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Hungarian Members of the European Parliament. 2009 Guide. BUDAPEST • VILNIUS • PRAGUE • BRATISLAVA • WARSAW • BUCHAREST • SOFIA • KIEV. THE 2009 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS IN HUNGARY B y Tamás Sárdi. EP elections 2009
Hungarian Members of the European Parliament 2009 Guide BUDAPEST • VILNIUS • PRAGUE • BRATISLAVA • WARSAW • BUCHAREST • SOFIA • KIEV
THE 2009 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS IN HUNGARY By Tamás Sárdi EP elections 2009 Similarly to Poland, Czech and Slovakia the 2009 EP elections were the second time Hungarians to elect their representatives to the EP. Although this election has been considered as a test for the national elections like in 2004, the key difference is that this time next general elections are due in less than a year’s time. In 2004 the bad results of the Socialists’ (7 seats versus 12 seats of the main opposition party Fidesz) led to the fall of that time Socialist Prime Minister Medgyessy but his successor Gyurcsány was able to come back from the polls’ depth in two years and won the 2006 parliamentary elections. This year the Socialist Prime Minister Gyurcsány resigned already before the EP elections since the poor results were foreseeable. In June the EU’s strongest post communist party achieved its worst election result ever. The devastating result not only maintained the series of defeats since the last general elections (2006 – municipal elections, 2008 – referendum against some key policy decisions of the government, 2009 – loss of a leftish municipal stronghold in an extraordinary mayor election) but it lead to a deadlock for the Socialists. Allocation of seats .
Fidesz, the main opposition party, EPP member, won 14 seats (57% of the votes), the Socialists just 4 (18%). Masses of former Socialist voters turned towards the far right wing, anti-gypsy protest party Jobbik, which became third force competing with the Socialists with 3 seats and 14%. MDF, a small centrist party balancing between the Socialists and Fidesz, secured 1 seat and 5%, while the Liberals, the traditional coalition partner of the Socialists did not manage to pass the 5 % threshold – first time in modern Hungarian history. Therefore it has been a double shock for the Socialists, not just their worst ever performance, but also the Liberals’ likely disappearance from Hungarian politics can cause them headaches. The historical defeat can easily lead to a total transformation of the Hungarian political landscape which looked very stable during the last decade with two strong parties (Socialists and Fidesz) and two weaker partners (Liberals and MDF) a bit like CDU/CSU vs SPD plus FDP and Greens in Germany. Neither the Socialist government nor the party has now strong leaders, the party chiefs hesitating between tough austerity measures versus clear leftish profile, MP’s – in particular mayor MPs - started to give up the common positions of the parliamentary group in voting sessions. The Liberals, which have formally left the government a year ago, but kept supporting the government in Parliament, are totally desolate. With their 2% at the EP elections nobody hopes to pass next year the 5% threshold. Some of them clearly support the government, however others call for early elections in order to gain more time and reduce Fidesz’ popularity between the general elections and the next municipal election (due in October 2010), which is the last possible chance to survive for the Liberals. It is difficult to predict the newly emerged radical right wing Jobbik’s performance at the general elections. Some of their voters might rather vote for former Prime Minister Orbán, chairman of Fidesz, but protest voters still can strengthen their mandate. Allocation of votes General resultsGeneral results 2009 2004 Eligible voters 8 046 086 8 046 247 896 179 (9%)
Like everywhere, EP elections’ turnout has been much lower than the general elections’ average – 36,29% in June vs 53,12% 2006 general elections, therefore major shifts can appear in party supports. Small parties’ result is usually better in Hungary at smaller turnouts– but the negative record of the Socialists and the lack of hope and leading figure can keep former Socialist supporters away from voting as well. Fidesz’ radical oppositional attitude can also change if in the next Parliament they will be the omnipotent party with a mid-size radical party on their right and another mid-size leftish party on their left. A Polish-like dissolution of the post communist party however also seems possible. 4
