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Dental implants bestow many advantages on the patient including better functionality and improved aesthetic appeal But dental implants Los Angeles clinics highlight that such pain can be normal and part of the healing process
Apply Ice Pack Placing an ice pack on the implant site will help reduce inflammation and pain. This will provide relief from mild throbbing and discomfort and reduce swelling. Ice packs can be placed multiple times a day for 15-20 minutes at a time.
Use Pain Relievers Use of the over-the-counter medications is extremely helpful in providing relief from dental throbbing. After undergoing dental implants in Los Angeles, the leading dental clinics prescribe a medication routine to manage the pain effectively.
Rest With Head Elevated Resting with the head elevated relieves pressure on the implant site. Use a pillow or sleep in a sitting position. This can help you safely manage the initial days after surgery.
Eat Soft Foods The initial days when the wound is in its healing stage are the most crucial in time in terms of food choices one makes. It is important to avoid any kind of pressure on the implant site. Stick to soft foods that are either mashed or in liquid forms. Avoid biting and chewing in the initial few days.
CONCLUSION Dental implants bestow many advantages on the patient including better functionality and improved aesthetic appeal But dental implants Los Angeles clinics highlight that such pain can be normal and part of the healing process
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