*DISCLAIMER* Some of the pictures in this slide show do not reflect things that I think are going to happen. They are purely cosmetic and should not be taken too seriously. Also, this is just a SMALL introduction to the prepping lifestyle. I will be covering a lot of the things discussed in videos to come. Thanks for watching.
Just A Heads Up Ihaven’t recorded any audio for this video, I am deeply sorry. I promise not to annoy you with unorthodox loud music. Each slide is 15 seconds long. Feel free to pause and read as you’d like. New video soon! Thanks for watching!
-Important things to remember- • Bugging Out or Prepping in general is NOT a FAD it’s a LIFESTYLE – Which has some requirements. (I’ll talk about that in the next slide) • You DO NOT need to carry your home on your back. (Again, in the slides ahead I will touch on this a bit more.) • NEVER tell anyone how much or if you prep. It could mean life or death when it comes to it. (Handle this with caution. A little information is okay but there are boundaries.) • Bugging out and Prepping effects every sense and part of your body. This is something you need to remember. • It does NOT have to be expensive or excessive.
REQUIRMENTS • Capital: You need to start somewhere. Like I said before, prepping doesn’t have to be expensive, but don’t think you can get away without spending a dime. • Time: If you’re going to be successful in your prepping endeavors you NEED to have TIME to do things to prepare for what ever disaster or event your are prepping for. • Rational Thinking: NEVER over think your preps or over dramatize an event or situation. While it’s good to be cautious, psyching yourself out over something that is not likely to happen is a waste of CAPITAL and TIME. (See what I did there?)
Why do we prep? GOVERNMENT: This reason is becoming vey popular among most preppers. We are seeing our country spin out of control. A lot of us believe this could lead to Martial Law, WROL or EROL. (An explanation of these terms are in the coming slides) DISASTER: We’ve all been in a situation where there was some sort of disaster or storm and we haven’t had the supplies to survive. This is the most practical of reasons to prep, so this is a reason you will hear most frequently among preppers. PERSONAL: Many hardened preppers have been since childhood. Families back in the day had their heads on straight and knew it was important to store some extra food and water around just incase another “Blizzard of ‘77” happened again, or dating even further another Pearl Harbor but in their neighborhood. This was brought through generations through the great depression even. So it isn’t unusual for a prepper just to be prepping because that’s how they were raised!
Martial Law, WROL and EROL Martial Law: This is when the government comes into your neighborhood or home declaring you have no rights and suspending ordinary law until further notice. (Scary stuff, especially because now the president can just declare Martial Law whenever he feels like it!) WROL: Without Rule Of Law. This is kind of like Martial Law except there isn’t any law. This leads to rioting, looting and in some cases murder. A perfect example of this is The Rodney King uprising in Los Angeles in 1992. EROL: Excessive Rule Of Law. This is also very scary. Like Martial Law our ordinary laws are not there. The government will portray an illusion you have rights while really, you don’t. We will all go along with our daily routines while the government’s law blurs the line between ours and theirs. Suddenly, we will be living in an EROL social norm. Where The government and police force has their noses in everything and not carrying out duty the way they should. (OH WAIT, that sounds really familiar doesn’t it?)
Prepping is personal to you Take what I teach you with a grain of salt. It’s important to fact check and prep in a way that is personal to you. For example, I’m not diabetic but many people are . I am not restricted to a gluten free diet, but maybe you are. It’s important to prep for what you yourself or you and your family need. This applies to Bugging In, Bugging out and homesteading. Depending on your needs your pantry/stockpile or bug out bags will be different. Don’t clone someone else's, it could get you in deep water when it comes down to it.
Staying Informed This should go with out saying but most Americans don’t know what’s going on outside of their front door let alone around the world. Weather you are a democrat, republican or conservative find a news station you believe to be credible and keep up to date with what’s happening around the world. Keep in mind though, not always (if ever) does the mainstream media report the facts. Below are some great alternative media sources. Fabien4Liberty Politically Incorrect AMTV
Levels of Disaster The Kgoat Channel here on YouTube provides great insight into the Levels of Disaster and explains how one can trigger another! Check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HB0fJVfsmI Another link to it will be In the description below. Go ahead and click it if you’d like!
