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Aircraft Check List Procedures for Safe Flight Operations

This detailed checklist covers all the necessary steps for pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight operations to ensure safety and efficiency in aircraft operations.

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Aircraft Check List Procedures for Safe Flight Operations

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  1. Check List N400UK Columbia 400 (LC41-550FG) Flight Deck and Electrical Checks 1 External Checks Left Wing 2 Nose section 2 Right Wing 3 Tail section 3 Transit Checks 4 Flight Deck Checks 5 Engine Start 6 After Start Checks 7 Cross-Tie Check 7 Before Taxi Checks 8 Taxi Checks 8 Radio Checks 8 Power Checks 9 Pre-Takeoff Checks 10

  2. 1 – Flight Deck and Electrical Checks

  3. 2” 3” 4” 5” 6” 1” 2 – External Checks

  4. 3 – External Checks (continued)

  5. 4 – Transit Checks

  6. 5 – Flight Deck Checks

  7. 6 – Engine Start

  8. 7 – After Start and Crosstie Checks

  9. 8 – Before Tax, Taxi, and Radio Checks

  10. 9 – Power Checks, ATC Clearance

  11. 10 – Before Takeoff Checks

  12. 1. A HSI-compass Aligned, RWY heading 2. T Transponder ALT 3. P Pitot heat ON 4. L Landing light, Strobes ON • Throttle 2000 RPM, check Ps & Ts 6. Brake release throttle 35.5” max 7. M.Press, RPM & fuel flow full power available 8. Airspeed rising, 60kt - cross-check Takeoff 1

  13. Flaps - 95kt / 400ft RETRACT • Climb power 85% 2500 RPM / 31.5” / 1650 • Navigation aids Identify - bearings • Airframe/engine icing check • Altimeter No. 1 (pilot’s) QNH or 1013.2 as reqd No.2. aerodrome QNH • Backup fuel pump >1000' OFF, check pressure • Landing/Taxi lights OFF • SID/SAFETY/MSA altitudes achieved • Pressures & temps check • Above FL180 Vapor suppression ON After Take-off And Climb Checks 2

  14. Cruise Power Settings 2b

  15. 1. O Oxygen check quantity, flow 2. F Fuel quantity HOWGOESIT, balance tanks 2. R En-route navigation aids set & identified 3. I Airframe/engine icing check 4. E Mixture control peak or 100 rich (max 1650) Temperature & pressures check 5. D HSI slaving - compass check 6. A Volmet/ATIS/QNH obtain QNH Altimeter No. 1 (pilot’s) check set as reqd Altimeter No. 2 update QNH Minimum safe altitudes check 7. Descent anticipated descent checks Cruise Checks 3

  16. 1. Minimum safe altitude checked 2. ATIS or latest weather obtained / recorded 3. Aerodrome minima check / recorded • STARS & approach charts crew briefing • Throttle reduce M.P. • Speed brakes deploy as desired 7. Altimeter No. 2 set aerodrome QNH Pilot’s 1013.2 or QNH • Airframe/engine icing check • Fuel sufficient • Vapor suppression OFF below FL180 Descent Checks 4

  17. 1. Approach procedure crew briefing • Approach/go-around aids set & identified • GPS, RAIM select procedure, check 4. Crew/passengers all secure 5. Landing light ON 6. Backup fuel pump ON 6. ! Fuel selector fullest tank selected 7. HSI - compass aligned 8. Altimeter No.2. check aerodrome QNH Pilot’s 1013.2 or QNH 9. Airframe/engine icing check / operate if reqd 10. Temperatures & pressures check Approach Checks 5

  18. 1. Mixture full rich 2. Backup fuel pump OFF 3. Altimeters aerodrome QNH, x-check 4. HSI - compass aligned 5. Decision altitude checked - recorded 6. Final approach fix identify (DME / MKR etc.) 7. Flaps - below 127 kts as required 8. Approach speed 95 kt / flaps T/O 9. DME or OM or beacon altimeter check 10. “Reds, Blues & Greens” for landing Pre-Landing Checks 6

  19. 1. Power Prop fine, MP 36” 2. Flaps retract 3. Positive rate of climb identified 4. Undercarriage below 110 kt UP 5. ! Adequate altitude gain set 32" 2500 rpm 6. A.T.C. report going around 7. Navigation aids identify - bearings 8. Airframe & engine Icing check / operate if reqd 9. SID/safety altitude achieved 10. Altimeter No. 1 (Pilot’s) QNH or 1013.2 as reqd No.2 aerodrome QNH 11. ! Electric fuel pump >1000' OFF 12. Landing Light OFF 13. Minimum Sector Altitude achieved 14. Pressures & Temps check 15. Prepare for Airfield Approach Checks 1. Throttle apply full power • Speed brakes check OFF • Backup fuel pump ARM • Flaps > 95 kt / 400ft retract 4. ! Adequate altitude gain set 85% climb power 2500 RPM / 31.5” / 1650 5. A.T.C. report going around 6. Navigation aids identify – bearings 7. Airframe & engine Icing check / operate if reqd 8. SID/safety altitude achieved 9. Altimeter No. 1 (Pilot’s) QNH or 1013.2 as reqd No.2 aerodrome QNH 10. Backup fuel pump >1000' OFF 11. Landing Light OFF 12. Minimum Sector Altitude achieved 13. Pressures & Temps check 14. Prepare for Airfield Approach Checks Go-Around Checks 7