In terms of geographical distribution of the votes, Fidesz was stronger in the Western part of the country than on average, Jobbik usually ranked second ahead of the Socialists in the North East where the gypsy population is more visible. Fidesz managed to strengthen its position within the EPP group gaining two more seats than in 2004. In addition, the 3 elected Hungarian MEP’s from Romania and the 2 Hungarian MEP’s from Slovakia are also joining the EPP and they traditionally vote along with Fidesz in the EP. Hence the delegation leader, Mr József Szájer will be one of the strong figures of the EPP parliamentary group. As a consequence of the devastating defeat and the loss of 5 seats in the EP will obviously result in shrinking influence within PES for the governing Socialists. 5
Unlike earlier, the small conservative party MDF’s sole delegate will not join the EPP, but the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group. The reasons are probably twofold: MDF would not wish to be the underdog of the big Fidesz delegation within the EPP and secondly the new group offered MEP Lajos Bokros, former (Socialist!) Minister of Finance a more influential committee position. The 3 MEP’s of Jobbik have not joined any group, they chose to remain independent. Also very difficult to predict who would be the Hungarian nominee for the new European Commission. There are a number of influential Socialist politicians lobbying within the government to secure themselves the safe harbour of Brussels instead of staying in the turbulent Budapest. 6
János ÁDER • European Parliament Grouping:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Political Career: •FIDESZ party: founding member (1988) • MP since 1990; Chief of campaign in 1990 and 1994 • Vice-Chairman of the party (from 1993) • Operative Vice-Chairman (1995-1997, 1999-2000) •Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament (1998-2002) • Leader, FIDESZ parliamentary group (2002-2006) • Chairman of the party (2002-2003) • Deputy Speaker, Hungarian Parliament (since 2006) • Professional experiences: •Legal expert for one year; researcher at the Research Centre for Sociologyat the Hungarian Academy of Sciences • Education: •Eötvös Loránd University, Political Science and Law Department (1983) Born: 9.May 1959, Csorna, Hungary Profession: lawyer Constituency: Csorna TamásDEUTSCH • European Parliament Grouping:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Political Career: • MP of the Hungarian Parliament (since 1990) • Fidesz party: founding member (1988) • Vice-Chairman (1993-2003) • Chief of campaign at the national elections in 1998 • Deputy leader of the parliamentary group (since 1998) • Budapest Vice-President (2002-2004) • Minister of Youth and Sport (1999-2002) • Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament (2004-2006) •Education: • Eötvös Loránd University, Political Science and Law Department (1999) Born: 27 July 1966 Budapest, Hungary Profession: lawyer Constituency: Budapest He got his mandate through the national list in 2006
KingaGÁL • European Parliament Grouping:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Previous EP Committee/Delegation Participation: •Vice-Chairwoman: Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs •Member: Subcommittee on Human Rights; Delegation to the EU-Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee • Substitute: Committee on Foreign Affairs • Professional Experiences: • Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania - adviser (1991-1994) • Government Office for Hungarian Minorities Abroad - analyst (1995) • Vice-Chairman (2001-2002) • Teleki Foundation - researcher (1996) • European Centre for Minority Issues - international jurist (1997-2000, Flensburg, Germany) • Chief adviser to the President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2003-2004) • Education: •Eötvös Loránd University, Political Science and Law Department (1994); Institute for Comparative Human Rights, Strasbourg, Diploma of International Human Rights (1993); PhD, Christian Albrecht University, Kiel (in progress) Born: 6 September 1970 Kolozsvár, Romania Profession: politician Béla GLATTFELDER • European Parliament Grouping: Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Previous EP Committee/Delegation Participation: • Committe on International Trade, Delegation for relations with Mercosur • Substitute: • Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, Committee on Fisheries • Political Career: • Member of the Hungarian Parliament (1990-2004) • Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Economic Affairs (2000-2002) • Education: • Agricultural engineer, University of Agriculture, Gödöllő (1992), Agricultural Research and Informatics Institute (1994) Born: 4 May 1967 Budapest, Hungary Profession: agricultural engineer
