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动名词及词语辨析 北京四中 毕勤

动名词及词语辨析 北京四中 毕勤. 动名词具有名词和动词的特征: eg. Thank you for your help (n.) . Thank you for helping me. (v.) 一、形式:以 do 为例 一般式: doing 被动式: being done eg. I remember being taken to the Summer Palace when I was a child. 完成式: having done

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动名词及词语辨析 北京四中 毕勤

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  1. 动名词及词语辨析 北京四中 毕勤

  2. 动名词具有名词和动词的特征: eg. Thank you for your help (n.) . Thank you for helping me. (v.) 一、形式:以do为例 一般式:doing 被动式:being done eg. I remember being taken to the Summer Palace when I was a child.

  3. 完成式:having done eg. He was given a medal for having completed sixty years of teaching. 被动式:having been done 否定式:Not doing eg. Tom made his mother angry by not taking his medicine. 复合结构:物主代词/名词所有格+动名词 eg. Would you mind my smoking here? Tom’s coming late made his teacher angry. 但:在口语中作宾语时,可以用 例:I don’t mind him opening the window. They insist on Tom staying longer.

  4. 二、成份: 1、主语:谓语用单数 例:Reading aloud is very important in learning English. Seeing is believing. 2、表语: 例:His hobby is collecting stamps. Seeing is believing 3、定语: 例:He is in the reading room. This is a swimming pool. 动名词做定语多表示功能.

  5. 4、宾语:某些及物动词之后只能用动名词作宾语4、宾语:某些及物动词之后只能用动名词作宾语 finish, enjoy, mind, pactise , imagine, risk, keep, prevent, suggest, (stop), consider, allow, advise, permit, avoid, dislike, appreciate ,delay 短语中带介词to,后面接动名词 object to, stick to, lead to, look forward to, pay attention to, devote oneself to, refer to, help oneself to, be used to, get down to, be close to, prefer A to B 有些词组后接动名词 can’t stand, can’t help, put off, give up, insist on, set about, be busy , be worth

  6. 三、动名词与不定式作宾语的比较 动名词表示的动作在意义上比较一般和抽象,时间观念不强,不指某一次动作。 动词不定式则常表示某个具体动作。 eg. I like swimming. Would you like to swim today?(指今天这一回) I prefer going by bike to walking to the office.(指一般性动作) I would prefer to go by bike rather than walk to the office this morning.(指一次性动作)

  7. 有些动词既可接不定式也可按动名词作宾语: 1、在意义上没有太大区别,只有具体和抽象之别 eg. begin, start, continue, prefer, love, like, hate 但 He is beginning to do I prefer staying at home to going out. 2、意义不同 eg. remember, forget, regret( to say, tell, inform), stop, try, mean, go on to do/doing eg. Please remember to post the letter for me. I remember seeing you before.

  8. 四、例题解析 1. She says she doesn't feel like ____ out with you. A going B to go C for going D went 解析:该题正确答案为A。feel like = want, 此处like 为介词,后面要接名词或动名词作宾语。

  9. 2. The garden needs ____. A water B watering C to water D watered 解析:该题正确答案为B。need = want = require. 如果主语与宾语是被动关系,此三者后要接doing 或to be done这一结构作宾语。

  10. 练习与解析 1. —That would mean _____ a lot of labor. —Really? I don’t mean _____ any labor. A. wasting; to waste B. wasting; wasting C. to waste; wasting D. to waste; to waste 2. Laws have been passed to prevent rivers _____. A. to be polluted B. polluted C. from polluting D. from being polluted

  11. 3. Have you finished _____ the violin? A. practicing to play B. to practice playing C. practicing playing D. practicing to be playing 4. Tom has delayed _____ to his friend till today. A. writing B. to write C. to be written D. writes 5. I remember _____ him _____ the hair needed _____. A. to hear; say; to be cut B. hearing; say; cutting C. hearing; to say; to be cut D. to hear; say; cutting

  12. 6. His advice is worthy _____. A. considering B. of considering C. to consider D. of being considered 7. He had some difficulty _____ his car. A. to fix B. to be fixed C. fixing D. fixed 8. Please excuse my _____ in without _____. A. come; asking B. coming; asking C. to come; being asked D. coming; being asked

  13. 9. You can hardly imagine a child _____ so cruelly. A. to treat B. to be treated C. being treated D. treating 10. If you don’t believe the result of the experiment, _____ it in another way. A. to try doing B. try doing C. trying to do D. try do 11. Jack spent as much time as he _____ over lessons. A. could going B. went C. could go D. would going

  14. 12.It is no good _____ without understanding. A. recite B. to be recite C. recited D. reciting 13. Such books are not worthy _____ at all. A. to be read B. being read C. reading D. to read 14. He apologized for _____. A. his not being able to come B. his being not able to come C. his being able not to come D. not his being able to come

  15. 15. When he heard the big noise, Tom stopped _____ and _____ to the window to see what was happening. A. to read/went B. reading/to go C. reading/going D. reading/went 16. _____ the exam will disappoint your parents. A. You failing B. Your failing C. You fail D. You to fail

  16. 17. —Do you mind _____? —Go ahead. A. opening the window B. I open the window C. if I open the window D. whether I open the window 18.Saying always has less difficulty than _____. A. done B. doing C. to do D. having done

  17. 网上答题 19. _____ the same mistake again made his parents very angry. A. His being made B. He has made C. He had making D. His making 20 .The thief entered the room without _____. A. noticing B. being noticed C. having noticed D. having been noticed

  18. 动名词答案 1—5 ADCAB 6—10 DCDCB 11—15 ADAAD 16—20 BCB??

  19. 词语辨析 • mostly \ most • almost \ nearly • clothes \ clothing \ cloth \ dress • hit \ beat \ strike \ knock • close \ closely • unlike \ dislike • eg, Unlike traditional amusement parks, … • 7. be divided into \ be separated from • 8. in space \ in the sky

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