  20. Timer Start • Flaps retract • Speed brakes OFF • Prop heat, deicing OFF • Landing light, Strobes, taxi light OFF / as required • Pitot heat OFF • Door seal OFF • Backup fuel pump check OFF • Transponder verify GND mode • On stand (900 RPM) - Autopilot OFF - Trim set to neutral - Oxygen OFF - Timer 5 minute cooldown - Avionics master OFF - Mixture control I.C.O. - Magneto switch OFF - Masters, el. panels (2x) all OFF • Times record After Landing Checks 8

  21. In-Flight Engine Fire • Mixture I.C.O. • Fuel selector off • Fuel pump off • Magnetos off • Throttle fully open • Cabin heat / defroster closed • Prop stop if possible • Emergency descent full flap, 112 kts If fire stops: • Flaps retract • Undercarriage override ENGAGE • Airspeed 80 kts • Select landing area • Continue with Power Off Landing checklist If fire persists: • Select landing area • Transponder 7700 • ATC Mayday call • Passengers Brief • Seatbelts tight • Undercarriage UP for water, rough terrain otherwise DOWN , 3 greens • Master switch OFF Emergency – Engine Fire 9

  22. In-Flight Engine Failure • If after power reduction Lean until engine restarts Maintain EGT 1350 or above • Undercarriage override ENGAGE • Airspeed Convert into maintaining altitude • Best glide airspeed 80 kts • Select landing area Attempt restart (unless after fire or catastrophic failure): • Electric fuel pump ON • Fuel selector select tank with fuel / switch • Magnetos check BOTH • Throttle cruise setting • Mixture rich • Alternate air OPEN • Magnetos check each magneto • Engine indications check fuel flow, MP, etc. If unsuccessful, continue next page (Power Off Landing checklist) Emergency – Engine Failure 10

  23. Power Off Approach and Landing • Best glide airspeed 80 kts • Prop lowest RPM (fully back) • Transponder 7700 • ATC Mayday call • Passengers Seat backs Seat belts Glasses / false teeth Brace • Seatbelts tight • Electric fuel pump OFF • Fuel selector OFF • Magnetos OFF • Throttle CLOSED • Mixture I.C.O. • Undercarriage UP for water, rough terrain otherwise DOWN , 3 greens • Flaps set • Master switch OFF Emergency – Power Off Landing 11

  24. Electrical Fire • Master switch OFF • Cabin wall vents OPEN • Cabin heat, defrost CLOSED • Electrical services all OFF • Circuit breakers check • Master switch ON, check no smoke • One VHF radio ON • ATC advise intentions • Smoke / Fire ceases restore essential services one by one • Land as soon as practical Alternator Failure • Ammeter, ALT FAIL light cross-check • ALT switch OFF • Electrical load Reduce to minimum • ALT circuit breaker check / reset if required • ALT switch ON • Ammeter, ALT FAIL light check • If power not restored, advise ATC and land as soon as practical Persistent Alternator Overload (> 5 minutes) • ALT switch ON • BAT switch OFF • Ammeter Check load reduced • If load not reduced: BAT switch ON ALT switch OFF • Electrical load Reduce to minimum • Land as soon as practical Emergency – Electrical 12

  25. High Oil Temperature • Oil Pressure check • Land at nearest airport. Prepare for possible engine failure Low Oil Pressure • Oil Temperature check • Land at nearest airport. Prepare for possible engine failure • If complete loss of oil suspected, consider off-airport landing Turbocharger Failure • Manifold pressure check • Throttle full • Propeller control fine / full forward • Mixture adjust as required • Exhaust check for smoke (oil leak) • Land as soon as practical Prop Overspeed • Throttle retard – max 2700 RPM • Airspeed reduce if required • Oil pressure check • Propeller control full decrease, check for control • Land as soon as practical Manual Gear Extension • Master switch check ON • Circuit breakers CHECK • Radio lights check OFF (in daytime) / adjust • Gear indicator bulbs CHECK • Airspeed below 92 kts • Undercarriage selector DOWN • Emergency gear lever EMERGENCY DOWN • Fishtail aeroplane Emergency – Engine, Gear

  26. Mass and Balance Schedule as of 31/03/2004 80 85 90 95 91.4 3600 3600 Mass and Balance Envelope 3400 3400 82.75 3200 3200 3000 3000 2800 2800 2600 2600 2400 2400 78 80 85 90 95 Empty 9 – Mass and Balance

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