Enikő GYŐRI • European Parliament Grouping:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Political Career: • Chief of staff of the FIDESZ parliamentary group in the Parliament’s Office • Manager of the Free Europe Centre • Expert of FIDESZ related to EU-issues as Hungarian member of the„Europe working group” of the European People’s Party (since 2005) • Professional Experiences: • Reported for HVG (economic weekly) on Latin-America and the USA • HungarianAmbassador to Italy (1999-2003) • Education: •Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Faculty of International Relations (1992) Born: 1968 Budapest, Hungary Profession: economist András GYÜRK • European Parliament Grouping: Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Previous EP Committee/Delegation Participation: • Vice-Chairman: Delegation to the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee • Member: Committe on Industry, Research and Energy • Substitute: Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand • Political Career: • Member of the Hungarian Parliament (1998-2004) • Member: Committe on Foreign Affairs (1998-2004) • Deputy leader parliamentary party (2002-2004) • Vice-Chairman: Committee on Youth and Sport (2002-2004) • Observer at the European Parliament (2003-2004) • Education: • Historian, Philosophy Faculty, Eötvös Loránd University (2000) Born: 2 December 1972 Budapest Hungary Profession: historian
Ágnes HANKISS • European Parliament Grouping:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Political Career: • Advisor of the leader of the parliamentary group (1994-1998) • Secretary of state responsible for European Affairs (1998-2002) • Member of the Hungarian Radio’s board of trustees (1996-2008) and the Duna TV’s board of trustees (since 2008) representing the party • Professional Experiences: • Director of the Károlyi Palota Cultural Centre • Education: • Clinical psychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities Born: 7 March 1950 Budapest, Hungary Profession: psychologist Lívia JÁRÓKA • European Parliament Grouping:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Previous EP Committee/Delegation Participation: • Member: Committee on Women’s Rigth and Gender Equality, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia • Substitute: Committee on Culture and Education • Education: • Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher Training College, Szombathely; English teaching course (BA, 1998); University of Central Europe, Warsaw; Society and politics (MA, 1999), University College London, UK, PhD in social anthropology (in progress since 2002) Born: 6 October 1974, Tata, Hungary Profession: teacher
Ádám KÓSA • European Parliament Grouping:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Professional Experiences: • Lawyer (since 2005) • Chairman of the National Association of the Deaf • Chairman of the Council of the Associations of the Disabled • Member of the Deaf’s International Sport Committee • Member of the Legal Committee of the Deaf’s World Association • Education: • Studied at the Pázmány Péter Chatolic University, Political Science and Law Department (2000) • Sports manager, Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences,Vocational Education Institute (2005) Born: 1 July 1975 Budapes, Hungary Profession: lawyer sports manager • • Csaba ŐRY • European Parliament Grouping:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Previous EP Committee/Delegation Participation: • Member: Committee on Employment and Social Affairs,Delegation to the EU-Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee, Delegation for relations with the countries of South-East Asia and the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) • Substitute:Committee on Development • Political Career: •Member of the Hungarian Parliament, Vice-Chairman, Employment and Social Committee (2002-2004), political state secretary, Ministry of Social and Family Affairs (1998-2000), political state secretary, Prime Minister’s Office (2000-2002), Member of Governing Body, International Labour Organization, observer (2003-2004), member (since 2004), European Parliament • Professional Experiences: • Founder and spokesman, Democratic Union of Scientific Workers (since 1988), Chairman (1994) LIGA Trade Unions • Education: • Ph.D., Faculty of Political Science and Law, Eötvös Loránd University(1978) Born: 12 May 1952 Budapest, Hungary Profession: lawyer
