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Welcome to RDMS. Grade 5. New School Security System. We will begin using our new automatic security system August 18 th . Doors will lock between 8:30 – 9:00am.
Welcome to RDMS Grade 5
New School Security System • We will begin using our new automatic security system August 18th. • Doors will lock between 8:30 – 9:00am. • Visitors to the school will press a button at the front door where office staff will use a camera to verify the visitors identity and allow entry. • Visitors will sign-in upon entry, and a photo ID will be required.
Drop-Off and Pick–Up Procedures Drop Off Procedures Pick-Up Procedures Students can be picked up the same way you drop them off. If you pull into a parking spot your child should use the crosswalk to meet you. You will need to meet your child at the crosswalk before they will be allowed to cross the lane. • Car riders should be dropped off in the drop off lane in front of the school. • If you choose to park in a parking space, your child MUST be walked across the lane at the crosswalk. • Drop-offs should occur between the two posted signs.
Shuttle Bus Schedule Shuttle buses will be at Ida Burns and Woodrow Cummins to transport students to and from Ruth Doyle. Arrive before 7:25 . • Buses will transport kids by grade level. • Ida Burns girls – bus # 88 (5/6) • Ida Burns boys – bus #3 (5/6) • Ida Burns girls- bus #99 (6/7) Overflow 6th • Ida Burns boys – bus #104 (6/7) Overflow 6th • WCE girls – bus #79 (all) • WCE boys – bus #122 (all) • Transportation phone number : (501) 450-4892
General Information 5th Grade Bell Schedule Tardiness Students are tardy if they are not in class by 8:10. Students arriving late must be checked in by a parent. 8:00 – students dismissed from cafeteria 8:10 – tardy bell 8:10-8:55 1st Period 8:58-9:43 2nd Period 9:46-10:31 3rd Period 10:34-11:19 4th Period 11:22-11:52 Lunch 11:52-12:04 Outside Activity Time 12:07-12:52 5th Period 12:55-1:40 6th Period 1:43-2:26 7th Period 2:29-3:15 8th Period 3:15 Bus Dismissal 3:19 Car Rider , Walker/Biker Dismissal
General information cont’d Fast Friday Schedule 8:10-8:55 1st Period 8:58-9:38 2nd Period 9:41-10:21 3rd Period 10:24-11:04 4th Period 11:07-11:40 Lunch 11:43-12:235thPeriod 12:25-1:00 Club Time 1:03-1:43 6th Period 1:46-2:26 7th Period 2:29-3:15 8th Period School Supply list 3 – 1 ½ inch binders (literacy, math, social st.) 3 sets of 5 tab dividers notebook paper pencils and eraser
General Information • Call the office ( 501-450-6675) to let them know if your child will be out sick. • Please bring a doctors note to receive an excused absence. • Call the school if you want work will be gathered from the teachers on or after the 3rd consecutive day of absences.
Lockers • Students may purchase a locker for $5. Lockers are for storing supplies, backpacks, etc. • Students are not allowed to visit their lockers at their leisure. • Locker combinations should not be shared with friends.
Lunch • Fifth grade lunch begins at 11:22. • Parents may bring food and/or eat with their child. • Please do not bring things such as pizza to be shared with your child and friends. • Lunch cost : $2.30-students $3-adults • Students are allowed to buy items a-la-carte. Don’t forget EZSchoolPay.comis available to pay for lunches online. • No more than 3 lunch charges are allowed before a student will be offered and alternative lunch.
RDMS Respect for myself and others Determination to learn Maturity when I make decisions Service to my family, school, and community
Responsibility System • Students will receive a behavior write-up to inform you of a behavior infraction. • Students will also receive an academic write-up to inform you when homework or assignments have not been completed. • Students are rewarded for not having more than 4 write-ups combined for each nine weeks. • All write- ups must be signed and returned to the teacher.
Dress Code • Secondary dress code: • No spaghetti straps ; tanks should be about 2 inches in width. • No racerback tanks. • Shorts and skirts should be finger-tip in length. • No “see through” shirts or tops (unless a tank top is underneath). • Dresses or tops for leggings must be finger-tip in length. • Students in PE should have athletic shoes to wear. They can change into them for class.
