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2. Summary of Audit Trail . 1998 - Eagerly awaited CoN Report1998-2000 -Undertook Msc Nursing TCD2001 June - Received NCNM Framework from DoN, Presented copies to consultants (CR), CEO and HRAugust -Spoke with K Macellan (NCNM) ?Where to beginSeptember -Presented framework to CR, agreed to proceed and shared meeting outconme with DoN 2002 Jan - DoN sought advice from NCNM and stated intention to proceed with process.
1. Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) Role Development in Rheumatology Patricia Minnock
Personal Account June 01- Oct 03
2. 2 Summary of Audit Trail 1998 - Eagerly awaited CoN Report
1998-2000 -Undertook Msc Nursing TCD
June - Received NCNM Framework from DoN, Presented copies to consultants (CR), CEO and HR
August -Spoke with K Macellan (NCNM) ?Where to begin
September -Presented framework to CR, agreed to proceed and shared meeting outconme with DoN
Jan - DoN sought advice from NCNM and stated intention to proceed with process
3. 3 Audit Trail of Process
4. 4 Support Groups Mentorship Group
DoN, ADoN, Tutor (periodic meetings), Colleagues
Medical Supervision
Professor of Rheumatology (weekly discussion)
Role Models
1. Site visit to SR Nurse Consultant in Rheumatology UK, Staffordshire (February 02)
2. SR invited lecturer @OLH 2-hour mentoring session 2003
3. Site visit to Sandra Delemare/Ann Cuffe SJH
From Sept 02- Sept 03 regular exchange of documents and phone calls with NCNM
5. 5 Janurary 2002-July 2002 Compiled document according to each heading sub-heading in framework
Conducted site visits UK/SJH
Submitted first draft August 2002
6. 6 Preparation of Job Description As per Appendix 1 in framework document
Described current role as oppossed to vision for ANP role
Background-specific details referenced from annual reports, strategic plans and meeting minutes in chronological order
Geographic/demographic service details from annual reports, national reports, strategic documents
7. 7 Areas of clarification sought by NCNM Differentiate between role of S/N, CNS/ ANP
Levels of decision making between 3 levels of career pathway
Specifics of patient case load
Mode of patient referral
Vicarious liability
Demonstrate link between service requirements and role developments
Details of benefits to patient care
8. 8 Service need addressed by post The post holder's remit is clinical leadership and development of quality patient centred services
Supported by table sequencing nursing service developments from 1992-2003
Reference to relevant literature
9. 9 1. Need: -Patients with chronic rheumatic diseases have many secondary health education needs. The health education component of the ANP's role is central to the provision of a high standard of nursing care
Response: ANP Patient Health Education And Clinical Support Sessions, which encourage empowerment of patients and families coping with a chronic disease (Appendix 1 RR 06, 07; P 81-85: RR 11, 12; P. 92-122)
2. Need: - Childhood and adolescent rheumatology services in Ireland are underdeveloped. Our Department of Rheumatology (SVUH and RR, OLH) provides the only adolescent rheumatology service in Ireland
Response: - Optimise Patient and Family Care in the Adolescent Rheumatology Service (Appendix 1 RR 06, 07; P. 81-85)
10. 10 3. Need: The advent of new biologic therapies in rheumatology has put a new and increased demand on an already very busy service. Monitoring disease activity as it relates to the therapeutic self care demands of this cohort of patients with refractory disease requires an expert practitioner with expanded clinical judgement skills
Response: - ANP Review Clinics For Patients Prescribed Biologic Therapies. (Appendix 1 RR 08; P. 86-88).
4. Need: - Case management of patients with complex rheumatic conditions requires optimal and timely care. A complex case management clinic will reduce the number of elective admissions required by this specific cohort without compromising their management.
Response: - ANP Complex Case Management (Appendix 1 RR 09; P. 88-91).
11. 11 5. Need: - Patients with arthritis report pain as the health status dimension where improvement is most desired.
Response: - ANP Led Pain Management Service (Appendix 1 RR 10, 11, 12; P. 90-122 )
6. Need: - To develop, lead and support professional and academic development for nurses working in rheumatology
Response: - ANP Leadership and Development of Post-Graduate Multidisciplinary Education in Rheumatology (Appendix 2; P. 140).
12. 12 7. Need: - To facilitate clinical and professional development of nurses working in the speciality of rheumatology
Response: Provision of both formal and informal clinical mentorship, leadership and education
13. 13 Service Need and Core Concepts Autonomy, expert practice, pioneering
professional and clinical leadership, and
research reflected within
Protcols for practice and
Policies for intervention for each identified service need
14. 14 Policy/Protocols for Clinical Activities Each specified clinical activity has a documented:
Policy statement on practice (clinical prctice)
Process of referral (flow chart)
Protocol for referral
Protocol for ANP intervention from assessment to discharge (for each clinical episode) including need to document all activities.
15. 15
16. 16
17. 17 Review of Job Descriptions With the ADoN
Staff Nurse
18. 18
19. 19 Site Preparation Lots of areas of site preparation documentation intermingled with describing job from identified service need
Service plans
Guidelines for practice
Service developments (Pt nos, new treatments, service commensurate with centre of excellence)
20. 20 Identified healthcare need
Laws rules regulation guidelines…
Vicarious liability
Collaborative guideline development
Determine patient benefits
Consistent with service philosophy
Project how change will meet service need
Role definition within nursing framework responsibility,accountability, levels of authority
Resource implications
21. 21
22. 22 Projected Patient/Service Benefits
23. 23 Person Specification
24. 24 Competencies Participated indefining work role
competencies of nurses and allied health
professionals in rheumatology in UK
25. 25 Other Core Concepts Pioneering professional and clinical leadershipRole development
Role expansion
Inservice education
Third level educationProfessional Organisations
MSc publications (2)
International poster presentations (2)
Invited to join international research group (Pt perceptions)
Scope of practice publication (joint injections) WIN
Rheumatoid Arthritis (WIN)
RCSI Role of CNS rheumatology
26. 26 My conceptual difficulties Didn’t appreciate that elements of job description could be worked towards
Unequal emphasis on core concepts of role ie clinical practice dominated discussions (akin to medical model)
Lack of directive on time allocation to role = maybe good or bad thing
Job title during process (CNS)= term nurse practitioner does not appear anywhere in professional documentation
? Title ANP exclusive to those accediated
27. 27 ANP 06 October 2003 Time management challenging
? How much clinical time 30%- 50%
Keen to lead development of other CNS and ANP posts in rheumatology
Huge paper work in process
28. Thank You