Stages of Disaster Kgoat also made a follow up video to Levels of Disaster! It’s worth a look. It has some more awesome information. Click the link in the description to watch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gN3QgC-v-CQ
The Urban/Suburban Prepper and the Rural Prepper It’s important to know what kind of prepper you are before you start. Do you live in a city? Do you live in a town? Or do you live near fields or on a farm. Regardless of where you live there are ways for you to prep. However, just because you live in an Urban/Suburban setting doesn’t mean you can’t prep like someone in a rural setting can. Though I don’t think it works backwards for a rural prepper. Prepping like an urban or suburban prepper as a person living in a rural setting could be a waste of capital and time. Don’t rule it out though, some Urban/Suburban preps could come in handy as a rural prepper! Rural Urban/suburban
Bugging IN V.S Bugging OUT V.S The decision is based on situation, not personal preference. It’s not “Would I rather be inside or outside” it’s “Well this happened and here are my options as of now.” This is a time to weigh your options and act accordingly. PREPARE FOR BOTH.
Homesteading Today the word homesteading is more apt to refer to a lifestyle that promotes greater self sufficiency. This comes in handy for those of you who live in a more rural type of setting. I want to make clear that homesteading isn’t something JUST for preppers. It’s actually a widely accepted and common occurrence among the people who make up our western or rural communities.
Bugging IN Bugging in is the opposite of Bugging out. This is for situations where you cannot or do not want to be outside. Your home will become the only place where you can reside and feel safe. This is also where you will stockpile your supplies. The picture to the right is of a prepper pantry. It may look barren to some preppers but like I said, it doesn’t have to be excessive. I would suggest starting with keeping around an extra weeks worth of food and then building from there.
Bugging OUT Bugging out is for situations where you cannot stay at your home because it is either damaged or it is no longer safe for you to stay there. You don’t have to go into the woods after your leaving your home but most people do. This is a picture of the things you will need to complete your bug out bag. I will go over this more either in a different presentation or later in this one.
Homesteading As explained in the slides before this one, homesteading is another way of saying you are self-sufficient. This means, you grow your own food, raise your own animals, work for your assets and in extreme cases even produce your own energy. If you are homesteading you most likely live on a farm or In a wide open area with lots of fields in an area with little to no people. Although, homesteading can also be with a community and is actually encouraged. At least by me.
Stockpiling This is very important. I want you to know that you should never go out and shop just for prepping. It’s a waste of capital. Stockpiling is meant to be done over the course of a month with casual trips to the grocery store. Each week pick up an extra can of food or extra water to add to your stockpile. It isn’t economically safe to go out and just shop for prepping. However, if you know a catastrophic event is coming soon, I would go out and do just that. Although, you should have been prepared before hand.
Luxury V.S Necessity The right hand side depicts things that I consider to be luxury while the items on the left are what I perceive to be necessity. HOWEVER, the items on the right can be used for bartering. I will touch on this in another video I am currently working on. It’s important to know and think about things you need rather than the things you want if you decide to bug out. This still kind of applies to bugging in, to an extent. It’s all really dependent on the situation you are facing.
Channels to check out for new or experienced preppers MAINEPREPPER: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJOQjF1XJOhw0YIA1JkwcMw The Kgoat Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTzZ8BtVZoxXZbrRRuq17-g DEMCAD: http://www.youtube.com/user/DEMCAD ThePatriotNurse: http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePatriotNurse Politically Incorrect: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UChhpuRXaV7_blCypxOBOIDg
Send me your questions! I’d love to answer any questions or take on tough scenarios sent in by my viewers! Inbox these questions and a video follow up will be posted every week! Thanks for watching! -NewYorkPrepper