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ICT For Class 10 th Year-2013-14. Presented By :- Mr. Sadanand Ashokrao Kulkarni (M.Sc., M. Phil. (Computer Science) , M.A .(English), B.Ed.) Email: sankalp_sadanand@yahoo.com Blog: www.shardageorai.blogspot.in Web Site: prakalpsharda.org Ph. 02447-264059 Mo: 9422707468, 9423714682.
ICT For Class 10th Year-2013-14
Presented By :- Mr. Sadanand Ashokrao Kulkarni (M.Sc., M. Phil. (Computer Science), M.A.(English), B.Ed.) Email: sankalp_sadanand@yahoo.com Blog: www.shardageorai.blogspot.in Web Site: prakalpsharda.org Ph. 02447-264059 Mo: 9422707468, 9423714682
पाठ क्र. १माहिती संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञानाचे सामर्थ्य 3
Main Objectives • ICT चे महत्व • माहीतीच्या महामार्गाची ओळख • माहिती संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञान, शिक्षण, आणि विकास यांच्यासाठी ज्ञानधिष्टित समाज • माहिती संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञान, शिक्षकांची बदलती भुमिका • माहिती संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञान आणि आवश्यक आव्हानात्मक कौशल्ये. • माहिती संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञानाच्या प्रभावाने घडून आलेले बदल.
माहिती संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञानाचे महत्व • सर्व क्षेत्रामध्ये प्रभाव • विज्ञान आणि तंत्रज्ञानाची प्रगती. • अध्ययन – अध्यापन प्रक्रियेतील कोणत्याही घटकाचे संदर्भ आणि माहिती सहज उपलब्ध होते. • मागणी आणि प्रतिसाद हे तत्व. • विविध शासकिय, अशासकिय संस्था, कार्यालये, यांचे संकेतस्थळे विकसित झाली आहेत. • व्यवहारातील उपयोग, घरगुती उपयोग व इतर.
माहिती संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञानाच्या व्याख्या • संप्रेषणासाठी माहिती निर्माण करणे,तिचे वर्गिकरण करणे, माहिती जतन करणे/ साठवणे आणि माहितीचे व्यवस्थापन करणे इ. गोष्टींसाठी लागणारे तंत्रज्ञान संसाधने आणि यांचे एकत्रिकरण म्हणजे माहिती संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञान • माहितीच्या कार्यक्षम व्यवस्थापनासाठी लागणार्या हार्डवेअर आणि सॉफ्टवेअरचा वापर म्हणजे माहिती संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञान • माहिती संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञान म्हणजे माहिती प्रसारीत करणे, साठवणे, तयार करणे, माहितीचे आदानप्रदान करणे, यासाठी वापरण्यात येणारे तंत्रज्ञान.
माहिती संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञानाची संकल्पना • ICT मुळे माहितीचे आदानप्रदान होते. आवश्यक तेंव्हा ही माहिती वापरता येते, असे हे माहितीचे चक्र निरंतर सुरु राहते. • माहिती संप्रेषण तंत्रज्ञानाची कार्ये • कच्या स्वरुपातील माहितीवर (डेटा) प्रक्रिया करुन तिचे उपयुक्त माहितीमध्ये रुपांतर करणे. • माहितीवर पुनर्प्रक्रिया करणे. • माहिती समजण्यास सोपी व्हावी अशा नव्या रुपात तिचे रुपांतर करणे. • माहितीचे ज्ञानामध्ये रुपांतर करणे आणि या ज्ञानाच्या माध्यमातुन वापरकर्त्याला सुजान बनवने. • व्यक्ती व समाज यांचे ज्ञान, त्यांची तार्किक कौशल्ये आणि द्दृष्टिकोन यात इलेक्टॉनिक माध्यमाच्या मदतीने बदल घडवणे. • समाज आणि देश यांचा विकास घडवणे.
Information Highway • Today’s days Internet is the Informationhighway. The vast amount of information is available in the home through Internet. With communication convergence, information highway has attained a new dimension. The world is an information highway now with a multitude of different avenues for receiving it. • The global information and communications network includes the internet and other networks and switching systems such as telephone networks, cable television networks and satellite communication networks. • The internet, bulletin board services, online services and other services that enable people to obtain information from telecommunication networks. There is currently a national debate on how to shape and control this type of information. • Many people believe that the information highway should be designed and regulated by government, just like conventional highway systems. Nearly everyone agrees that accessing the information highway is going to be a normal part of everyday life in the current future.
The above figure says that the information in the form of packets sent through the mail, communications sent over a network are broken down into small packets and wrapped with shipping and assembly instructions, called protocols.