Grading System Elementary Secondary Students receive letter grades A 90-100 B 89-80 C 79-70 D 69-60 F 59 or below • Students received • Meeting/Exceeding standards • Approaching Standards • Below Standards
Literacy • Students should read independently every night for at least 20 to 30 minutes. This is their nightly homework. • Literacy papers will be typed using Google docs. This will not be at the beginning of the year. • This year students will not do cold writing prompts, instead; they will be reading something and writing about what is read.
Math • Students should know all their multiplication and division facts through 12’s. • Math is not just about learning procedures to work problems. It’s learning how to solve problems using various methods. • Math Binders should be taken home daily to review material taught that day. • Allow you child to work as independently as possible. Guide them to the correct answer, do not tell it to them. • Students will have math quizzes almost weekly.
Science and Social Studies • Science- • Experiments and labs are required as part of their grade. • Social Studies- • Many projects with multiple stages • Students in the past have struggled with this subject. • Organization is important.
Wheel Wheel Classes 5 Rotations Every 7 weeks students will rotate to the next wheel class in the following order. P.E. I Art P.E. II Music Keyboading Ex. If Art is 1st then P.E.II, Music, Keyboarding, P.E. I • Art – Callaway • Music – Oeste • Keyboarding – Cegers-Coleman • PE – Holland • PE- Holloway
Additional Help for Students Lexia Reflex All students will have Reflex codes. Reflex is an online program designed to help students learn their multiplication and division facts. • All students will have Lexia login information. Lexia provides personalized learning on fundamental literacy skills. The computer lab is open from 7:30 – 8 am and 3:30-4pm. Students are welcome to stop by for help with assignments or use the computers for school work.
Parent- School Communication • Communicate with your child’s teacher about problems or concerns as soon as you notice them. Don’t wait until they become major issues. • Contact the counselor to set up conferences to meet with more than one teacher at a time. • Attend parent-teacher conferences to discuss your child’s progress in school. Our first one is Sept. 24th. This is different than what has taken place in the past.
Ways to Stay Informed • Keep informed via Facebook and Twitter. • Visit our website : http://rdi.conwayschools.org/ • ParentLink ParentLink is the communications system CPSD uses to accomplish rapid, mass communications. The system will use your primary phone number. It can be a home or cell number. • HAC –Home Access Center -HAC allows parents to keep track of their child’s grades and communicate with their child’s teacher. -Your child will bring home your HAC code shortly after school begins. • Newsletters are sent home monthly. • Many teachers use Remind101 and personal websites to keep you informed.
Important Dates • August 18th – First day of school • August 21st – Open House • September 23rd – Parent-teacher conferences
Important Contact Information RDMS Office- (501) 450-6675 Teachers Mrs. Dunlap – dunlapm@conwayschools.net Mr. Roark- roarkt@conwayschools.net Mrs. Morris – morrish@conwayschools.net Mrs. Willcutt – willcuttd@conwayschools.net TBD – teacher ? • Mrs. Avra – Principal • Mrs. Strickland- Asst. Principal • Mr. Franklin- Dean of Students • Mrs. Rogers- 5thGrade Counselor • Mr. Martin- 6th /7th Grade Counselor • Mrs. Tufu-Secretary • Mrs. Smith –Bookkeeper • Mrs. Kordsmeier– Nurse • Officer Glover – School Resource Officer (SRO)
Contact information cont’d 5thGrade Teacher Email Addresses Mrs. Shipp - shipps@conwayschools.net Mrs. Callaway -campbelj@conwayschools.net Mrs. Cegers-Coleman-ca@conwayschools.net Mrs. Oeste-oestepj@conwayschools.net Coach Holloway –hollowar@conwayschools.net Coach Holland –holland@conwayschools.net • Mrs. Boucher – boucherr@conwayschools.net • Mr. Campbell - campbelj@conwayschools.net • Mrs. Coker - cokers@conwayschools.net • Mrs. Hickey - hickeyc@conwayschools.net • Mrs. Keith - keithb@conwayschools.net • Mrs. Palmer - palmerp@conwayschools.net • Mrs. Paxton - paxtonp@conwayschools.net • Mrs. Rogers - rogersaj@conwayschools.net • Mrs. Seifert - seifertj@conwayschools.net
Other • Students will receive a new copy of their schedule on the first day of school. • New District Policy: Parents are not allowed to sit in their child’s classroom. • A 2014-2015 Registration forms will be sent home on the first day of school. Please fill them out even if you just registered. We need at least 2 contact numbers.