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ManageStress Levels Chronicstresscanimpactyourhormone levels and hinder progress towards six- pack abs. It is recommended that you should follow stress- management techniques like deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and so on. All these practiceswillhelptorelaxyourmindand getridofstress.
CleanUpYour Diet Achievingvisibleabsstartswithaproper diet. Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foodsthatsupportmusclegrowthandfat loss. You should add lean protein in your dietlikefish,tofu,chicken,seasonalfruits and vegetables. Also, you should limit consumptionofprocessedfooditemslike excessivealcohol.
CalorieDeficit To shed excess body fat and reveal your abdominal muscles, you need to create a calorie deficit. This means consuming fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight.Youshouldkeepyoureyeson dailycaloriesconsumptionandsetthe aimfor500-700caloriesconsumption perday.
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