Web Site For an individual page on a Web site, list the author or alias if known, followed by the information covered above for entire Web sites. Remember to use n.p. if no publisher name is available and n.d. if no publishing date is given. (example) "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow. Demand Media, Inc., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2009. For An Image (Including a Painting, Sculpture, or Photograph) Provide the artist's name, the work of art italicized, the date of creation, the institution and city where the work is housed. Follow this initial entry with the name of the Website in italics, the medium of publication, and the date of access. Goya, Francisco. Klee, Paul. Twittering Machine. 1922. Museum of Modern Art, New York. The Artchive. Web. 22 May 2006.
Works Cited “Bill Clinton.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 27 February 2012. “Mike Huckabee.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 27 February 2012. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. “MLA Works Cited Page: Basic Format.” OWL Purdue Online Lab. Purdue University. 1995. Web.2 March 2012. Schlosser, Eric and Charles Wilson. Chew On This. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. Print.