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MENA3100 - Materialkarakterisering. 14th January 2009. Ole Bjørn Karlsen 22 95 81 48 o.b.karlsen(at)fys.uio.no. Material characterization. Material is a generic term used to describe physical matter in the solid state which occurs naturally or is manufactured to achieve particular
MENA3100 - Materialkarakterisering 14th January 2009 Ole Bjørn Karlsen 22 95 81 48 o.b.karlsen(at)fys.uio.no
Material characterization Material is a generic term used to describe physical matter in the solid state which occurs naturally or is manufactured to achieve particular physical properties and characteristics. Flewitt and Wilde Et materiale er et fast stoff som kan brukes til noe. T. Norby char·ac·ter·ize 1 : to describe the character or quality of <characterizes him as ambitious> 2 : to be a characteristic of : DISTINGUISH <an era characterized by greed> Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary What? Chemistry ... Properties Structure How? Why?
Composition CaCO3 Calcite (Kalsitt, kalkspat)
Hexagonal-R 32/m a = 4,99 Å, c = 17,06 Å (a = 6,37 Å, a = 46°05’) Calcite structure CaCO3 Aragonite Aragonite structure Calcite Aragonite Orthorombic Pmcn a = 4,95 Å, b = 7,96 Å, c = 5,73 Å
Skutterudite CoAs3 Skuterud gård, Modum NiP3 CoP3 IrSb3 IrAs3 RhAs3 RhSb3 IrP3 CoSb3 (Fe,Co)P3 Structure type Filled skutterudites CeFe4Sb12 La0,2Co4P12
WHY? But also: Applications Example: Skutterudites have interesting thermoelectric properties
Microstructure (cf. Mesostructure: Brandon and Kaplan p. 11) Steel