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Environmental Protection and Industrial Policy

Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997. Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 is an Act to Provide for the protection, conservation, rehabilitation and improvement of the ENVIRONMENT, for the prevention and control of POLLUTION, and promotion of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Regulatory Action

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Environmental Protection and Industrial Policy

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    2. Environmental Protection and Industrial Policy By: Muhammad Atif Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency 4th September, 2007 Lahore

    3. Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 is an Act to Provide for the protection, conservation, rehabilitation and improvement of the ENVIRONMENT, for the prevention and control of POLLUTION, and promotion of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT


    7. Major Functions of Pak-EPA To Administer And Implement the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997; To Take All Necessary Measures for Implementation of National Environmental Policies Approved by The Council; To Prepare, Revise and Establish the National Environmental Quality Standards with the Approval of Pakistan Environmental Protection Council

    8. PROJECTS/PROGRAMME Self-monitoring and Reporting Programme (SMART) Vehicular Emission Testing Services (VETS) Activity Based Capacity Development Programme for All EPAs (ABCD) Management of Hazardous Substances And Wastes Introduction of Cleaner Production Techniques

    9. COSTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE Annual Damage in PKR Inadequate Water Supply, Sanitation & Hygiene 112 Billion Agricultural Soil Degradation 70 Billion Indoor Pollution 67 Billion Urban Air Pollution 60 Billion Cost of Lead Exposure 45 Billion Rangeland Degradation & Deforestation 7 Billion Total 249 Billion Source: Pakistan Strategic country Environmental Assessment Report by World Bank, 2006.

    10. INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION LEVELS Milligram/Liter BOD (?g/m3) COD(?g/m3) TSS (?g/m3) TDS (?g/m3) Chemical 1400-9800 2300-18640 950 38000 Tanneries 800-1680 1020-2367 298 9104 Textile 800-8500 1610-16500 1900 9680 Sugar 100-1100 200-1896 2850 17300 Fertilizer 400-610 860-1650 9720 - Oil And Ghee 460-1470 1260-3280 576 15462 NEQS 80 150 150 3500


    12. Linkage of Environment with Economy Compliance of NEQS is Important for Export Oriented Industrialization Right Mix of Economic, Social and Environmental Policies can Promote Sustainable Development Poor Environment Affects Tourism

    16. NEQS Enforcement Two 2-Pronged Approach

    17. SMART

    18. WHAT IS SELF MONITORING & REPORTING SYSTEM? Self Monitoring & Reporting System for Industries is the result of a consultative process that extended over several years in which the government,industry and other stakeholders participated to develop an environment monitoring framework

    19. Recommendations of Lakha Committee Lakha Committee held several meetings with industry and came up with a set of recommendations that included: Reduction in customs duty on import of anti-pollution equipment Rationalization of NEQS Introduction of Self Monitoring and Reporting System for industry and levy of pollution charge Other incentives like soft loan, accelerated depreciation, expenditure on pollution control to deducted from income tax

    20. WHAT IS SELF MONITORING & REPORTING SYSTEM? By introducing this system, the government is placing a high level of trust in the industry to examine and evaluate environmental performance on its own and to make the information on environmental parameters available to the EPAs

    21. SMART


    25. Industry Software and a Manual

    26. GREEN INDUSTRY PROGRAMME It is a support program for the implementation of SMART that promotes not only Self Monitoring but also compliance with NEQS Incentive Based Regulation System, which uses both carrots and sticks to improve environmental performance Seeks to foster a pollution prevention ethic by encouraging industries to enter into agreements for reducing their environmental releases by setting targets Agreements would lead to the preparation and implementation of the Environment Improvement Plans for individual or cluster of industries

    27. Establishment Of Cleaner Production Center : Ministry has encouraged establishment of three cleaner production centers (Rawalpindi, Lahore and Sialkot) to promote adoption of ISO 14000 and help improve environmental performance of the industry. These centers provides technical advice to industrial sector in compliance with the National Environmental Quality Standards.

    28. Establishment of Combined Industrial Effluent Treatment Plants Ministry of Industries, Production and Special Initiatives is facilitating the establishment of Combined Effluent Treatment Plant in different cities. Two combined effluent treatment plants (CEPTs) for tanning sector have already been established in Kasur and Karachi whereas the proposal for Sialkot is also approved. Now to cater the Environmental Problems Establishment of CETP,s is considered a part of planning of new industrial Estates like SUNDER Lahore and another in Faislabad & Karachi.

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