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Learn from the bond between Jonathan and David in the Bible, reflecting on loyalty, overcoming jealousy, and risking for friends. Explore how Jesus' sacrifice saves us from eternal death and be inspired to cultivate trustworthy friendships.

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  1. JONATHAN DELIVERS DAVID FROM DEATH MEMORY VERSE: “ The Lord do so and much more to Jonathan: but if it please my father to do thee evil, then I will shew it thee, and send thee away that thou mayest go in peace: and the Lord be with thee, as He hath been with my father.” [1 Samuel 20 : 13] TEXT: 1 Samuel 20 : 1 – 24

  2. INTRODUCTION • Jonathan and David were two friends, their friendship was very strong and they were loving and loyal to each other. • Their closeness could be used as a standard for measuring true friendship. • Jonathan was the eldest son of king Saul and the next king after his father. • David was the youngest son of his father who was a farmer.

  3. INTRODUCTION CONT’D • Jonathan and David became friends after he defeated Goliath, the champion of the Philistines. • King Saul became jealous because the women sang praises to David more than him after David killed Goliath. • Jealousy is a feeling of unhappiness when you see others moving forward or doing good. • Children have you ever been jealous, how do you feel when your friend is praised and you are not. • Are you happy when others get new clothes, shoes, toys and you are not, this can make you jealous • When you realize that you envy or jealous your friends, ask God to help you to stop being jealous and envious. • Jonathan was a good friend of David and was never jealous of him rather he tried to make peace between David and his father Saul. • Saul hated David and wanted to kill him. Children, hatred and jealousy are dangerous and sinful

  4. THE FRIENDSIP OF DAVID AND JONATHAN • Text : 1 Samuel 20 :1-10, 2Tim 3:12 David realized that Saul wanted to kill him, he asked Jonathan to talk his father about him and to make peace between him and his father the king. David trusted Jonathan that he will not hurt him. God allowed David to go through this trials to prepare him for the future. Children as fiends of Jesus, God allows us to go through trials to: {a} help us develop godly character such as peace, love, joy , peace, self control, longsuffering {b} strengthen us move ahead and not be discouraged {c} make us not to go astray {d} help us to depend on God and trust Him and {e} finally prepare us to inherit eternal life. At first Jonathan did not believe that his father wanted to kill David, but when he realized it, he risked his life to save David his friend. Children as friends of Jesus we must be willing to risk our lives for Him, serve Him with all our hearts, soul and spirit and bring the lost to the Savior

  5. JONATHAN SAVES DAVID FROM DEATH1 Samuel 20:1-24 Jonathan knew that the case between David and his father was very serious he made a secret plan with David to save him. Jonathan also believed that David would survive and become the king of Israel yet he was not jealous of him. Children, when God is using other children to do His work, pray and cooperate with them instead of being jealous . Jonathan was a trustworthy friend. QUALITIES OF A TRUSTWORTHY FRIEND: {a} a loyal heart {b} a loving heart

  6. JONATHAN SAVES DAVID FROM DEATH {c} steadfastness and faithfulness {d} faith in God Who is your friend? The bible says evil communication corrupts good manners {1 Cor 15:33} Make God’s children your bosom friends so that you can encourage one another and serve God together. David and Jonathan are examples of good friends.

  7. JESUS SAVES FROM ETERNAL DEATH. John 3:16, 15:13 Jonathan risked his life to save David his friend from the wrath of Saul. Jesus showed greater love by laying down His life to die in our place and redeem us from the punishment of sin. God is a loving father, He does not want any child to perish and suffer in hell fire. God made provision by sending His only begotten son to die for us and paid the price for our salvation from death. To enjoy this provision, we must: {a} realize that you are a sinner {b} repent and confess all your sins {c} ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus.

  8. JESUS SAVES FROM ETERNAL DEATH JESUS CHRIST is the best friend we can have. When in trouble, or any problem turn to Jesus for He will always be there for us . He will never leave nor forsake us even when our loved ones leave us, as a loving friend Jesus will be with us Invite Jesus to your life as savior and friend. This step bring you to a loving Christ and have assurance of escaping from death and to live with Him in heaven forever

  9. Questions {1} Jonathan was the son of a king while David was the son of a _______________________ {2} What made Saul to be jealous of David______________________ {3} Why did God allow David to go through this trial_____________________ {4} Jonathan had some special qualities, mention three of them_____________, _____________________and__________________ {5} What did Jesus do for His friends __________________ {6} How can a sinful child become a friend of Jesus _________________________________

  10. LESSON: Jesus Christ has paid the price to save us from eternal death. THOUGHT: I surrender my life to Jesus so as to be saved from eternal death

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