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Grieving the Holy Spirit: Understanding and Overcoming Sinful Behavior

Explore how sin produces grief in relationships with God and others. Understand the emotional impact of grieving the Holy Spirit and learn how to avoid it through obedience, confession, and walking in the Spirit.

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Grieving the Holy Spirit: Understanding and Overcoming Sinful Behavior

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  1. SHEEP IN THE WORD MINISTRIES Rev. Robert C. Lewis • Glendale Baptist Church • Houston, Texas quicknotes.org • 2007

  2. GRIEVING THE HOLY SPIRIT Ephesians 4:30

  3. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30).

  4. SIN PRODUCES GRIEF • sin produces grief in our relationships with others: feelings are hurt and sadness, emotional pain, and anger result

  5. • sin also produces grief in our relationship with God:He is saddened by the sinful things we say and do

  6. • the first half of this verse speaks about grieving the Holy Spirit;And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God…the second half about the sealing ministry of the Spiritby whom you were sealed for the day of redemption (Eph. 4:30).


  8. • the word "grieve" implies the Holy Spirit is a divine person who has feelings and can be hurt emotionally

  9. • the Holy Spirit has a mind (Rom 8:27), emotions (love, in Rom 15:30; grief, in Eph 4:30), and a will (1 Cor 12:11)

  10. • the Holy Spirit teaches (John 14:26),testifies (John 15:26; Rom 8:16),guides (Rom 8:14),

  11. convicts (John 16:7–8),restrains (Gen 6:3),commands (Acts 8:29),

  12. does miracles (Acts 8:39),calls men for special service (Acts 13:2),sends them forth into Christian service (Acts 13:4),and intercedes (Rom 8:26).

  13. The Holy Spirit can be obeyed (Acts 10:19–21a),lied to (Acts 5:3),and blasphemed (Matt 12:31).

  14. • these things can only be said of a person:they're all meaningless if the Holy Spirit is just a force or influence


  16. • the imperative mood of lupeo ‘grieve’ is a command;the plural number is addressed to all Christians;

  17. • the iterative present tense envisions a repeated grieving—with the negative, "Don't make a practice of grieving Me!"


  19. • the term "grieve the Holy Spirit" occurs only once in the New Testament

  20. • definition:to grieve the Spirit is to make Him sad, sorrowful, unhappy, to cause Him mental and emotional pain,to hurt Him deep down inside, to irritate and make Him mad

  21. • lupeo is common word for mental and physical pain:it may connote sadness, unhappiness, hurt feelings, emotional pain, irritation, and anger

  22. • it may connote sadness and grief:the disciples were very sad when Jesus told them he would soon die (Matt 17:22–23)

  23. • it may connote being hurt and a little irritated:Peter was grieved when Jesus asked him a third time "Do you love Me?" (John 21:17)

  24. • it may connote anger:the king and slaves were sad and angry when a forgiven slave refused to forgive another slave a small debt (Matt 18:31, 34)

  25. Herod the Tetrarch was angry (not sad, Matt 14:5) because he had been set up by his wife to kill John Baptist (Matt 14:9)

  26. • it may connote something irritating, annoying, and painful:of ill-fitting breastplates that chafe the wearer—making him mad (Xenophon, Mem. 3:10.15)

  27. • it's possible to be unhappy, sad, grieved, hurt, irritated, and angry all at the same time

  28. • the opposite of lupeo is euphraino, "to cheer, gladden"—the opposite of grieving the Spirit is making Him happy

  29. • obedience, resisting sin (beforehand), confessing sin (afterward), being filled, and walking in the Spirit makes Him happy


  31. • disobedience grieves Him:the Spirit would have been grieved had Paul spoken the word of God in Asia (Acts 16:6)

  32. • lying to Him:He was grieved when Ananias and Sapphira lied to Him (Acts 5:3)

  33. • ignoring Bible teaching:He is grieved when people ignore His teaching ministry (John 14:26; cf. 1 Tim 2:4)

  34. • rejecting divine guidance:He is grieved when Christians refuse to let Him lead and guide them (Rom 8:14)

  35. • He is grieved when unbelievers insult, blaspheme, or resist His convicting ministry (Matt 12:31; Heb 10:29; John 16:8–11)

  36. • both believers and unbelievers may grieve the Holy Spirit (cf. hithpael of bAxDo "was grieved" in Gen 6:6—punishment follows grief)

  37. • since disobedience, lying, and blasphemy are clearly sins, we may conclude that personal sins grieve the Holy Spirit


  39. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30).

  40. • the command not to grieve the Spirit occurs near the end of a list of sins that may be committed against one another

  41. • nine virtues are listed that make the Holy Spirit happy and eleven sins are listed that grieve Him (Eph 4:25–32)

  42. • these eleven sins are, for the most part, balanced with alternatives or opposites—things we should do for each other

  43. • the following eleven sins are prohibited and grieve Him:(1) lying to each other (4:25; cf. Prov 6:17; 12:22),

  44. (2) letting your anger cause you to sin (4:26),

  45. (3) giving the Devil an opportunity to cause you to sin (4:27; cf. 1 Cor 7:5),

  46. (4) stealing from one another (4:28),

  47. (5) speaking rotten words to each other (4:29),

  48. (6) expressing bitterness—makes you wince emotionally (pikria 4:31; cf. Acts 8:23; Heb 12:15),

  49. (7) wrath (4:31),

  50. (8) anger (4:31), and

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