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YouTube Statistics: Demographics, Financials, and Fun Facts

Explore the latest YouTube statistics on user demographics, financials, and fun facts. Discover insights into user behavior, revenue figures, and entertaining facts about the platform.

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YouTube Statistics: Demographics, Financials, and Fun Facts

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  1. YouTube Statistics Prepared by: Celeste Ng, Updated on: November, 2018

  2. YouTube Statistics 每月的活躍的YouTube用戶總數: 19億 Source: Omnicore, 2018; URL: https://www.omnicoreagency.com/youtube-statistics/

  3. YouTube Statistics Source: Omnicore, 2018; URL: https://www.omnicoreagency.com/youtube-statistics/ Source: Worldometers, 26 Nov 2018; URL: http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/

  4. YouTube Demographics – 1 • 62% of YouTube users are Males. • Males are primarily watching soccer or strategy games. • Females are primarily watching beauty videos. • 80% of YouTube userscome from outside the U.S. • 9% of small businesses are on YouTube. • 35+ and 55+ age groupsare the fastest growing YouTube demographics. • 75% of adults turn to YouTube for nostalgia rather than tutorials or current events. • Millennials prefer YouTube two to one over traditional television. • 37% of the coveted 18 – 34 demographic are binge-watching. (夢寐以求的… 37%的18-34歲人口…長時間觀看) • YouTube services 88 countries in 76 languages(or 95% of all internet users). Source: Omnicore, 2018; URL: https://www.omnicoreagency.com/youtube-statistics/

  5. YouTube Demographics – 2 • Gender - YouTube is more popular with teenage boys: 85% of boys 13-17-years old watch YouTube daily, versus 70% of girls. • Geography • People watch YouTube in 88 countries and 76 languages around the world. • 180.1 million people watch YouTube in the U.S. • 400 million people in India watch YouTube. • The vast majority of YouTube users live in urban areas. • Income - 84% of YouTube users make more than $75,000 a year. • Education - More than 80% of YouTube users have a college degree or more. • Round out your research with these 31 YouTube Stats That Matter to Marketers. Source: Hootsuite, 2018; URL: https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-demographics/#youtube

  6. YouTube Demographics – 3 • 4. YouTube is the most popular social media site for teens • Ninety-six percent of online U.S. teens use the site, according to Forrester Research—yes, almost all of them. That’s up from 87 percent in 2014. For comparison, 76 percent of the same demographic uses Facebook, the next most popular social media site. Source: Hootsuite, 2018; URL: https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-demographics/#youtube

  7. YouTube Demographics – 4 • 5. Millennials “can’t go without” it • In a recent comScore survey asking which three apps are most essential and would be the hardest to give up, 18- to 34-year olds named YouTube behind only Facebook and Facebook Messenger when it comes to social networking apps. Even more specifically in the millennial demographic, 86 percent of millennial dads use YouTube for parenting guidance. Source: Hootsuite, 2018; URL: https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-demographics/#youtube

  8. YouTube Financials • YouTube was bought by Google in 2006 for $1.65 billion. • Google acquired YouTube as a way to combine their search and organization competencies with YouTube’s expansive video library. • Annual revenue to Google is $13 billion. • Annual cost to run YouTube is $6.35 billion. • Highest paid YouTube stars made a combined total of $127 million in 2017. • YouTube mobile revenue continues to climb year on year. • Google is looking to YouTube to be its next driver of growth. Source: Omnicore, 2018; URL: https://www.omnicoreagency.com/youtube-statistics/

  9. YouTube Fun Facts • People are now watching 150 million hours of YouTube every day. • 1 billion hours of YouTube content are watched per day. • YouTube attracts about 1/3 of users [1.5 billions viewers] on the internet. • Gangnam Style was so popular that it broke YouTube’s video counter. • The first video was posted in 2005 from the San Diego Zoo. • By 2025, it’s predicted that 50% of viewers under 32 will not subscribe to the paid TV. Source: Omnicore, 2018; URL: https://www.omnicoreagency.com/youtube-statistics/

  10. YouTube Fun Facts • 60% of people prefer video platformsto live television. • 20% of users will leave a video if it hasn’t hooked them in the first 10 seconds. • YouTube is technically the second largest search enginein the world. • Justin Bieber’s “Baby” video managed to generate 9.4 million dislikes (and counting!). Source: Omnicore, 2018; URL: https://www.omnicoreagency.com/youtube-statistics/

  11. YouTube Basics – statistics Source: https://www.omnicoreagency.com/youtube-statistics/ 最高收入的YouTube在2017年賺了1.27億美金

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