Pál SCHMITT • European Parliament Grouping:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Previous EP Committee/Delegation Participation: •Chairman: Delegation to the EU-Croatia Joint Parliamentary Committee • Vice-Chairman: Committee on Culture and Education • Member: Conference of Delegation Chairmen • Substitute: Delegation for relations with Japan • Political Career: •VicePresident of the European Parliament (since July 2009) •Fidesz’s EP-list leader in 2004 and 2009 • Vice-Chairman, FIDESZ party (since 2003) • Professional Experiences: • Hotel manager (1965-1980) • Deputy Undersecretary of State for Sport (1981-1990) • Ambassador to Spain (1993-1997), Ambassador to Switzerland (1999-2002) •Member, International Olympic Committee (since 1983), Olympic fencingchampion (1968, 1972), President, World Olympians Association (since 1999) • Education: •University of Economics (1965). PhD (1992) Born: 13 May 1942 Budapest, Hungary Profession: Economist György SCHÖPFLIN • European Parliament Grouping:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Previous EP Committee/Delegation Participation: •Member: Committee on Foreign Affairs, Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee •Substitute: Committee of Constitutional Affairs, Subcommittee on Security and Defence • Professional Experience: • Employed by the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London (1963-1967) and the BBC (1967-1976). Teacher (1976-2004) and Jean Monnet Professor (since 1998), University of London • Education: • Secondary education certificate, Scotland University of Glasgow, MA (1960), LLB (1962), College of Europe, Bruges, Certificate (1963) Born: 24 November 1939 Budapest, Hungary Profession: University professor
László SURJÁN •European Parliament Grouping:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Previous EP Committee/Delegation Participation: •Vice-Chairman: Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee •Member: Committee on Budgets •Substitute: Committee on Regional Development • Political Career: •Chairman, Christian Democratic Party (1990-1995). Member of FIDESZ since 1997. Vice-President, EUCD (1992-1998) •Chairman, Employment Committee of the Hungarian Parliament (1994-1998). Vice-Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee (1998-2002) • Minister of Welfare (1990-1994) •Deputy Speaker, Hungarian Parliament (2000-2001). Member of the European Parliament (since 2004). Member, bureau, EPP-ED group (since 2004) • Professional Experiences: • University of Further Medical Training: researcher, teacher (1970-1989) • Education: • Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine (1969) Born: 7 September 1971, Kolozsvár, Romania Profession: general practitioner József SZÁJER • European Parliament Grouping:Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) • Previous EP Committee/Delegation Participation: •Member: Committee on Constitutional Affairs; Delegation for relations withJapan •Substitute: Committee on Legal Affairs; Delegation for relations with theUnited States; Delegation to the Euro-Latin American ParliamentaryAssembly • Political Career: • FIDESZ party: Vice-Chairman(1996-2003). Member, EPP Council (since 2000) •Deputy leader, FIDESZ parliamentary group (1990-1994); Leader, FIDESZparliamentary group(1994-2002); Chairman, European IntegrationCommittee (1998-2002); Deputy Speaker, Hungarian Parliament(2002-2004); •Member, European Convention (2002-2003), Vice-Chairman, EPP Group since 2004- • Professional Experiences: • Lawyer (1996-2000) • Knight Commander of St Michael and St George - Queen Elizabeth II (2000) • Education: • Eötvös Loránd University, Political Science and Law Department (1986); Visiting student, University of Oxford (1986-1987) Born: 7 September 1961 Sopron, Hungary Profession: lawyer
Csaba Sándor TABAJDI • European Parliament Grouping: Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament • Previous EP Committee/Delegation Participation: •Member: Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, Subcommittee onHuman Rights, Delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary CooperationCommittee •Substitute: Committee on Foreign Affairs, Delegation for relations with thePeople's Republic of China • Political career: •Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1974-1983); Central Committee of theCommunist party (1987-1989); Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs(1989-1990); Member of the Hungarian Parliament (1990-2004); Political Undersecretary ofState, Prime Minister's Office (1994-1998) •Vice-Chairman, European Integration Committee (2002-2004) leader, MSZP group in the EP (since 2004) •Member, Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe (1990-2004); leader,Hungarian delegation (2002-2004). •Education: •Karl Marx University of Economics (1974) Born: 26 June 1952 Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungary Profession: economist Zita GURMAI •European Parliament Grouping:Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament •Previous EP Committee/Delegation Participation: •Vice-Chairwoman:Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality •Member: Committee on Regional Development, Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly •Substitute: Committee on Transport and Tourism, Delegation for relations with Japan •Political career: •MSZP party: member (since 1993); administrator, women's section (1995); Vice-President, Socialist International Women (since 1999);President, women's section (since 2001); President, PES Women(since 2004) •Member of the Hungarian Parliament (2002-2004), delegate to theNATO Parliamentary Assembly, delegate to the Central EuropeanNetwork, Observer in the European Parliament (2003-2004) Born: 1 June 1965 Budapest, Hungary Profession: economist 14
