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Offering hiking, rock climbing, cycling, flora/fauna observation, survival courses, and more in Las Loras Geopark. Welcoming tourists, schools, and companies.
Theaim of thiscompanyistoorganize and carryoutleisure and freetimeactivities in thearea of Las LorasGeopark. 1. THE COMPANY
Wefocuson 6 groups of customers: - Tourists - Primary and secondaryschools - Oldpeople´shomes - Neighbourhoodassociations - Sports Centres - Companies 2. CUSTOMERS
Short-term and long-termaims: Short-term: - Keepingthebusinessafloatthefirstyear; revenueshigherthan expenses. - Carryingoutalltheactivitiesplanned. Long-term: - Increasingtherange of activitiesbyincluding new onessuch as horse-ridingroutes and quads. - Expandingthecompanyto a provincial levelconsideringthepossibility of opening a new office in anothervillage in thearea. 3. STRATEGIC LINES
4. ACTIVITIES Thecompanyoffers a range of activities: Hikingroutes: a tour of Las Loras Geopark. Tour to Peña Amaya and Erasmus+ Project hike: YeguameaWaterfall and ManapitesSpring. Rock Climbing: climbingroute in thesouth-eastface of Peña Amaya.
Bicyclerides:twodifferentrouteswithdifferentlevels of difficulty. Local flora and fauna observation: birdwatching and otheranimals and plants.
Environmentalprotection: wasteremoval and plantation of trees. • Basic survivalcourse:howtobuildshelters, tomake a fire, to prepare trapsfor animal hunting . Orienteering.
5. COMMUNICATION Publicityactions: - Setting up a personalisedcommunicationwithourgroups of customers. - Creating a websitetogiveanaccount of alltheactivitiesheld, withanactivity calendar, suggestedroutes, pictures of therelevant places and thepasthikes as well as offers.
6. ORGANIZATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES STAFF AND TASKS: Theinitialstaffwillconsist of threeworkers, onewhowillrunthemanagementactivities, plus twoleisuremonitors. Management Thetechnical director isresponsibleforattracting new customers, ensuringtheimplementation of environmentalregulations and the safety of eachactivity.
Monitors - Theleisuremonitors´ taskistoinform, advise and accompanytheusersduringtheactivitiesthattheywillundertake. Besides, they are responsibleforkeepingthegear and equipment in goodconditions.
TRAINING Thestaffmembers of thecompanywillholdsome of thefollowingqualifications: a) UniversityDegree in Science of PhysicalActivity and Sport. b) Bachelor´sDegree in PhysicalActivities and SportsAnimation. c) Bachelor´sDegree in Tourism. Themonitorsmusthold a Rescue and FirstAid Diploma. Thecompanywillberesponsibleforthecontinuous training of itsmonitors.
7. FACILITIES Theseat of ourcompanyismade up of a 20 square metres office todealwiththecustomers plus a 10 square metres warehousetostorealltheequipment. Itislocated in theMainSquare of Villadiego, whichis a verybusyarea, especiallyonmarketdays (Mondays) or at theweekends.
8. MATERIAL RESOURCES Furniture and decoration: Desks, office chairs, cabinets and shelves. Computerfacilities: Computers and printer. Equipmentfortheactivities: - Climbinggear, bicycles, walkingsticks, backpacks, binoculars, shovels, … FirstAid kit
9. INVESTMENT PLANS - COST SCHEDULE Theestimation of themainmonthly expenses is: Variable costs: They are estimatedaround 15% of therevenues. Rent: Therentalcost of theheadquartersisaround €250. Supplies, services and other expenses: Expenses such as electricity, water, telephone as well as cleaning, stationery, etc. are around €150.
Commercial expenses: To disseminatethebusiness and drawcustomersattention, advertisingcosts: €90. Expenses forexternalservices Consultancy €60. Staffcosts: Thecompanywill be run byco-operativemembers whoseincomeswill be about €900 a month, dependingontheearningswemayobtain. Other expenses: Otherpossible expenses notincluded in theabovementionedexpenditureitems (insurancecosts, taxes, etc.). Theestimatedamountis €175.
- PROFITABILITY LINE Theprofitability line isthepointwhentherevenuesequalthe expenses. Fromthis line upwards, thebusinessstartstobeprofitable. Thislimit has beencalculated as follows: - Monthlyrevenues: theserevenues come fromthe sales. - Monthly expenses: they are originatedbytheconsumption (weestimatearound 15% of therevenues) and thesum of rentalcosts, supplies, services and others, such as commercial expenses, externalservices, staffcosts and others.
Thatisanannualturnover of €44,186. Consequently, theaveragemonthlyturnovertokeepthecompanyafloatis €3,682.
Project carried out by: IES Campos de Amaya students: • Daniel Fernández • Ana Gutiérrez • Oriol Rubio And the teacher: • Mónica Ortega ACADEMIC YEAR 2017-18