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Are You Smart Enough To Be A Ninth Grader????

Are You Smart Enough To Be A Ninth Grader????. Wanna make a bet?. Rules. The object of the game is to be the player with the most chips at the end of the game. Rules. You will be playing against your partner. You each make a wager based on your knowledge of a given topic.

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Are You Smart Enough To Be A Ninth Grader????

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  1. Are You Smart Enough To Be A Ninth Grader???? Wanna make a bet?

  2. Rules • The object of the game is to be the player with the most chips at the end of the game.

  3. Rules • You will be playing against your partner. • You each make a wager based on your knowledge of a given topic. • After bets are made, a problem will come up on the screen. You will have anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds to complete the problem. • Number your problems and work them out neatly on a separate sheet of paper. (You will be turning this in.) • Once the time is up, the correct answer will appear on the screen.

  4. Rules • After the answer is shown you will either collect or pay out. • Here are the scenarios: • You both get it correct: you keep your chips. • Only one person gets it correct: the incorrect opponent will reward the winner’s bet from his/her own stack. • You both get it wrong: the chips go to the bank of your corresponding color.

  5. Rules • Once the chips exchange is complete, persons sitting in the inner circle will move to the right one seat. • If you do not have a partner after the inner circle moves, pair up with another person without a partner. • If there is no one to pair up with, you will play against the teacher.

  6. Rules • Even this game has a twist. After every second question, the bank gets robbed. One student will be randomly selected by the teacher and will collect any chips that are in the bank.

  7. Rules • Bidding goes as follows: • For questions 1-5 you may bet 1 to 3 chips. • For questions 6-11 you may bet 2 to 5 chips. • If you do not have enough chips to make the minimum bet, you must bet ALL that you have.

  8. Rules • What happens if you run out of chips??? GAME OVER You will move to an empty table outside of the circle and start working on the review practice problems.

  9. Questions????

  10. Make your wager based on.. The Scientific Method You may wager 1-3 chips

  11. Question 1 • Name the independent variable in the following situation: • Students of different ages were given the same jigsaw puzzle to put together. They were timed to see how long it took to finish the puzzle.

  12. Answer to #1 • Ages of the students • Different ages were tested by the scientist

  13. Make your wager based on.. Volume Measurement You may wager 1-3 chips

  14. Question 2 • Graduated cylinders are marked in units of • A. Grams • B. Meters • C. Millimeters • D. Milliliters

  15. Answer to #2 D. Milliliters

  16. Make your wager based on.. Reasoning You may wager 1-3 chips

  17. Question 3 • Large amounts of petrified wood are found in northeast Arizona. Using inductive reasoning, four inferences are made. Which is the most reasonable. • A. All wood becomes petrified • B. No forests grew in other parts of Arizona • C. A forest once stood there. • D. Wood only becomes petrified in northeast Arizona.

  18. Answer to #3 • A forest once stood there. • Since the other statements are absolutes or near absolutes, they can be discarded almost immediately.

  19. Make your wager based on.. Data Analysis You may wager 1-3 chips

  20. Question 4 • Stacy made a volume measurement 8 times. Her data is below: 10.2 10.1 10.1 10.3 10.2 10.3 10.1 10.1 • What is the range of Stacy’s data set? A. 10.2 B. 10.1 C. 0.2 D. 10.17

  21. Answer to #4 C. 0.2 Range is found by subtracting least value from most value.

  22. Make your wager based on.. Experimental Design You may wager 1-3 chips

  23. Question 5 • A hypothesis is checked by • A. Research in journals • B. Drawing conclusions • C. Experimentation • D. Researching on the Internet

  24. Answer to #5 • Experimentation • The sources mentioned may give wonderful background information, but they are not acceptable ways of evaluating a hypothesis.

  25. Make your wager based on.. Identifying Variables You may wager 2-5 chips

  26. Question 6 • Identify the dependent variable in the following situation • An investigation was done with an electromagnetic system made from a battery and wire wrapped around a nail. Different sizes of nails were used. The number of paper clips the electromagnet could pick up was measured.

  27. Answer to #6 • Number of paper clips picked up • The dependent variable is generally the measured amount (the amount that changes). The number of paper clips is observed and counted (measured).

  28. Make your wager based on.. Interpreting Graphs You may wager 2-5 chips

  29. Question 7 • What can you say about the speed of all of the runners? • A. They ran at the same speed • B. They ran at a steady pace but at different speeds. • C. They sped up as they reached the finish line. • D. They slowed down as they reached the finish line.

  30. Answer to #7 B. They ran at a steady pace but at different speeds.

  31. Make your wager based on.. Identifying Variables You may wager 2-5 chips

  32. Question 8 • Identify at least 2 controlled variables in the following situation • The higher the temperature of water, the faster an egg will boil.

  33. Answer to #8 Controlled variables include – type of egg, type of pot, type of water, type of thermometer, and the way in which the thermometer is read.

  34. Make your wager based on.. Organizing Data You may wager 2-5 chips

  35. Question 9 • A family on a budget wants to see in which month they use the most electricity so they can budget for it. What graph would best show them their energy usage each month in the last year? • A. A double bar graph • B. A circle graph • C. A bar graph • D. A data point graph

  36. Answer to #9 • C. A bar graph • You are comparing quantities in different categories.

  37. Make your wager based on.. Metric Conversions You may wager 2-5 chips

  38. Question 10 • Convert 1.6 m into mm

  39. Answer to #10 ?mm = 1.6m x 1000mm = 1600 mm 1 1 m

  40. Make your wager based on.. Metric Conversions You may wager 2-5 chips

  41. Question 11 • Convert 87 dL into mL

  42. Answer to #11 8700 mL ?mL = 87 dL x ___1 L___ x 1000 mL 1 10 dL 1 L

  43. Game Over!!!

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