Knowledge Society for ICT, Education and Development • The term ‘Knowledge Society’ generally refers to a society where knowledge is the primary production resource. A knowledge society creates share and use knowledge for the prosperity and well-being of its people. In the social sphere, the knowledge society brings greater access to information and new forms of social interaction and cultural expression. • Education is of huge importance in the knowledge society, as a source of basic skills, as a foundation for development of new knowledge and innovation, and as an engine for socio-economic development. Education is, therefore, a critical requirement in creating knowledge societies that can stimulate development, economic growth and prosperity.
Thus, rather than considering ICT, education and development as separate pillars required to support the knowledge society. One may view education and development as interrelated drivers for development. In this view, ICT is the enabler for both innovation and education – without which a knowledge society cannot be realized. This is visually captured in the following figure: Fig. ICT as an enabler of the innovation and education required for development and sustenance of a knowledge society
Contd.. • The potential impact of ICT on learning is the vision that it enables learning ‘anywhere, anytime, and anyhow’. With ICT, knowledge is not constrained by geographic, and offers more possibilities for sharing, archiving, and retrieving knowledge. In addition, the knowledge society and widespread use of ICT generates a need for new digital skills and competences for employment, education and training, self-development and participation in society. ICT has potential to widen access to educational resources, improve the quality of learning and improve management efficiencies of the education system.
Scope of ICT in Education • www is updating the knowledge warehouses for students, teachers and scientist due to tremendous progress of ICT. A person from village also can refer the latest information and research everyday. Open universities and distance education through ICT are new openings for working people to acquire, knowledge to study at home also. • Television broadcast is one of the best communication media to educate the students, farmers, sportsman with latest information with video clips. The costly and difficult experiments, advance surgery for medical students etc. can be viewed. • The curriculum, information about text books, reference books and references are available on internet. • Audio cassettes, video tapes, audio and video CDs, video multimedia interactive CDs are available in market for all types of students from KG (Kinder garden) to PG (Post Graduate). • Instead of overhead projectors, now LCD projectors can be viewed for effective teaching for large number of students. • The man power, the human mistakes can be avoided by on-line examination. Maharashtra State Board is conducting on-line examination for Information Technology (IT) subject for XII standard. Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation (MKCL) also conducts on-line examination for MSCIIT course.
ICT and changing role of educators to promote literacy It will become increasingly easy to create educational environments where the online world is integrated with the physical campus. The students will face a new set of educational challenges. To learn skills of using ICT in education, the professional role of teachers as mentors, able to impart the wisdom that only experience can provide, will grow in importance. Following an overview of a few key ways in which educators will need to be able to mentor and guide learners in this environment. • Preparing background to accept computer • Learner • Planner • Teaching • Examiner
Changes will takes place in traditional education system due to ICT
ICT and Challenging skill requirements Education systems are faced with a need to provide formal instruction in information, visual, and technological literacy as well as in how to create meaningful content with today’s tools. However, it is important to consider expanded definitions of these literacy’s that are based on mastering underlying concepts rather than on specialized skill sets. Education systems need to develop and establish methods for teaching and evaluating these critical literacy’s at all levels of education. • Basic Skills • Teaching Advanced Skills The skill of Complex Communication • Making effective oral and written arguments, collecting information from others. • Can similarly be taught using existing subject matter. But teaching this skill requires both a change in emphasis and additional time. • Time needed to review and grade oral presentations and frequent student essays.
Transformative impact of ICT – changing stories • The capacity of ICT to reach students in any place and at any time has the potential to promote revolutionary changes in the traditional educational model. • To avoid crowded classrooms, a school may adopt a dual-shift system without reducing its students' actual study time. • ICT can make multi grade schools in areas with low population density. • ICT can provide courses that small rural or urban schools cannot offer to their students because it is difficult for those institutions to recruit and retain specialized teachers, particularly to teach mathematics, science. Schools that do not need a full-time Physics or English teacher can use radio, TV, or online instruction, using already developed multimedia materials and sharing one "teacher" among several schools. Alternatively, retired or part-time teachers who live hundreds of miles away can teach the online courses.
Information Communication Technology used well in classrooms, enhance the learning process, in the following ways: • Students are motivated only when the learning activities are authentic, challenging and multidisciplinary. Videos, television, and computer multimedia software can be excellent instructional aids to engage students in the learning process. • Teachers have a hard time teaching, and students have a hard time learning. • They provide opportunities for students to practice basic skills on their own time and at their own pace. • They allow students to use the information they acquire to solve problems, formulate new problems, and explain the world around them. • They provide access to worldwide information resources. • They offer the most cost-effective (and in some cases the only) means for bringing the world into the classroom.