Edit HERCZOG •European Parliament Grouping:Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament •Previous EP Committee/Delegation Participation: •Member: Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, Delegation for relations with Canada •Substitute: Committee on Industry, Research and Energy,Committee on Budgetary Control, Delegation for relations with Switzerland, Iceland and Norway and to the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint ParliamentaryCommittee, Delegation for relations with the United States •Political career: •Member, MSZP party (since 1989); Member, Fejér Regional Executive (since 2002) •Council of Europe (1999) •Professional Experiences: •Hungarian Academy of Sciences - research fellow (1985-1989) •University of Horticulture, professor's assistant (1989-1994) •Unilever Hungary (1994-1997). ICI Hungary (1997-2004) •Education: •University of Horticulture, food conservation engineer, translator of Russian(1985); Eötvös Loránd University, Portuguese Department (1992) Born: 5 May 1961 Budapest, Hungary Profession: Food Conservation engineer Kinga GÖNCZ •European Parliament Grouping:Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament •Political career: •Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs (2002) •Minister without portfolio responsible for equal opportunities (June 2004) •Minister of Youth, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (October2004) •Minister of Foreign Affairs (2006) •Professional Experiences: •Associate professor at the National Medical Rehabilitation Institute (in the 80ies) •Lecturer at the Sociology Institute of the Eötvös Loránd University (following 1989) •Director of Patners Hungary (1994-2002) •Education: •Semmelweiss University, Faculty of Medicine (1972) •Psychiatrist Diploma, European Psychotherapeutic Association (2004) Born: 8November 1947 Budapest, Hungary Profession: psychiatrist 15
Zoltán BALCZÓ •European Parliament Grouping:Non-attached Members •Political career: •Councillor of the General Assembly of the city of Budapest (1994-1998) •Member of the Hungarian Parliament of MIÉP (small extreme right party), deputy leader of the parliamentary group (1998-2002) •Vice-Chairman of Jobbik •Professional Experiences •Construction engineer at Erőmű- és Hálózattervező Vállalat (PowerPlant- and Network Planning Company) (1971-1975) •Lecturer at the Budapest Technical College (associate professor since1975) •Education: •Studied at the Budapest Technical University, Faculty of ElectricEngeneering (1971) Born: 1948 Miskolc, Hungary Profession: electric engineer Krisztina MORVAI •European Parliament Grouping: Non-attached Members •Political career: •Leader of Jobbik’s EP-list •Professional Experiences: •Lawyer of the European Committee of Human Rights (1995), •Independent UN-expert (2002-2006), •Co-chairman of the Civil Lawyer Committee (2006-2008) •Associate professor at the Criminal Law Department (since 1987) •Education: •Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law (1986), LL.M. King’s College, University of London (1989), PhD (2003) Born: 22 June 1963 Budapest, Hungary Profession: lawyer, university professor 16
Csanád SZEGEDI •European Parliament Grouping:Non-attached Members •Political career: •Founding member of Magyar Gárda (ultra right group) •Head of the party’s Cabinet for Hungarians beyond the border (since2005) •Vice-Chairman of Jobbik (since November 2006) •Education: •High school graduation, currently university student at the MiskolcUniversity, Faculty of Law Born: 1982 Miskolc, Hungary Lajos BOKROS •European Parliament Grouping:European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR) •Political career: •Member of the Hungarian Parliament of the Hungarian Socialist Party •Minister of Finance, Hungary (1995-96) •Professor of CEU (Central European University) •Professional Experiences: •Financial Research Institute, Ministry of Finance (1980-86) •Chief of Public Finance Division, Financial Research Institute, MoF (1986-87) •Deputy General Manager, National Bank of Hungary (1987-89) •Managing Director, National Bank of Hungary (1989-91) •Director, State Property Agency, Hungary (1990-91) •Chairman, Budapest Stock Exchange (1990-95) •Chairman & CEO, Budapest Bank (1991-95) •Director, Financial Advisory Services, Europe & Central Asia, IBRD •Education: •University of Economics, Budapest (1978) •Ph.D. in Economics & Finance, 1980 Born: 26 June 1954 Budapest, Hungary Profession: economist, university professor 17
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